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About AmeriCuban

  • Birthday 10/06/1940

Personal Information

  • Name
    Ramon Machado


  • Location
    Ridgeland, MS, United States


  • City
    Ridgeland, MS


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Computers, and Ride, Ride, Ride
  • Bike Year and Model
    2007 RSMV
  1. AmeriCuban


    My recent trip to the Blue Ridge Parkway
  2. Thanks for the link
  3. I joined the group about 2-3 weeks ago and have been reading useful stuff about the bikes just about every day. I have already done a couple of modifications to my bike thanks to what I have learned here. Thanks to all of you that contribute so generously to help those who know less, like me. There is one small detail that remains a mistery to me: A lot of members have maps of the USA and/or Canada as part of their signature or their profile, and these maps have some states that are colored and some that are not. I imagine the colored states probably correspond to the states that they have visited while riding the bike. My question is: Where do you find those maps and how do you add specific states and then publish them as part of your signature or profile? Thanks,
  4. Thanks, MiCarl. At least you give me some hope. I guess I should start by looking into replacing the cables and see what that does. If I am lucky that may be all it needs, since the RPMs do go back to the normal 1000 or so when I manually close the throttle. If that indicates that most likely there is no vacuum leak then I may be lucky. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
  5. Hi, I am new here and this is my first post. I have a 1990 venture royale that just turned over 40,000 miles. It was working very well until recently, but now it is revving too high and, in addition, I have to manually turn the throttle back to slow the RPMs down (i.e.: it does not go back if I just release it). I have been told that I have two problems: 1) I need a new throttle cable, and 2) I have some kind of vacuum leak. Then they tell me that since it is a very old bike, they can not give me an estimate of what it will take to fix it because once they start probing all the little connectors near the carb they may fall apart and it may take an undeterminable amount of time (labor) plus time (elapsed) while looking for whatever parts may be needed. I realize that it is true that without a magic ball it may be impossible to come up with an accurate estimate, but I would like to have an idea of some likely range, specially the upper bound. Any ideas on realistic cost in terms of 1) availability and cost of parts that are likely to be needed and 2) number of labor hours involved? I thank you in advance for any light you may shed on the subject
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