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    fc, United States


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    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    83 Venture
  1. Well I have been waiting for a test ride to confirm this answer. Flyinfool's guess was right. We were to go on a trip 2 weeks ago and when I went out for the final test ride the volt meter dropped to 12. Short story the stator was bad and we left the bike at home. Well we replaced the stator and rode it yesterday with no blowouts. The last ride of the same distance before our trip had 3 blowouts. Recap of the symptoms multiple valve cover D's blow out when the crankcase ignites blowing out oil and smoke. Breather is clear and there is no oil seepage or leaks between blowouts. It usually happens when you are slowing down - coming into town or up to a stop light. Cause a stator going bad. You can see the stator has been hot (covered in burnt oil deposits) but no place when you can see arcing. The blowouts came and went and now looking back they came when the stators were going bad. This is my 3rd stator in this bike. This time I enlarged the oil cooling hole in the rotor bolt from .040 to .052". This should almost double the oil flow over the stator and hopefully end the stator burn out. Thank you for your comments. Hopefully this can help someone else.
  2. Thank you for your suggestions. I am 100% sure the vents are not plugged. The gaskets are not old and are soft. It appears the the crankcase vapors are igniting and that is what is causing the Ds to blow out. Remember it blows out 3 Ds each time. A plugged vent would blow out one or maybe 2. A plugged vent should seep oil but it does not leak or seep any oil between blow outs. I was just hoping that someone else had found the cause of the ignition. Thank you.
  3. 1983 1300 (just turned over 100,000 miles) and 2 or 3 of the valve cover 'd's blow out usually within 10 miles of startup but can happen at any time. This week they blew out after 40 miles. All you have to do is stop and push them back in and it may run for 100 to 1000 miles before it does it again. I have added a 3/8" breather to the oil fill which slowed down the frequency but did not stop the problem. I can freely bow through the new breather and hear it come out of the intake box. Messy and very annoying. Any ideas on how to fix this?? Thank you.
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