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Everything posted by Zane

  1. Sorry to hear it Earl! I work at a WalMart and I know how thoughtless people can be when they are going in there to get their bargains! I never park in a car space. I always either park at the head of the lot in the striped areas or up near the building! Make 'em pay for your emotional distress for the loss of a loved one! Glad you are feeling okay, (SO FAR!) Bummer!
  2. Hey all, I think what he is looking for is the manual that comes with the bike. Not the service manual. Am I right?
  3. Here it cooommes............wait for it!
  4. You might try putting the paint on and then sanding very lightly with very fine emory cloth or wet sandpaper. That might knock off the high spots and leave the letters to stand out against the background of the switch. Use a small artists brush to apply the paint though as spray may get into the switch and cause contact problems. Hope that will work for ya.
  5. Gawd almighty, is there nothing that we won't take a picture of? In this case from my own point of view....... TOO MUCH INFORMATION! Hadda hurt like blazes! Hope neither one of ya had any nerve damage!
  6. When it gets up to 25000 ft, I'll watch it from my front yard! Wish them a safe flight and return! From then on, they'll have to take the Russkie Taxi!
  7. Welcome to the site. As said before you have chosen an awesome bike. They are good performers and you will get years of enjoyment out of it. As Condor said, you will need more than you think to fix this, but the parts are out there. I have a 90 VR and I love it. It is some work but I have gotten a lot of enjoyment out of mine. Mine didn't run real good when I first got it, but with patience and a lot of help from this great bunch of people, it is in great running condition. They have a really solid power plant and are long mileage macines. Just read some of the articles in the tech section and you will learn a lot. Excellent price too!
  8. Sorry, what'd you say Gary? Somebody is SHOUTING!
  9. Tried the link and got sent to a search engine. Can ya check the link?
  10. Keep that to yerself!
  11. Nothing wrong with havin' an extra virgin (oil) around! OIL! Freebird, OIL!
  12. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=2907&title=first-gen1983-1993-progressive-fork-springs-21&cat=22 Slickster, Check this link. Skydoc (Earl Harrell) sells them for the 1st Gen. Zane
  13. 50/50 Let those who ride/Decide No helmet laws!
  14. Ditto that! Good deal and free shipping!
  15. No I've got a new Shinko on the back and before that a 404 (?) that was worn to the core when I got scared enough to pop for a new tire. It made the noise before the new tire. I think I will be pulling the pumpkin and drive shaft to see if it may be the problem in play! Thanks
  16. That's when mine gets noisy, on a curve at speed! Kind of a low note howl. Any ideas?
  17. Zane

    clutch mod

    The silence is deafening! Just kidding, :rotf:your bike will run like never before. I did the double plate (2 stock spring plates) and I was amazed at the results! You will love it. It is really basic work. Like the man said , bring some beer and they'll git 'er done!
  18. Mines a 90 Royale! Love it! Has some broken plastic and an oil leak from the stator that has eluded me thus far! Replaced the gasket twice and yes I did use RTV sealer around where the wires come through! But as I said I LOVE IT! She ain't no trailer queen!
  19. Zane


    Actually that would incorrect! Guess again! It does snow a little in Hawaii in the higher elevations! http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Does_it_ever_snow_in_Hawaii Although I am speaking about THIS year!
  20. Zane


    Sarge, I noticed on your map that you haven't been to the one place in the WHOLE Nort' American continent that it has NOT snowed! No I don't mean Texas!
  21. Motorcycle.... By definition: a hole in your driveway to throw your money into... 1st Gen... By definition: a BIG hole in your driveway to throw your money into... But don't ya just love 'em? I do!
  22. I see bikes with disabled permits all the time.....if the Doctor signs the application they will give you the permit/plate!
  23. Here's one in our classifieds http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=3468&title=v-max-rear-end-with-shim-kit&cat=6
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