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About Zane

  • Birthday 09/16/1946

Personal Information

  • Name
    Zane Wilson


  • Location
    Lake Wales, United States


  • City
    Lake Wales


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1999 Harley-Davidson FLHP

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  1. They must have had some legal troubles with the platform lift. It's not in the catalog or on line anymore. Just the small ones. I take that back! Here is the link for it if it's the same one! http://www.harborfreight.com/catalogsearch/result/?&CatPath=All+Products%2F%2F%2F%2FUserSearch%3Dlift&ResultsPerPage=27&q=lift&mode=grid&category=&currentpage=3
  2. Just for grins, how many own Harleys here? I do!
  3. Obviously u don't live in POLK County! lots a bumps here!
  4. This should be must reading for all of us. This act may be addressed primarily for automobiles, but is surely an issue concerning anyone who has had their wallet emptied by a dealer. MC dealers are made from the same cloth as car dealers. As a matter of fact more and more are being run by high end auto dealerships, Harley included. Apparently all the MoCo cares about when they sell a franchise is how much money do you have to invest! So check this white paper out and see for yourself. It is a PDF file, so you will need Acrobat or a similar product to read it. http://www.righttorepair.org/downloads/docs/whitepaper_righttorepair.pdf Also this is the website for the organization: http://www.righttorepair.org
  5. Yeah to that! Just dropped almost a grand to fix my Road King! There were bare wires from the regulator that looked to me to have been pinched and probably shorted out the stator and the regulator to the frame. I'm guessing somebody pinched 'em when they lifted the bike with a bike jack. I had the work done by a local Harley guy (NOT a dealer) and while he was at it he found my clutch cable was binding up, so he threw a good used cable he had in his part supply on for me! I can't believe the work involved with those bikes. Took it out last night and it ran like a champ!
  6. Need to clarify something. The sales manager did the poor service, they didn't refuse to take the bike, said they would pick it up the next day, but I have waaay too much pride to deal with someone that does me like that. I won't do it! So it's gonna cost me for my pride. That said I don't want to slam the dealer too much. Just the sales manager. I'd let them do the work if I got over the insult (but I'm not likely to do that), I just wouldn't recommend anyone BUY from them! There now I feel soooo much better!
  7. You were watching your garage........Sorry!
  8. Oh yeah......Ticked ain't the word! But screw me once, shame on you....etc, etc!
  9. :clap2: Good job!
  10. Yeah Mike it is, the stator burnt out, so I called the Stealer and the sales manager said he would have picked it up and I waited and waited and waited.....then I called and talked to the service manager cause the sales manager was busy with another suck.....sorry sale. The service manager said 'uhhhh, got no order here to pick your bike up', so I told him to tell the sales manager to shove his dealership you know where! Forunately I have a local Harley shop (not dealer) in my neighborhood and he has it! I won't name the dealer, cause that would be sour grapes and would do no good anyhow but the dealer is in Brandon Florida.....OOOPS! My bad! Honest, it just slipped out!
  11. Ouch! Yeah I don't doubt it, but with the money I got from Mike, it don't hurt so much and I don't have to do the work myself! Sooo, I hope your feelings aren't hurt toooo bad, and we don't have a Wiscottsin/Florida conflict over this issue! I spelled that right, dint I? :stirthepot: Seriously I thought Mike responded first. So no hard feelings, Okay?
  12. You are right Condor, but what I was saying is if he puts the lower legs from a MkII on his MKI he does have to use a MkII AD or blank them off, which was what you said! Right? Thanks
  13. Mike, If my memory serves me, if you swap to Mk2 tubes you would also have to get the anti-dives swapped too. Somebody can confirm this? Or you could get the blank off plates from Earl if he still has 'em.
  14. Sorry for your problems, but I got a bigger oine! Went to the store yesterday and stopped to get gas. When I tried to start it, it wouldn't! Like a dead battery! Got a jump start and took it to a local shop to have them test it and the stator was shorted! It wasn't charging at all! Got he dealer on the phone and they are going to pick it up and fix it! Hoping no charge since they should have caught it when they serviced it prior to the sale, but I'm not holding my breath! Rats! If they don't I'm looking at a lot of money! I can't do that kind of work anymore, so I'm kinda screwed!
  15. Never had one and never will! (The Hardley attitude that is) See ya at the donut shop as was mentioned!
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