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Everything posted by KICKSHOT

  1. Yamaha bar here. kickshot
  2. HMMM a left I'm lost and a right I'm still lost but don't have to go as far to get there! Right it is! Maybe they'll have ice cream! kickshot
  3. And you thought there was no such thing as too much ice cream! kickshot
  4. A name has to be earned.
  5. My 05 RSTD does not have tank badges because I hit a deer and the tank was changed. The shop gave me the badges but I guess they were afraid they would get them on wrong. kickshot
  6. To answer your question and not get too far off track. Smith and Wesson Sigma 9mm or 40 cal. Inexpensive, reliable and will fit your hand. But what ever you get, practice your point and shoot. Also get a good flash light to keep with it. I prefer my Sigma or my 1911 45 but I have many to choose from. kickshot
  7. I have no rear reflector on my RSTD and have passed many inspections here in Texas. I replaced my reflector with a LED running light many years ago. kickshot
  8. Rode it to and from work. Dang near got me a ticket letting it unwind up the access road. Oh well. Tomorrow I will be able to say the same. kickshot
  9. Second that Willow City Loop ride. If the Bluebonnets make they will be out in force on the loop. And on the way too and from also. Rode it many times. Kickshot
  10. Big truck stops/centers are a good place to look for add on lights. kickshot
  11. Lower compression in a cylinder can be caused by a lot of things. Fuel not being burned and washing down a cylinder can lead to lower compression readings. Did you do a wet test also (add a little oil to the cylinder and see if the reading comes up to par with the rest)? I have a 2005 RSTD and pulled the rear head because of a blown head gasket. Really not to bad. Timing was my main concern. But I got around that pretty easily also. Getting a good diagnosis is the best thing you can do so you don't do work that is not needed. kickshot
  12. Each of us has a vision of the world that belongs to him alone, and when he dies that world dies with him. Others may share in some parts of it, but none will see it exactly as he does, nor will all experience it in the same way. For they are living with their own vision of reality. Each man's vision of reality is based upon his life experience, the influences of people, places, books, dreams, work, all the various aspects of his existence that go to make up him or her. I just had to do that. I have had these two paragraphs in front of me for about 26 years now. It is some thing I think about often. What is my reality? But I'm sure glad for all who have shared in it and for all the influences, good or bad. For now it's a pc, a cold Shiner Oktoberfest and the wait for warmer weather! kickshot
  13. Sorry about your bike. Note to self turn off gas before stopping in event of gas smell. I'm sure there's not much else you could have done but stop and get the heck off. Bikes can be repaired or replaced, people not so easily! kickshot
  14. I know what you are saying is the truth! My loss of focus came a few years back riding to work one morning. Same road, same trip every morning. But as I came up to an old BBQ joint/bar that had been closed down for a long time all the lights were on. I was looking to the right to see what all the lights were about and when I turned back to the road there was a deer crossing and he was three feet in front of me at 70 mph. Well I hit him and I'm still here to tell the story. One leg re-inforced with plates and screws but still here. Moral of the story stay focused! It only takes a second! kickshot
  15. I am with the Goose on this one. He is right. kickshot
  16. Hey ups drops/throws all my packages over the gate and onto my porch. I don't blame them either because my red heeler is not gonna let them in the yard. That could also be the reason I've never had a package stolen. Of course when she was younger she would tear the package to shreads. Thank goodness she out grew that. Any way it seems to me the loss is on him. kickshot
  17. Well since we have opened it again. I used to have that happen to me more than I wanted. I put on stebil horns but you have to hit those while you are being ran off the road and some times the evasive maneuvers take precedent over horn pushing. I put loud pipes on my bike one day just to try them out and I have never been pushed out of a lane or off the road since. So the loud pipes have stayed even if there are times I would have liked my factory pipes back. kickshot
  18. I think they all may be dead. Did you see the way every one was driving. kickshot
  19. Nice bike! I was looking at the 2013 Road Glide before I opted for the used Electra Glide. The 103 ci engines are really nice. Wish I had one in mine. Enjoy! kickshot
  20. My 05 RSTD never got good gas mileage. I am not one for checking it often. 33-35 was all I ever noticed from it. I have noticed from reading on here that mileage reports are all over the place. Many things effect it also. Like making sure that you fill your tank to the exact same spot every time. Very hard to do and when you are talking about a five gallon volume well there's plenty of room for error. kickshot
  21. I just wrap a slice of bacon around a hot dog and grill it like normal. Also use jalepeno and cheese sauage with bacon wrapped around it. kickshot
  22. Ok! I have a new bike. I still have my 05 RSTD and I love it, but I now own a 2006 Electra Glide Ultra Classic. I just had to buy it. It has 3374 miles on it and is all but new! It is a Shriners model and is a sweet ride as far as Harleys go! It has lights out the wazoo and a good stereo. I am planning on riding it for awhile and giving it a chance. Then I will decide if I need two bikes or just one. kickshot
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