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Everything posted by sldunker

  1. I am an old guy. I tried the FJR and I wanted to love it but could not handle the riding position. I would assume the Kawasaki is the same. I also think that bike would suck for 2 up
  2. When I bought my Star Venture I kept my 07 RSV. I liked the RSV to much to part with it. I drove the Star Venture for several thousand miles to get it broke in and to test the reliability of it. Eventually I got back on the RSV and could not believe the difference between the two bikes as far as balance and center of gravity is concerned. I found the RSV to be heavy and non responsive in comparison to the Star Venture. Needless to say I sold my RSV. I will never go back to the RSV. I rode the Star Venture around the Branson Mo area last year on Labour Day weekend in 96 degree heat. Two up. The heat from the bike is a non issue, at least for me. I believe it is the way you sit on the bike as to whether you fill heat or not. I really like the Yamaha V4 but this Vtwin does everything I need it to do. We cruised across South Dakota on Hwy 90 doing 85 to 90 mph with plenty of power left. My average mpg since day one on the Star Venture is 44 mpg. Plus all the extra electronics make this bike one of the best. I would do this all over again in a heartbeat.
  3. The Shinko should be just as good as the Brickstone as far as mileage goes. Hopefully a few thousand more miles. I ran Shinko's on my RSV and had good results. I see the Dunlop has our size listed but at a much higher price. May try that one if not happy with miles on Shinko
  4. Ah! A new choice. I may try this one next.
  5. I have same problem Cortizone shots give me relief I will need surgery eventually but holding off on that till absolutely necessary.
  6. yes the 200/60r/16 will work. This is the tire I put on my Star Venture last time. Plenty of room and I thimk it makes speedo more accurate. Dennis Kirk had this tire for about $130 at the time. i have been getting between 8-10,000 miles on rear. Not good for a touring bike.
  7. I think it looks really good. Is it more comfortable than before?
  8. When I was still working(Retired) I would ride my RSV to work 50 miles one way from spring till fall in north central MN. Sometimes temp would be in the high 20's. I wore an old one piece snowmobile suit, insulated gloves and I would have a flip shield on my open face helmet. On the really cold days I would add a really thin facemask. I would wear those knee high all rubber boots to try and keep my feet from freezing. Stay warm
  9. I also thought that the brake pedal was out of place for me on my TC. I decided to just ride it for awhile and I adjusted to it quite quickly. Never did change it.
  10. I love those kind of bikes. The riding position kills me. To old.
  11. I had noise on my 07 RSV between 50 and 60 miles per hour. didn't matter what gear it was in. I replaced bearings in rear diff. and noise was gone. This was at 20,000 miles. Had a little bit of a chirp from clutch but nothing major. Bike had 122,000 miles on it when I sold it this summer after buying a new bike and it was still quiet.
  12. May have to take a look at this and see if something can be done so it don't happen. Thanks
  13. Holy cow, a lot of people have replyed already. I am doing well. Have gotten 13,000 miles on the Star Venture this summer. Great machine. I really like that hat. May have to buy one if I don't win.
  14. Before I bought the Star Venture i took a long look at BMW. I was very interested in the new K bikes. Really liked the bike and the engine is unreal. I do my own work on my bikes and when I looked at part prices for those bikes I nearly had a heart attack. Very expensive and a lot of the parts have to come from Germany. This really helped me decide to buy the Yamaha. Still would like to have a BMW.
  15. There is a sensor on the rear tire for the abs. Perhaps the screw that holds it in place is not tight. The sensor is located in the caliper bracket. easy to check.
  16. Did you see that UFO on the left hand side of the first pic. Must have wanted a test ride.
  17. If I remember correctly I believe mine shifted a little harsh when I first got it. After 13,000 miles it shifts a lot better but still not like my RSV. I'm thinking the more miles the better it will get as it wears in. Not to concernced about it.
  18. When I got my TC I went over the whole thing. No loose screws or bolts but I found some missing. Dealer took care of me.
  19. Congratulations, your going to love it.
  20. I like your review and agree on most of it. Your right on the Indian as I test rode one and it was wobbly thru corners. I told the salesman that the bike wasn't set up properly for riding curves and he said that is the way it is. I really like the low center of gravity on the Star Venture. I agree on with you on the seat. I believe it has gotten broke in now and it seems to be better. Have 13,000 miles on it. Gonna upgrade the windshield on it but waiting for Freebird to get his new shield from Clearview so I can see what it is like.
  21. When I still had my 2007 RSMV I ran the E3's. The front was always cupping bad by 20,000 miles and I would replace. Got to thinking that I had got 20,000 miles out of the original D4 that was on the bike. I switched back to the D4 on the front and they were a lot less money than the E3. I felt they had about the same performance. I also tried different tires on the back and ended up using the Shinko 777hd. This is a pretty good tire but only has about half the life span of an E3. But the Shinko was a lot less money than the E3 and replacing rubber on these bikes is no big deal as I do my own. Have fun exploring your tire options.
  22. I have a problem with the info system not synching with Sirius radio at times. The antenna always shows up but no link to Sirius. The next time I shut down and restart it will work. I have had to get a refresh signal a couple of times.
  23. Just went through that area a couple of weeks ago on my Star Venture. Not much out there. Have a good trip.
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