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Everything posted by sldunker

  1. He kinda always sounds like that. The Star Venture is one of the smoothest bikes around.
  2. All the time.
  3. Pretty sure this was discussed on a previous thread. It was interesting. I have used this for route planning but when you import the route to the Yamaha gps, the gps likes to change the route to its liking. Not what you want. The Yamaha gps seems to work good if you want to go from point a to b. I am not impressed with the gps. I have a $80 garmin that has way more features than the Yamaha has and the garmin is easier to use. I hope Yamaha does a big upgrade on thier gps.
  4. In my mind you'll be losing money investing in bonds and cash securities. If inflation is 3 percent and if your taking out 4 percent for living expense your money is not growing. I am an aggressive invester. I have 99 percent in stocks in the US and around the world. My return for the first half of this year was a little over 20 percent. What the second half brings in anybodys guess. I believe in order to grow your money you should have at least 70 percent in stocks.
  5. So I have been having this plastic rattle just off idle for quite some time. Last night it finally got pretty loud. I messed around with it today and isolated it to the upper wind wind on the right side. It was the top fitting. I remove the entire wind wing. Future warning- the lower mount for the wind wing is a bugger. There are two screws that hold it to a bracket that is in the inside of the fairing. The bracket is just hanging inside of the fairing so when you take the screws out it falls down into a place that it is a ***** to find. So if your wind wing is rattling just take a small screwdriver and pop the upper pin out. Find a oring that fits the pin and reassemble. Takes care of the rattle. After driving the bike for a few days the fuel door cover started rattling a little bit. This is the piece that I always thought would rattle. Easy fix. Took a small piece of foam and it just sits in groove in front of gas cap. All is well.
  6. Try changing your gps to scenic route. I believe it defaults to fastest route.
  7. Very interesting. Think I"ll play around with this. Thanks
  8. I would call a dealer and ask for service dept. and talk to them. They should be able to help. Why do you need a different engine?
  9. I have over 7000 miles on mine now and am not worried. If it hasn't started leaking oil in that amount of miles it probably will remain that way. Not uncommon to have a bad part on a new machine every once in awhile.
  10. I don't think you should have a problem getting it warrentied. Just show the service writer the difference between the two oil coolers. I have done this procedure before and it always seems to work out.
  11. 6500 miles on mine and I just got back from a 1000 mile trip through northern Minnesota and southern Ontario. I normally shift somewhere around the 3000 to 3500 rpm range. We rode thru 89 degree heat with a lot of humidity and heat was not a issue. Even when we stopped for road construction the heat wasn't bad. I turned it off one time because it was going to be a 10 minute wait according to the flag person. Really like the bike, the seat is another story.
  12. Glad to see Yamaha and your dealer are taking care of this. I am wondering if there was a crack somewhere in the housing or push rod tube.
  13. Same noise, I always think it is a exhaust leak but not sure. Mine is on the right side as your sitting on bike. I just did an oil test and it came back good so pretty sure it is not cam or lifter noise. For now I really don't worry about it. Heat has not been a problem for me. The hottest the outside temp that I have ridden in has been 89. Might get hotter as temp gets greater. Really like the bike.
  14. At least post some pics when they get it all together. Grats.
  15. Sounds like you still have a little air in the clutch lines.
  16. Can't tell much from that picture. That is just where the oil is ending. Your actual leak would probably be above that. I will go out later and look at mine and see if I can match up that area with yours. Might be able to figure out something.
  17. I am approaching my second oil change on my Star Venture. I decided to send in a oil sample due to some of the engines having the cam-lifter issue. I decided to use Polaris Labs in Indianapolis as American had used Blackstone. I thought it would be interesting to see the difference between the two labs. As it turns out, there is not much difference between the two reports. The biggest thing is that there is no alarming amount of metals in the oil that would indicate lifter or cam wear. American was using 10w-40 Redline oil and i am using Amsoil 10w-40 MCF. The oil had 3800 miles on it at the time of the test. Polaris labs said oil was good for continued use so i am going to run it for awhile longer than I had planned then change it again.
  18. Sounds like you have a good dealer. Good Luck
  19. Hey Freebird, when you did your oil change do you remember which of the side drain screws let out the least amount of oil. I am almost due for my second change and I wanted to send in an oil sample for testing. I want to do this before the oil change and I can't remember which one of the screws it was.
  20. Must be the push rod tube that is leaking. They are orings. Surprised that they would leak unless it is something other than the tube.
  21. If it is like my Star Venture it will get better and better. My average mileage is up to 43 mpg. This is with 3500 miles on it. Many times I see over 50 as I am crusing around.
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