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Expired Membership
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Everything posted by Zane

  1. I'm betting that you have a loose fuse (glass) or a wire on your fuse panel. Lost all the computer icons. I had that problem and put a little crimp on the connector and no more problem. BTW when this happened your neutral safety switch didn't work either. Mine failed and it started in 1st gear....WHEEEE! Away we went! Stopped it JUST before the shed door!
  2. Just for general knowledge, I got a source for four brush starters for the 1st Gen VR
  3. No, no , no! A supporting member is CENSORED! Now that's funny....ain't it? well.......sorry!
  4. That makes me sick to my core! She should never be allowed on the road again! You were lucky you came out of that alive! Glad you are better or as much as you can be after something like that! Ride safe
  5. Mike, I was wondering as I've seen a lot of discussion on the how to of removing the rotor! I'm curious how to put one back on. How do you keep it from spinning when you are torqueing it down and what spec do you go by, how many pounds or inch pounds on your torque wrench do you apply? Zane
  6. Zane


    T h a n k y o u T D Really I never would have guessed that. Thanks Zane
  7. Okay now you know that I'm fairly new here, so I'm gonna ask anyway! What's a BUMP ? Some kind of forumspeak no doubt, but really, whazzit mean?
  8. If you held them side by side you would see the diffence between the superbrace style and OEM factory brace. The superbrace is beefier and doesn't flex like the original. I just ordered mine from Condor and I can't wait to get it on the bike. And like the man said.....
  9. Just askin'..... On a 1st Gen would it be okay to remove the airbox and install four seperate filters? Waddya think?
  10. Ya got my money.......well you will as soon as ya goes and gets it! Gimmee! I can't wait! Everytime I hit a driveway it shakes! Thanks Condor!
  11. Zane

    Heart attack

    Don't know you folks, but glad to hear she's doing well! Get well Rose!
  12. Goose, I found a source for those wire splicers! http://www.parkeryamaha.com/ngksparkplugwiresplice.aspx
  13. Mine (1990 VR) does the same thing at about 35-40 mph. Had it fixed until I rebuilt the forks with seals and it started over again. I'll keep my hands on the bars for awhile. Don't want to tear it down again. Air pressure, neck bearings, who knows?
  14. I know this is an old post, but I was wondering how long "expired" members are maintained on the roles? I'm not advicating anything here, just wondering. I was looking through the membership list and it looks like there are more expired than supporting. If there was a way to sort the list that way, it wouldn't take so long to find someone who is actively involved. FWIW and IMHO!
  15. Did it, fat lot of good it did, but I did it!
  16. Have you ever checked the content of Harleys lately? A disturbing amount of the parts in them are made offshore! I.E. Japan!
  17. Next month I will be kickin' hell out of 64! Been riding MC's since I was 15 on and off. Mostly HD's. Just got back in the saddle last November on my first Venture, a 90 VR. With any luck I'll ride to the sunset of my life.
  18. Zane

    US Map

    Sooner, Here is the link to the map you want. http://www.epgsoft.com/index.html
  19. Congratulations to you and the proud parents
  20. Uechi, Have you tried what I suggested about using "Seafoam" w/ your fuel? I had the popping and it stopped it. Just a thought. BTW don't let the emoticon freaks bother you! They really mean you no harm!
  21. uechi kid, If your problem is a missfire, I would suggest before you start disassembling your scoot to try running some "Seafoam" through it. The missing could be from the ethanol in your gas. Ethanol has a small amount of water in it and over a period of time can cause the missing and detonation when you decellerate. Some times the problem goes away after one or two applications of the stuff. These engines just aren't made to run on water. Try it BEFORE you take your bike apart! Then if you still have the missing and popping, dig a little deeper. Do a search here for "Seafoam" and see what other members have to say about it. I LIKE IT!
  22. Try Ebay. PinWallcycles has a good supply of used VR parts.
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