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  • Name


  • Location
    King of Prussia, United States


  • City
    King of Prussia


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    96 Royal Star
  1. I don't even consider using 4th until 75. He should be fine. You cab cruise for many hours in 4th at 80 in 100 degree weather without issue. I rarely use 5th.
  2. Thought they were off a 2000 v max. Can't remember the part number. Also I believe it is the same for a newer venture.
  3. I ususally wear mesh clothing. For the heat (and I am succeptible to dehydration) I have a camel back that Imodified to hang in front of me. Fill hald with ICE, rest with water... and I have an airconditioner for MANY miles. Get warm...take a sip, cool water and feeling comes back. Twobirds, one stone.
  4. Loved the LTD line... had a kz 750 LTD ... was a BLAST to ride. Wuld ride from Tuscon to San Diego one a month or so. Fun bike. Pretty fast too.
  5. Small world. I am in the philly area (king of Prussia) and am a supporter of our 2nd ammendment rights. I would like to know which area this Yammie dealer is located. There are some good ones outside the city. (montgomeryville cycle and cycle max) There are also some decent independants out there.
  6. The FM modulator works well enough I was pissed at the cord for the music...bought hte FM as a temporary stop gap, before scuttling the Q2... used it all of last year, and for the few months that I have ridden this year. I still might get the G4, and relegate this to a passenger...or sell used t oa buddy for small price when we ride together... so far, have not fel the need to do so. the FM modulator works well enough for my purposes.
  7. I dont think you can do the nav. On my iPHONE, I can only pair the PHONE.. .and HAD to use the cable for music, etc. I alleviated this by adding a charger thathad a FM modulator built in. Turn on PHONE, turn on headset, turn on radio station... go. On my phone, I can listen to turn by turn directions, while listening to the music on my phone... when a call comes in... cuts over to the phone , hand up and resumes playing. I do have to re-start the GPS (Mapquest app issue) but not that big a deal. If I were to do it again... i would have gotten the G4 for the full bluetooth integration of the music.... hated using the cord... and the FM work MOST of the time (power lines and some station bleeding in certain areas... not a HUGE deal)
  8. monoprice.com has some of the best pricing out there - especially their wall mounts. when looking at the HDMI cables.. .there was on that was shielded for in the wall installations... I have had problems with that one due to the weight and it backing out of the connection...not a huge deal (zip tie it to the mounting bracket fixed the issue). They have GREAT stuff...check them out. Do you already have system? Onkyo has some decent products at a decent price. I would stay away from an "all in one" solution (amp, receiver, dvd ,etc) like the plague.
  9. you certain about that... might make it even MORE fun
  10. weighing things....
  11. I BELIEVE it is doing this as a result of an over filled oil. been monitoring it over the past few rides (making sure there is oil) and have seen a diminishing amount on the side of the bike. This past ride, rode it like I stole it...for about 100 miles or so... NO oil on the side of the bike. Oils is SLIGHTLY above 1/2 in the sight glass. Going to keep an eye on it for the next few rides...but I think I may have slightly over-reacted. Thanks ALL
  12. What is the purpose of the "hole" on the underside of the waterpump housing? If looking at the housing "oval" towards the rear of the bike...looking from the pipes up towards the water pump... There looks to be a weep hole of some kind... What is the purpose of this? I find oil around the area, and can not make a determination as to the source. Oil seems to be right around on the chrome cover that attaches to motor. Could also be cingular from somewhere else and getting blown here... But near as I can tel that is as close to source as possible.
  13. how about taking a picture with a cell phone
  14. Thanks. I beliee the area is the Water pump... not sure how it is leaking from that area...just that is the most forward area with oil smear...and as high up as I could find. One possibility is that the mechanic who replaced the clutches (Barons) over filled with oil... used all 4 quarts, and this is the aftermath. I am going to clean the area (again) and remove some oil from the case (it is just a tick over 1/2 to 3/4 up the sight glass... and run it for a while... stopping every few miles or so to see if there is seepage. I have put over 300 miles since the clutches were replaced... if I have to pull the tank (no IDEA of how to do that! Would like to see it done mefore doing it!) and check the air filters for signs of oil overflow... that will have to wait till NEXT weekend, as I have my daughter this weekend and am pretty booked solid. I HOPE this is due to a slightly overfilled case....but am not sure where the drain hoses would come out to see if this is the case?
  15. I just put the Barnett in my 96 Royal... it Sure does look pretty behind the cover... and it works quite well. It is a little stiffer (at first) and I assume that Ijust got used to it... or it broke in a bit...put about 500 miles on it. It really hooks up well. Where I had a feeling of slippage in higher gears when on the highway and applying the throttle... I do not have that feeling any more. I initially had issues with the low speed feathering of the clutch (when first installed) and it was difficult...it is much easier now.
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