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    Pittsburgh, United States


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  1. Bump ! See Ya there !
  2. Yes. The system becomes part of the bike's wiring and not part of the helmet or headset. Freebird did a review a few years ago that you should find on this board.
  3. Marcari, Mic-Mutes removes wind and road noise from your intercom. It allows both mics to be toggled ON/OFF by both rider and passenger using the CB PTT switches. It does so allowing normal CB operation and will enhance helmet speaker music with the intercom wind and road noises removed. See our website for more details; http://www.Mic-Mutes.com. Riderdude, I assume that you need the RSV Mic-Mutes kit which is $139.95. Again see our website for other pricing.
  4. I'll be there at the MD again after missing last year. I'll have Mic-Mutes kits for installation and will assist in the installation. Beside kits for the RSV, I also have Mic-Mutes kits for: GL1500 Goldwing 2001-2011 GL1800 Goldwing 2012-2013 GL1800 Goldwing J&M JMCB-2003DU (on any bike) Let me know if you are interested so that I make sure to bring what you need. 412-447-1182 Thanks again Don !
  5. Please excuse my ignorance, I'm a Goldwing owner and not that familiar with the RSV. I'd like to know what are the differences in the later years of the second gen. Particularly in the audio and electronics. I ask this because I want to know if Mic-Mutes works on the most recent model years of the second generation. I haven't heard of any application problems yet but I'd like to know.
  6. I won't be able to attend MD this year, but I sent 4 Mic-Mutes kits for the RSV to Freebird. If you want Mic-Mutes it is $139.95.
  7. I assume that you're question is in referene to the mic cut off switch. The answer to that is no, it does not cut off what the passenger hears. Only the passengers mic is cut off, it which case the rider won't hera the passenger.
  8. The Airider is a passenger microphone cut off switch. It is a different animal than Mic-Mutes. Mic-Mutes is an electronics system that allows BOTH Rider and passenger to have control of BOTH microphones. The microphone cut off switch allows the rides mic to remain open and continue to pick up wind and road noises. Now you could also add a second one for the riders mic, but that would be cumbersome as far as operation. It would require then that both rider and passenger to have their switches in the same ON or OFF position to talk and also to eliminate the noises. I'd suggest that you search the internet for feedback before buying the Airider unit. Thanks Don. I'm still hoping to make it this year again.
  9. Thanks all ! Brian, you should have received it. Any better?
  10. I'm sorry that I can't make to MD. It seems that my wife made other plans for me. I'd rather be at MD than at a family picnic :>( I may be able to get Mic-Mutes kit to Don's house if you act ASAP. If there are 3 or more people interested in having Mic-Mutes kits, I'll deliver them to Don's house on Saturday morning .Call me on my cell phone and I'll see what I can do to get you a Mic-Mutes kit by Saturday. 724-312-3723
  11. I won't be able to attend MD this year and bring Mic-Mutes kits with me, due to my wife making other plans for me. I'd rather be with you than at this family picnic :>( If your interested in Mic-Mutes, get in touch ASAP and I'll have it shipped to Freebird's. There will be plenty of folks there to help with installations. 412-787-1182
  12. Don, It's been awhile since I logged onto the board. I will be at MD, and bringing Mic-Mutes kits. I remember a posting from awhile back that you were asking for a head count. Can you direct me to that post ? Edited: Nevermind, I found the post and I registered as an atendee. Thanks Don Bill Morphy www.Mic-Mutes.com
  13. This is a bump to encourage my Venturerider.org friends to come to Renovo PA, on the last weekend in July. I blocked a group of rooms at The Ox Yoke Inn, (actually north of Renovo in Galeton PA). There will be a 15% discount on your room if you tell them that you are with the Gold Wing group. There are still rooms available and cabins with multiple beds (4 or 5 beds each). It will be all about the ride'n on the best roads in PA, and the hanging out. Direct link to Ox Yoke: http://www.ox-yokeinn.com Also: http://gl1800riders.com/forums/showthread.php?t=238966
  14. Paul, Look us up at The Ox Yoke. When we are not out ride'n, we can usually be found sitting around in the parking lot with a few cold beverages. Bill Morphy www.Mic-Mutes.com
  15. I'd like to extend an invation to my Venture Rider board friends, to an event that I've put together. It's based around the members of the GL1800 board which I'm also a member of. We Gold Wing riders would love to have you RSV riders come out. The area is some of the best riding in Pennsylvania. http://gl1800riders.com/forums/showthread.php?t=238966&highlight=renovo Bill Morphy http://www.Mic-Mutes.com
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