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  • Location
    Edmond, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    88 Venture Royale-SOLD - Currently ride 05 Kawasaki 1500 Classic
  1. Pink, Is that a Mary Kay motorcycle ????
  2. When I still owned my 88VR, I went from stock muffler to Jardines then to HD Electraglide mufflers. The Jardines are louder than stock, you can still hear the radio no problem, just wasn't the sound I was looking for. Bought new from Ebay $120 bucks. Next, went to the local HD dealer, picked up 2 sets of stock mufflers, Roadking & Electraglide. The difference is the Roadking had a slashcut tip the Electraglide is straightcut, price $0, good timing I guess. The bike owners didn't want the stock mufflers, so they gave them away. I liked the sound of them the best, drilled out the baffle, they were still quiet but had a nice sound, no carb jetting. You will have to do some fabrication to use these though, the Jardines are made to fit the Venture, an easy install. A pic of my old 88VR with Electraglide mufflers installed. [ATTACH]27184[/ATTACH]
  3. okscooter

    My Bikes-present & past

    2005 Kawasaki Vulcan 1500 Classic 2000 Honda Goldwing 1500SE 1988 Yamaha Venture Royale
  4. I know certain year Vmax front rotors bolt right up to the 86-93 Venture wheel, I did it. They look a little different, they are a vented design, the venture rotor is slotted. I have a pic somewhere of them mounted on a venture wheel. I believe the 83-85 rotors are different and won't interchange, someone may correct me. This can only be done for the front, the Vmax rear rotor is different.
  5. Wife filled up her car today for $2.30/gal. in southside Oklahoma City. Wonder how long this will last???
  6. The 1500 wing is a great bike but a big bike. I just sold my 2000 1500 SE model, SE's are top of the line, all bells & whistles. I rode an 88 Venture for 4 yrs. before buying the wing, only kept it 7 months. I just couldn't get used to the opposed 6 engine design (width) and the bulk of the bike. The engine & fairing are wide, to get your feet out on the highway pegs you have to ride spreadeagle down the rode, I got a 34" inseam. The wing is a very smoth bike maybe to smooth, it was boring to me, like driving a car. I had the pleasure of pulling the top shelter to change the air & fuel filter, what a pain, not an easy bike to work on. If you can get the bike at a good price buy it and try it, used wings cost more than ventures, they hold their resale. Stator problems were in the 1200's, 97-2000's had some alternator issues. I think the timing belts should changed 50-75k miles. You should be fine with an early 90's, my friend had a 93SE. Here's a pic of my old 88 Venture beside a 93 Wing, see the size difference. Thats a big ole fairing to hide behind on the wing. [ATTACH]21542[/ATTACH]
  7. Should look like this: [ATTACH]21178[/ATTACH]
  8. I use this type: http://www.mytscstore.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/DisplayCategory_10551_10001_120503_14275__14239%7C14273%7C14275 You can get them natural gas or propane, wall or floor mount, with or without blower fan, 24K or 30K Btu, blue flame or radiant. Its thermostatically controlled, spark ignition, has oxygen depletion sensor. I also have a 52" ceiling fan in the garage.
  9. Thanks for the idear doing the plank thing to distribute the weight to get it off the tailgate, plywood would work also. I'm thinking maybe a 8'- 2X8, maybe even screw a couple of 2X4's down the sides of it, make like a track, will also stiffen the 2X8 some. Went and looked at the tailgate some more, there are holes at the top corner and edge on each side of the tailgate. An "S" hook from a tiedown fits right in it and there is a hole in the top inside corner of the bedside. I could use tiedowns as extra support for the tailgate to help support weight rather than rely on just the 2 factory steel cables. This and the plank under the bike should help out.
  10. Congats on the new 94 wing! I just sold my 2000 GL1500SE 2 weeks ago, had an 88 Venture Royale before that. I was nice to be able to experience riding both.
  11. Do any members own a crewcab extra shortbed truck (5' 9" bed), and hauled a cruiser type bike in it? Not a Venture but something like V-star 1100, 650lbs, 8 ft. overall lenght. With my tailgate down I got 91.5", the rear tire would set right on the tailgate, fender and taillight would be out past it. Tailgate is supported by 2 cables, that scares me! I own a 1/2 T Chevy and a 5 X 8 trailer but would rather not drag it, gas mileage is bad enough.
  12. Shop around on the net, I've seen $379 + free shipping. On the plus side, one of the easier parts to change on a wing.
  13. I'm guessing your riding a GL1500 wing? If so I've read the alternators can be an issue on them especially if its a later 98-2000 model. If your running a lot of lights and accessories the answer and replacement is a Compufire unit, most do it anyways. Changeout the 4 rubber dampers when you change the alternator. http://www.compufire.com/honda-main.html
  14. Thanks for the quick response and advice. I wondered if I got off the main interstate if I'd hit small towns (speedtraps) etc. I used Mapquests build-a-route feature, did a couple comparisons. Last trip I took the OKC-Dallas-Shreveport-Lafayette, hug the coastline on I-10. Driving to the Gulf Coast side, Homosassa Springs, Fl. area. If I stick to my old route its 47 min. longer, 100 mile further, than mapquest suggested route. The worst part of the whole trip is the 18-20mpg truck X $3/gal. gas, Ouch. What's the gas prices in the southeast now, paid $2.88 today. Heck, I could probably fly down cheaper than driving, box stuff up and ship it cheaper than driving. Never thought I'd see that day.
  15. Planning a road trip from OKC to see my folks in Florida, fathers in a nursing home now, going to help mother. Mom wants me to cleanout the garage and take everything with me so I'll be driving the truck. Mapquest wants to route me a way I'm unfamilar with. Can someone tell me how the road is on Rt.280 between Birmingham, Al. & Columbus, Ga.? Then from Columbus, Ga. - Albany - Tifton? What is the speed limits on these roads? Do you have to slow down thru ever town? If I were riding a bike it would be my highway of choice but time is short.
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