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Everything posted by KICKSHOT

  1. I use Drag Specalties popsicle pegs. Works good for me. Sorry no pics. They give me three different foot positions than stock. Kickshot
  2. First of all not sure what year model you have but the restraint system most likely has a longer warranty than the base 3-36. It could be as long as 6-60 or even 8-80. So call your dealer and ask. Next if that fails you can look right where the seat belt enters the top of the seat and there should be a button in the center of the belt to keep it from retracting to far when the seat is folded down. That may be trapped under the cover that the seat belt goes thru. A good tug may pull it back thru. If it is missing that is why the seat got trapped. Next you can go in thru the rear hatch and undo the bottom of the seat back cover and see if you can reach up under it and release the belt. The cover has a simple platstic lock that kind of curls over each other and can be released. You may be able to roll the seat cover over itself and expose the retractor. If you can expose it you can unbolt it and get it to release. I hope you still have restraint coverage that would be the best. If you need any more help let me know and I can possibly send you some info via email. kickshot
  3. Not sure about the cost but worth every penny to me. kickshot
  4. Its human nature "got to have the best product at the cheapest price" and that and that alone will keep them on top! kickshot I am a simple man but I got eyes.
  5. My brothers coffin was pulled by a motorcycle. Quite a stir it was in our little home town. At least the people had some thing new to talk about for a while. Of course the club he rode with may have helped the people take notice. I say go for it. kickshot
  6. I hit a deer doing seventy mph on a dark highway. There was more than one thing I was doing wrong. Going too fast for conditions. Taking my eyes off the road for too long. I was lucky to come out on the other side still alive but I did do a few things right. I had made sure my family will be taken care of and I am at peace with my life. So I was not scared when I hit the deer. But I was thinking it was my last day on earth. kickshot
  7. I quess it depends on how you define cowboy. But I do relate to that when I ride. Load up my favorite mount, strap on my favorite shooting iron, and head out for where the wind takes me. Free to roam and partake in what I see fit. No boss, no rules, just road. Heck we even ride our motorcycles like the cowboys did. Feet forward, upright in the saddle and arms extended to the bars/reins. kickshot
  8. I found the Quixx in the automotive section at walmart with the auto wax and stuff like that. It is a small box and you need to be looking hard to find it. It did a good job on my windshield. I was about ready to buy a new one but not now. They also had a clear coat scratch remover, if it works as well as the other well then I can see some saddlebag lids getting touched up. kickshot
  9. Van Halen, O Yes people after my own heart! Nice pics! kickshot
  10. Any of you RSTD riders use a sun cover on your bikes? I am looking at the Nelson Rigg uv cover. You know the half cover style designed to keep sun off. Any other covers out there like that? If so what kind and size do you use? Thanks in advance. kickshot
  11. Not sure if this will help anybody. http://cgi.ebay.com/New-Yamaha-CB-Head-Set-for-most-XVZ12-and-XVZ13-NR_W0QQitemZ160073834513QQihZ006QQcategoryZ35580QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Since I ride an RSTD.
  12. It had been about twenty years since I had been on a bike when I bought my RSTD. I had always rode cruisers and had rode solo also. Never any long rides or any thing like that. When I went looking again I had the wife to think about so I wanted comfort for her but still wanted the cruiser style. I never really thought about a touring bike. Well after two years of riding my RSTD I love the bike. But........ now I too think that a Venture would be better suited to us. Well I guess I can always add the other stuff. I need a reason to paint my bike bright orange with yellow flames any way. kickshot
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