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Everything posted by kj5ix

  1. It is really starting to look lie a Trike again Got the body aligned, and secured, and the tour pac back on. Sure wished I didn't have to work during the day... But it is too hot really to do much riding now 105 temps, and 109.7 in the shop when I got home, so it is slow and easy till about 9:30 to 10, and then time to quit alomst..... http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/trunkon.jpg A little Blinbage for the rear speakers. http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/rearbling.jpg
  2. Which kit,, It could be the drive shaft unloading the preload it gets when you slow down or after stopping.
  3. What they said I use the T-6 Syn
  4. kj5ix

    New Camper

    Good deal and congrats. You'll love it. I have a Roll_A-Home and when we get the chance to use it Love it. Easy set up.
  5. Lower air in the rears, and a rake kit for sure, I rode mine a week before I tore it down to repaint with out the rake, and what a headache to steer, but I am use to the rake on the GW Trike too. Tighten the head bearings too,that will help some also and loosen the grip a little like mentioned before.
  6. Things are starting to take shape again ( about time ) It has taken longer to rebuild it, than it took to make it a Trike in the first place,,,, Still a lot to do, but getting there. Put the Passing lights together, and installed with the spacer, and that is a dream to put the front of the faring on.. Got the body sit back on to get it out of the way. Mama said Big Bird..... now she wants me to stop goofing off and get er done..... http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/Takingshape.jpg http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/Takeingshape1.jpg http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/takingshape2.jpg
  7. A few more of todays activities,,, Boy this thing takes a long time to put back together. What a Jig Saw Puzzle,, but I am getting there. http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/faring.jpg http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/faring1.jpg http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/faring2-1.jpg http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/fender.jpg http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/faringtank.jpg http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/horn.jpg http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/trunk.jpg http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/trunk1.jpg http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/frontlowers.jpg
  8. If you use the BC any at all the firestick is the very best out there, and the OEM next as far as performance goes ( which is Poor on a bike to begin with ) For Music I use an FM Modulator MP3 unit for right now, but that is soon to change ( if we get the changer style to work ) A Venture does look weird with out antennas,,,
  9. Well I got the bulk of the plastic parts back today, and it is time to see if I can put this puzzle back together,,, I got about 80% of the inner faring put back together so far, and when I get the rest of the parts tomorrow I can spend the week end having a ball, and scratching my head on just were things go/could go/should go/might go. I guess the X part of the color isn't a secret any more,, It is Yeller fer sure........ Lamborghini Deep Pearl Yellow. Kinda grows on ya... http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/parts.jpg http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/innerfaring.jpg http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/body.jpg
  10. I stopped by Again, and to my surprise it was ( all of the little pieces too ) in the paint booth, and having a bath of Pearl X ( this part is a secrete until it is done ) There is a good chance that I can get it tomorrow,,,,,,,,, Now if I can just remember where all of the nuts/bolts/screws/ and electronics are in the shop,,,,, not to mention if I do find them where do they go.
  11. This is starting to not be funny any more,,, This is the third week and nothing yet... one excuse after another Should have left it ugly at least I could be out riddin, and now I am waiting for parts on the Honda too, and it has been raining, and the mower tractor is broke, and the goats ran off, so I will have to mow,,,,,
  12. The filter turned out to be the least of my problems,,,, but all is well now I hope. Cant start it to check for a few more days,,,
  13. And don't forget the rack it sits on Look at Pin Wall they have a load of stuff, some good, and of course some not so.. Also look up OZ Power-Sports in KS. They have a good size yard also, but you have to call them foe something. I found the fork air valve there, where PinWall lost my order, but did refund.
  14. In the paint shop and been there for 15 days so far...... but they are working on it now I been bugging them twice a day this week, and finally in prime/prep, but won't get painted till most likely Tuesday,,,,,,, You talk about SLOW !!!!!!!!!!
  15. Simply do a ping test to say Yahoo.com, and look at your return times in ms' Your system should be in the neighborhood of 650 to 900 ms' Slow compared to DSL, but faster than dial up ( but not much ) If you are on a residential system, and an Office system the Company chokes down through put at different times of day to residential customers. Lat at night ( past midnight it could be as much as three times faster when the system is open,,, Launch a DOS Shell by going to the menu, and at the bottom type in "cmd" A black DOS screen will come up: Type in "ping yahoo.com" and hit enter. You will get 4 returns. What you are looking for is the next to the last thing in the line Time=1234. That number is the return time in mil-seconds ms' I have seen numbers as large as the 1234 example I gave, and higher in the noon to 3PM time frame on Starband, and Hughes. A number of 650 to 900 is in the download frame for a residential system.
  16. It appeared to be a coating,, I wiped an area and it didn't change or did the clean'ish rag get any thing on it. The chrome return pipe did have some black oil residue on it that came off. I was really surprised to see the pan, and inside to be this clean. The amount of residue/sludge was almost non existent too, and for 53K I was shocked. The previous two owners had been using Royal Purple. I am going with Rotilla T-6. Just wished I had the tank here to fill it and run it to check for leaks,,,,,
  17. Yea but that wasn't on my immediate want to or need to know list,,,,,,,
  18. Gaskets came in today, and Gary's pan all cleaned up. So I took on the task. Not bad at all only took two hours with taking photos, and memorizing things on the way out AKA look at it for 10 sec's instead of 2. All went well and no hitches Praise the Lord !! What the inside of the old pan looks like with 53K on it. Pretty clean. http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/oilpan.jpg And with the little bit of oil drained out, very little sludge in the drain run. http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/oilpan1.jpg A different look at the CRACK !!!!! worse than I thought. http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/oilpancrack2.jpg http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/oilpancrack1.jpg The inside of the engine is in great clean shape. http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/insideengine.jpg http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/insideengine1.jpg http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/insideengine2.jpg The pan I got from Gary after cleaning this weekend. http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/newpan1.jpg http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/newpan.jpg And this is all the mess I made,,, Now that surprise's me usually a lot bigger. http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/mess.jpg Thanks again Gary, and Earl. Now if it doesn't leak we are in good shape again..
  19. I see it on the other board big time with some,,,
  20. Yep They Closed the Maryville Plant for 8 months last year, and retooled for auto production... And we thought the U.S. made 1800 was expensive, wait till we have to also pay the Import fees now. (like in the olden days, but more of it )
  21. I hope to get her cloths back from the laundry in a few days,, at least all of the parts are in paint prep now
  22. I have wondered about the post count... Why doesnt it show.
  23. Saw that on How its made last year good video.
  24. Plenty of Gator Aide, and cool vest when ridding, but around the shop in these temps is meserable.......... and HOT!!!
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