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in flagrante

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Personal Information

  • Name
    in flagrante


  • Location
    Rocket City, AL, United States


  • City
    Rocket City, AL


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    06 Midnite / 86 Royale / 04 VTX1800c
  1. For the J&M headsets I have, the volume on one side of my helmet is louder than the other. That's not too bad for talking with my passenger, but it's not so good for listening to music.
  2. I used my intercom for the first time this weekend and heard something through the headset like a valve clicking noise?? or maybe it was the sparkplugs firing??? Whatever it was, it was pretty distracting until I cranked up the fairing speakers Really, I have no idea what it was and wondered if anyone has isolated/stopped the noise short of mic-mutes?
  3. having trouble accessing that site...
  4. Neat mod. Are you concerned with or otherwise account for the heat the amp will generate?
  5. hmm, who is this Jake Wilson tire-guy? (Needing a new rear tire now that OEM is giving out at 4,000 measley miles.)
  6. nice set up with good visibility. awesome woodgrain dash and drinkholder too! kind of amazed there's room for it all.
  7. I like the wide variety of music on XM -- their library is much bigger than anything I could download or tune in to locally. lots of different genres -- classic rock, spectrum, alternative, blues, a little C&W, coffee house acoustic, 60s, 70s, etc. I really dig the music, but perhaps even more important to me is their SEC football coverage. man, I love Saturdays in the Fall. with XM I can combine two passions -- biking and football. fidelity isn't quite as important for football and, honestly, scoot speakers at their best aren't all that clear to me. but I like 'em loud anyway!
  8. due to my uncertainty, I am shifting the thread topic a little bit, but here goes... the way I envision the set-up is two semi-permanant (but ultimately removable) mounting brackets -- one for the XM and the other for a GPS, on each side of the bike's handlebars/speaker vents. as for the wiring, the XM one needs (1) power (bike to mount/unit -- I might have to splice this in), (2) link to stereo (options: cassette? fm band? splice?) and (3) an antenna (xm to antenna mount -- no splicing!). the GPS one needs (4) power (maybe splicing again with a splitter for #1 and #4 and to avoid having to run the cords from out of the cigarrette lighter, which would prolly come loose anyway) and (5) a BuddyRich cable (to link the GPS sound to the stereo/intercom -- more splicing). obviously, I am going to have to get into the fairing for some of this stuff. hmm, dunno if I need inline fuses, etc? sigh. I am probably over-thinking this. if I am off-track, I'd appreciate if someone would chime in to set me straight. best, -in flagrante
  9. Thanks, Brenda - lots of good info. Ignorant Question Warning: If you use the cassette adapter to play it through the bike/car radio, do you still need to plug into a power source, or is it able to draw the power through the cassette player somehow? I suspect you still need to plug into the AC, but not sure.
  10. thanks! the vent mounting looks pretty clean -- I like it, too.
  11. That red/black would be the PERFECT combo for a SC Gamecock fan! I saw a new one on the showroom floor in Nashville a month or so back. Might still be there when you're ready. In the meantime, rest up, do your therapy, flirt with the medical staff and plan a long route or two. Speedy and full recovery to ya' -in flagrante
  12. Hey...I'd like to hardwire an XM radio to my new-to-me RSV. (I already have an XM subscription for a factory-installed satellite radio in my car, so I'd be adding a unit to the sub). I also want to hardwire a Garmin GPS. By the way, splicing/slicing into any wiring scares the bejeebies outa me, but that is a whole 'nother issue and probably unavoidable if I don't want it to look like crap. I do want to be able to listen to the GPS/XMs over the headsets and through the speakers. Anywho, setting aside my current (lack of) disposible income, I personally can't see paying a huge premium for an integrated GPS/XM unit at this time, especially since the Sirius/XM company itself doesn't know what it's doing to integrate the companies, birds and radio subscriptions. Sooooo, I think I ought get a cheapie XM radio off ebay or something. Which brings me to one of my many questions.... What sort of XM radio do folks recommend? Looking around the board, the Roady seems pretty popular, but that was some time ago - maybe there's a better option now. Also, what's the difference between the Roady2 and the RoadyXT? Are there differences in reception, durability, ease of use, sound quality (the DAC), mounting options... As far as mounting options go, I sort of like the looks of the mounting brackets that go on the brake and clutch reservoirs (one for XM the other for the GPS?). Do they work okay on the sloping bars of RSVs? For anyone whose tried those, any comments/advice? Other mounting suggestions? In the future I probably will be upgrading both the GPS and the satellite radio, maybe even to an integrated unit depending on prices, etc. So, between the mounting and wiring options, I'd probably want something that, if not completely reversable, won't completely screw anything up later and is universal enough to be used with other units later. In doing that, are there any pitfalls that I should avoid? Sorry if I ask a lot of a questions. But like I said, electrical stuff (and wasting cash) scare the $%^& outa me. Thanks!
  13. Gotcha' (and not to be a turd to ccpeso) -- but when I join up once my "trialship" runs out, can I have my spot back in line? thanks!
  14. I recommend gremlins in the intercom system.
  15. nicely done. at the risk of offending the more priggish amongst us, are full frontal pix coming soon?
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