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Everything posted by OddStar

  1. SWEET! Especially like the sound at hwy speed. Nice job So...you goin' into production:whistling:
  2. ditto to that kbay...I put my HJC half helmets in towards the rear of the hard bags, open end facing the tire, and use the bags they came with to prevent scratching.
  3. Hey Chris, wanted to welcome you to the circus. You might want to go to your CP and edit your avatar to put in the model & year of your bike. That way peep's know where you're coming from when you're looking for , or posting your mod's. Have enjoyed your last two mod's and really like the pictoral coverage. I'm running Bub's on my 2000 RSTD (were on when I bought), and like you enjoy how they 'crack' when you get on it, but have always liked the look of fishtails. Look forward to you posting a sound clip. If I bought the fishtails how much would you charge to do your mod? I've also been running Pro-one 4.5" risers and this year added the tach, which complements my speedo nicely. Not as retro as yours, but does the job. Enjoy and hope to meet ya .
  4. Prayers and condolences to his family. We need a National law that makes it a Felony when idiots cause these accidents. I've lost a couple of Brother's this way, and the cager walks with a slap-on-the-wrist and small fine.
  5. That upper corner of your map is sure getting filled in quick. Ya might as well add some Provinces' while you're at it...aye mate??? Glad the weather is cooperating - supposed to be in the 90's back here by this Friday.
  6. Jim, are you bidding on the one from hattrick400? From what I see in my Yamaha catelog the part # for an '03 Venture is - STR-4xy35-40-00. I'm pretty sure the STR-4NK35-40-01 fits my old 2000 RSTD. Now that the BlackHawks game is over, I'm going to the garage with my new torch and see if I can straighten the one the deer bent. If not I'll probably bid on the hattrick one. Will that get you off the hook?
  7. "Don't have any dirt bike days to recall" Yeah, I think every rider should spend some time in the dirt - making my 16yo learn there first before ever hitting the streets.
  8. Was that you at $49.99? I'd email the seller and admit the mistake - most good ones will let you out. If not, I may be interested....
  9. Reminds me of a beautiful Sunday morning @ 6:30AM back in '79, riding my '69 BSA Rocket III to work at Republic Steel in the 'flats' of Cleveland. Was exiting off the shoreway down the 25th st. ramp that was a tight right, doing about 30MPH. Suddenly, the rear of the bike was passing me on the left and I went right into my dirt biken' instincts - layed her down real gently and sat there watching her skid another 20ft. " damn what just happened", I looked around and both lanes were oil soaked about 10ft long, and there on the birm was a 5ga bucket of goop! Cussin' the mofo who dumped it, realized I was still sitting in the middle of a blind curve!! Got off my ass quick, and got the bike up just as a car stopped. Gave her a couple of kicks and got to work. After my shift, looked her over good - only a cracked headlight and bent right footpeg, which I bent back into shape and replaced the rubber. Glad you didn't have to lay yours down .
  10. Hey Randy, So glad you you're safe and sound. I too like riding at night but the way the deer seem to be moving this spring, think I'll stick to day light or busy roads for the next few weeks. And when I rebuild my front lights, will definetly be upping the wattage!!!!!! Here's to keeping the rubber side down
  11. ...and while you're enjoying the open road, I'll be wrenching . Have a Safe trip, and no deer hunting like me. We'll have to catch up later in the summer up on Hwy B??
  12. Thx guys, I'll definetly try the 'paintless' dent repair with the wands. Was watching the local Green Bay news that Sat. night, and a couple were killed on I-43 at 2AM that day, she was knocked off bike and hit by car. I Must have passed at least a dozen carcassas on Monday between GB and Milwaukee. Time to have open season year round on these critters - breedin' faster than rabbits!! Think what saved me was; deer stayed low, and I didn't try to swerve or panick brake - just resigned to take the impact.
  13. Thx all, am glad to be alive. My body guy says he can straighten the fender but he's not sure about the tank. Thinking of calling one of those 'paintless' dent places, since the paint isn't cracked. anybody tried that process? Also looking at the Kuryakyn Constellation light bar kit to replace the tractor lights. Tech gut said the RoadStar mounting bracket will work.
  14. Last Friday (5/28) I rode up to Door Cty, WI for family's annual Memorial Day cookout for my wife's B-Day. Just so happend that Curt (fjr rider) and the Venturer's were camping up there in Bailey's Harbor, so I stopped by to say hi. Around 6:30PM the wife called for me to get home for dinner, so bid the group bye and took off. Was running Rte. 57 across peninsula to Sister Bay and decided to avoid traffic, so jumped on Old Stage road. Had just hit 4th gear @ 60MPH when..WHAM, a couple hundred lb. doe hits me from the left. Held the bars straight, listening to the sound of Crunching metal, then the deer fell away and I brought Matilda to a stop. Got my wits about me and walked back about 1/4 mi. to where the first pieces were on the road. Found the doe about 700 ft. from the point of impact, Very dead and too heavy for me to put on the back saddle (damn, wanted to cook that sucker). Back at the bike, loaded the parts in saddle bag and rode 3mi. to the house (don't they say most accidents happen Saturday morning uncovered her and got the tools out. Pried the front fender tip off the tire, cut turn signal wires, and bent left wind-wing support out a bit. A couple of low speed test runs on our road, all seemed fine so headed to Fish Creek to find the group. Stopped at a winery and was showing the damage, when Steve said, "what about your tank?". The head or front hooves had put a softball sized dent at the tank badges. No wonder my right calf was still hurting!! I'm just amazed how well built these bikes are - no fork problems even after wrapping a deer around them. So...anybody got a good used tank .
  15. I've been getting close to 20K mi. out of the D404's. Right now running a Metzler 880 www up front, and like the quick turn-in and seems to handle the rain just as well as the Dunlop.
  16. Hey Steve, try this one...current bid only $10!! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/YAMAHA-ROYAL-STAR-LEATHER-TANK-BRA-STUDDED-POCKET-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem414fb75387QQitemZ280510288775QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories
  17. Of course there's always the Orinoco river in South America...Flows both ways:think:
  18. John Steward Vs. BP - pretty funny video... http://act.boldprogressives.org/go/petition_drilling_BP/990?akid=1203.252879.c5fu8f&t=3
  19. Sounds great...let us know how they do at speed.
  20. ...and to add to gary's post, you might want to change to a Dyna TCI. You can up the advance and the rev limit. It 's a plug-and-play upgrade that really unleashes the engines potential.
  21. :thumbsup2: That's one mean lookin' 1st gen. Gonna go out and eat some crotch rockets?
  22. Should be 71 in. lbs. - tighten in crisscross pattern.
  23. Seeing red I just ass-umed , but it still held tight. thx for straightening me out. Better get me a better set of ez outs.
  24. The speed bleeders come with the red stuff already on them. Maybe somebody should tell them...
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