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Everything posted by dvuch1

  1. well this is difficult. the crossover pipe into the base of the thermostat housing is not just any o ring by design. It is flat on the side that goes into the t-housing and beveled where the crossover pipe inserts into it. AND there is no diagram that shows it!!! In the service manual there is a pic where it goes but on parts diagram there is no pic...the yamaha dealer looked back at the 83-85 VRs and thinks its #25 on the water pump diagram but I ordered it and waiting now..I doubt its the correct one by the picture....I did get the thermostat seal and oring for the housing. Hey I bought a thermostat at Oreillys but no hole in the rim is this a problem?
  2. Dont see a o-ring listed on the crossover pipe going into the base of the thermostat housing...is there a listing for this somewhere. I've rebuilt water pump. The draincock. Now going after the T-housing and crossover. Do I need to remove exhaust pipe and do a gasket there as well? Thanks Dave
  3. That was an interesting tidbit. Air gun back then I would haven't thought that possible. Lewis and Clark were amazing explorers. Read Dayton Duncan's book "OUT WEST" a lighter side of their adventures as seen through a VW microbus driven by an out of work English professor. He follows their path and tells us what one would see now. Awesome collararies and hilarious.
  4. I love that sound...nice job. Dave
  5. Got back Thursday. Stayed in Spearfish. Beautiful ride all around. Sturgis is a bit crazed but a great experience.
  6. Can I use these on my 86 venture 1300 WITHOUT alteration? In otherwords, I just take the old housing off and old filter and just screw this new filter in it's place with No modifications to my current frame or plactics? Thanks Dave
  7. Just rebuilt my clutch master $20 kit ( took it to a local brake and clutch shop for $30 for rebuild-hey I spent 25 bucks on 4 different snap ring pliers before I threw in the towel:lightbulb: there)) and purchased new slave $85 ( Not that much fun to put in but a lot of wigglling and swearing )and stainless steel lines (RICS)....also purchased Harbor freight vacuum apparatus $25( on the 4th day). Filled master with DOT 3 . PUT SUCTION TO opened slave used a cable tie to depress clutch handle ....kept an eye on master fluid level while squeezing and applying more suction adding fluid to master as need be....no more air in Harbor Freight suction line then removed suction ...closed bleeder....topped master off....cut cable tie off clutch handle...replaced top of cylinder and voila.....new strong hydraulics!!!! Of course it was a 15 minute job After 4 days of struggle and toil....I hadnt been keeping the clutch handle depressed other than pumping it with suction applied...things "opened up:lightbulb:" with the cable tie around the clutch handle and the suction could draw the fluid through the line. OMG DUH!!!! Damn shade tree mechanics think they know it all. Honestly I read a lot of posts here and couldn't have done it with out VR support...Thanks
  8. Ok guys any tricks here? I'm in the middle of getting it out but what a ##$$%%! How the heck am I going to get the new one in???
  9. I just receive my SS brake /clutch lines and clutch slave cylinder from Ric at Buckeye Performance, I'd like to do the install myself. Do I need to remove the fairings in order to thread the brake/clutch lines or can I tie a string to the old ones and pull them through and tie the new ones on the string and thread them that way? Also, I ordered the slave and it looks reasonable enough but this stress fracture story has me a bit bummed. What would be a reasonable cost to have these installed at a shop? Thanks Dave
  10. My clutch has always had a bit of a noise that when the handle is pulled in (dis-engaged) it goes away...I've heard it on other ventures as well.
  11. I need to purchase a front brake switch for an 86-93 VR (with cruise)...any sellers? Thanks Dave
  12. theres a set of 4 rebuilt carbs for 125 on either this or the other venture forum..check it out before you do your own or have them done
  13. I bought 4 slides and diaphrams on ebay for 250 ( OEM) incl shipping. You can order 2 for abou half that then just stick your needle assembly in......you can also just buy the diaphrams alone for about 75 for 4 and fit them on nicely (if your slides are fine.)
  14. I have had a small oil leak around the left side middle gear/kick stand area......leaks a few minutes after a ride.....After a decent looksie..i believe it is coming from what appears to be a drain hole in the rubber cover surrounding the driveshaft /middle gear area. On a parts schematic I see part #18 Oil seal type S part # 93101-35085-00 . http://www.boats.net/parts/search/Yamaha/Motorcycle/1986/XVZ1300DS%20-%20VENTURE%20ROYALE/MIDDLE%20DRIVE%20GEAR/parts.html I dont see the rubber cover on this schematic but has anyone had this seal give out and leak out of the rubber cover? 1986 Venture 1300 Thanks Dave
  15. I have a similar leak and had recently run a diagnostic multimeter on my stator and R/R . That was all fine but I may have pulled too hard on the wiring...is the stator grommet easiily accessible...i tried to look at the engines on Ebay to get a good look but could not get close enough....also...is the stator bathed in oil? Thanks Dave
  16. Just bought a simple tender at Harbor Freight for 3.50. Auto shut off. Got 2..one fort he boat too. Check online or your local Harbor Freight.
  17. Just bought a set of four diaphrams and slides on ebay for 250. Found out you can get the diaphrams for 15 bucks and put them on the slides. Dang.
  18. 83-93 are considered 1st generation VR. The brakes calipers are found easily on Ebay. A rear set sold yesterday for 17 bucks incl shipping from Hessdeals. the front PAIR went for the same price. Also a Pin wall cycle salvages alot of ventures on ebay.Good luck!
  19. I was riding my 86 VR around Lincoln yesterday.It's 2 tone brown and in very nice shape. Just got it iin Ottoumwa IA 3 weeks ago with 33.5k on it. Rode it back in the cold and wind 275 miles. Yesterday was much nicer! Hope to see you around . We are hoping to sneak up to Heron Bay Bar next Tuesday for some burgers. Maybe cya there, Dave
  20. I just purchased an 86 VR and needed to bleed the brakes as they were spongy. First I checked the pads and they were all fine-so no issue there. I never have bled brakes on a bike and thought it would be difficult to reach every pedal/handle and bleeder screw but it was all within reach and I didn't need any help. I attached a 1/4 inch rubber tube to the bleeder screws and placed the end into a fairly clear gallon milk jug so I could see that it was draining.Start with the Right front rotor/caliper screw which is the target of the Right hand lever control. Remove the master cylinder lid to of the see the level of DOT 3 fluid. Following that, one needs to go to the left front caliper bleeder screw. This is the target of the rear master cylinder (under the right hand fairing)and right foot brake pedal (as well as the rear caliper) . When you go after the last bleeder screw on the rear caliper there are two bolts--you need to remove the rear bolt of the caliper and loosen the front caliper bolt.Raise the rear of the caliper 1.2 inches (by the book and you dont let the pads slip out) so that it is ABOVE the level of the rear master cylinder so the air (if any) can escape..this is important-I blew it off at first but found air on my 2nd time through and it made alot of difference. I'm sure the Mity Vac is a cool tool but how often do you bleed brakes and it takes an hour at most. Hope this helps !
  21. That bike is just plain sweet---your time and effort were well spent!! Just wish I had half the talent you have...thanks for sharing. Dave
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