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Everything posted by KICKSHOT

  1. Harleys are vey unforgiving when it comes to the side stand and starting in gear. A lesson you may never forget. kicshot
  2. Ron's a braver man than me! I'm not going any where with any body that approaches me at a rest area. Secondly I put my trust in two friends when I am on the road and you don't want to meet either of them. kickshot
  3. Get well soon Rick. kickshot
  4. Good read! It's always fun to talk to some who knows so little about the vehicle they are riding or driving. kickshot
  5. If you have a pocket knife clipped to your pocket then you have a weapon in the eyes of an LEO. There were more than two clubs there. I hope we get the real story one day but I don't count on it. The whole thing is a sad deal. And I would sure as heck stay away from the ROT rally. Prayers sent for those involved. kickshot
  6. The storm that wiped out Jarrell Texas in 1997 blew right past my mobile home in Belton Texas. It came from north to south following right down the interstate. It scared the hell out of a lot of us here. There were twisters touching down all up and down this highway. One right across the lake from me. But after we heard what happened to Jarrell we all said a little prayer. I have to agree with the people who said "Mother nature takes what she wants when she wants!" From Wikipedia: The 1997 Central Texas tornado outbreak was an unusual tornado outbreak in Central Texas which occurred on May 27, 1997. The F5 tornado that struck the town of Jarrell, Texas killed 27 people out of 1319 residents.[1] The tornado was 3/4 of a mile (1.2 km) wide and tracked across the ground for 7.6 miles (12.2 km).[2] Double Creek Estates, a subdivision of Jarrell, was literally wiped off the face of the earth with all 38 homes and several mobile homes destroyed. I have friends who responded to that and you can bet every thing you ever heard about that stuff is true. But do the research and you will find that Jarrell Texas was hit a few years before that too. kickshot I ain't afraid of dying but I am afraid of suffering!
  7. Not sure how far it has gotten but I think Texas is on the verge of open carry. I sure hope so. Only because it is hard to concealed carry some times. If you should carry is never a question. The only real question is what do you feel the most comfortable with packing. kickshot
  8. If you ever get to the bottom of what really happened you may just find out it was a mechanic that perpetrated the deceit of which you speak. I am sure Honda and the dealer principal would want to see your recall done properly! I am a Ford Senior Master Technician and I deal with the problems that under trained and less scrupulous mechanics create from time to time. I wish it were not so, but keep in mind it is not limited to my business alone. It is as wide spread as the human being is. It is not isolated to any one profession. I have always said if it can be messed up man kind can find a way. kickshot
  9. I love BBQ! Was raised on it! It is as close to religion as you can get here in Texas! So I will just say AMEN brother! Meat slow cooked with just the right sauce is dang near Heaven! Or even with out sauce! It don't matter if it's done right! Kickshot Ride, eat, sip a little! Life don't get much better!
  10. Too new to tell yet. They look interesting to me. I have taken the new model on line training course. kickshot
  11. Lying about not being at fault is as common as breathing now a days. Happened to more than one person I know. The bottom line is dash cameras. To be safe you need them pointing front and rear. My friends now have them. My wife was backed into by an idiot at a drive thru. Turned out the vehicle was in one name the insurance in another and neither one was her name. Guess who paid for that one. Cop would not even ticket her. kickshot
  12. Hey I ride both and sorry to say that even thou I joined the Hogs site I never really went there. This site is my home and has been since I first bought my RSTD back in late 04. I can always google what I need to learn about my Harley any way. Thanks Don for giving it the effort. kickshot


    I used to drill oil wells. Left the oil patch in the late 80's to learn a new trade and provide for my new born son. I could go on about frac'n and what I think but I'll just provide a link to a web site. I think that drilling oil wells contaminate water tables. I also think that when you fracture the earth that we just can't predict how the formations will react in every case. We know how they should but we can't be 100% sure. North Dakota Oil Can: Home After you go there click on ND ENERGY FACTS in the top header. When the next page opens click on HYDRAULIC FRACTURING in the left hand header. Then when the next page opens scroll to the bottom of the page and you will see two links to videos on hydraulic fracturing. These are straight forward and true. I still visit oil field related web sites to stay up on things. I guess you never lose the desire for some stuff.
  14. A kickshot is used while playing pool. It is in my opinion one of the hardest shots to make. Since nothing ever comes easy in this life I value the things that are hardest to earn or master. I play pool on a league team and have been for 15+ years now. Hence the name kickshot because I started the message broad thing on billiards web sites. Now my oldest friends still call me Bear but that's a whole different story. kickshot
  15. Great story! kickshot
  16. I bought a three pouch windshield bag for a road king and it worked for me. kickshot
  17. My prayers are with y'all. kickshot
  18. I have to say no. I think Freebird summed it up pretty well when he said. "So that is why I would not buy a new RSV. I think that Yamaha could and should learn a LOT from Harley, Indian, Victory and others about marketing. They are capable of building a fantastic machine but fall way short in everything after that." And yes I have started a "Harley t-shirt collection" but I could never find any Yamaha t-shirts. The selection was very limited much like the accessories and options were. kickshot
  19. "I gave up on DQ." Please don't say that again where us Texans can here you. Being from small town Texas that was all I knew growing up and it was a big treat to go there. DQ reminds me of all the good times with my grandparents. And I still love the ice cream. kickshot
  20. Fords have more than one cat on some of their models. Some vehicles have three. One behind each head and a third in the pipe before the muffler. Here is a tip I guess I should have added to my first post. Drill your first hole in the exhaust pipe as close to the exhaust manifold as possible and check for a restriction. If you have two manifolds then you will do this on each side. If you have high pressure there work your way back until you have low pressure and you have found the restriction. Hope this helps some one in the future. But let me assure you that plugged cats have led many a mechanic in circles too. When I was younger and less experienced I had my share of problems diagnosing them. So the path you took was a good learning experience that you will never forget! kickshot
  21. Prayers sent. Ditto on what bill mac said. Don't let her poor judgment cost you. kickshot
  22. Show me that it jumps both gaps every time it fires and I show you some fire water that you'll get 500 miles to the gallon on. I run stock plugs. kickshot
  23. Low vacuum as you mentioned is the key to let you know that air is not flowing thru the engine. After all take away the fuel and spark and an engine is just one big air pump when it rotates. To add to what was said here. Drill a small hole in front of any thing that can plug up, cat, pre cat, muffler whatever. Then insert a sports needle gauge. (The kind you use to check air pressure in sports balls. Bought mine at wal mart.) Have some one start the vehicle and rev the engine. I say any thing over 1 psi is bad and 4-5 partial plugged 10 to max reading is really plugged. Just don't leave it in the hot exhaust too long because it's not made for that. If the exhaust is not plugged put a sheet metal screw in it and go on. I have diagnosed many a plugged cat this way. kickshot
  24. I never pass up the opportunity to see some one I really like. You never know when it will be your last chance to see them. I go to a little concert once a month down here. It's called the Texas Music Series and is sponsored by out local activities center. Been season ticket holder for three years now and have caught a lot of good shows that way. kickshot
  25. Glad to hear you are not seriously injured. Here's to a quick recovery. It's funny how the small routine stuff can turn bad real fast some times. kickshot
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