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Everything posted by sldunker

  1. The 3-7 mm of slack is with the tires off the ground. It will be tighter when bike is on ground.
  2. My TPMS gauge reads about 2 lbs lower than my manual tire gauge. I have used this manual gauge on all my tires for years and it sill is quite accurate. Most TPMS management systems I have dealt with are within 10 percent.
  3. Puc, you make a valid point. No where can I find where Yamaha recommends preoiling the filter. They may do it on a brand new engine but I don't see it mentioned when doing an oil change. The filter does sit horizontal on this engine and the oil is picked up by the pump in the pumps own chamber. The pump is always in oil even when doing an oil change. On an oil drain there is still 1 qt of oil left in the engine and I suspect it is in the oil chamber. This should allow almost instant lubrication when the pump builds pressure in the system. When doing an oil change the new filter is installed dry as it is on most car engines with the same horizontal type filter. I would have to believe that the engineers that design these oiling system have figured out a way to protect the engine on startup. Removing the filter and dumping it still leaves some oil in the filter. There is still oil in the crankcase and the oil tank and the rest of the system. I just don't believe that this would be detrimental to the oil system or the engine components. Let me know what you think.
  4. Service manual says 3 to 7 mm of slack at 10 ilbs of pressure. I run mine at 10 mm of slack and I align it by using cowpucs method.
  5. If it were mine I and I only had to remove a little I would remove the oil filter and dump the contents of the filter and reinstall. I would do this as many times as it takes with running bike between draining the filter. Remember when you check the oil on this bike the oil has to be hot, like after a 30 minute drive.
  6. I have over 17,000 miles on my TC and have never had a problem with the heat. I rode it in downtown Branson last year in 96 degree heat and it wasn't a problem. I don't know if it is leg placement or people riding in shorts. I never ride in shorts and my feet are usually pretty far forward. I still have the stock exhaust because I like the sound. Some may tell you that the exhaust will be cooler with aftermarket pipes because of no cat. Not sure. When I was a kid all my stuff had loud exhaust, now I find loud exhaust gives me a headache. Can't answer any of your other questions but someone else will come along and help.
  7. Is there anybody on here that has removed the front brake switch. My cruise has started acting up and I would like to take it off and get a good look at it. Maybe clean it. Never mind, I figured it out.
  8. Randy, mine acts the same way. It will idle a little high until the engine gets good and hot. Once it is good and hot it seems to idle in the proper range. I have over 17,000 miles on it.
  9. I believe it is computer controlled. Your dealer should be able to change it with there Yamaha diagnostic tool.
  10. Looks like it is right above the fuse boxes behind the lower left cowling. There are a few screws to take out and if I remember correctly the storage compartment cover has to come off. Good luck.
  11. sldunker


    Congratulations and good luck
  12. Hi Doug how are you doing? Hope the carb synch tool is working for you. That is a strange noise. Could be water pump bearing, not sure. Don't think I have ever heard that noise on any of my Ventures. Good luck finding it.
  13. When I had my RSV I tried several different brand tires on both the front and back. I finally settled on the Shinko for the front. It is inexpensive and it last just as long as the more expensive dunlop. I always used the stock size for the front tire and never had any slow speed handling issues. The RSV is a big heavy bike and some people felt that they got better handling with the smaller tire. All you can do is try it as everyone is a little different.
  14. Yes, I was asking you. I should have been more specific. I really like that shield.
  15. Is that the clear shield or is it the lightly tinted? Thanks
  16. Headlight adjustment starts on page 3-26 in the service manual
  17. Thanks for letting us know. That piece can be a bugger to get back in there correctly. I have found that if everything is lined up with the axle part way in, the bracket will pretty much fall into place.
  18. I am still running the original Bridgestone on the front. Still looks pretty good. I think I'll get 20,000 miles out of it. I have not noticed any handling issues between the different tires. I order my tires from Dennis Kirk and I am pretty sure that they listed the Elite 4 as an option for the Venture. Doesn't really matter as the correct size tire should work no matter what brand. There is plenty of room for even an oversize tire.
  19. I have used both of those sizes in the Bridgestone tires, radial. They both work with no issues. I only got about 10,000 miles out of them so I am currently trying the Dunlop E4. Only have a couple of thousand miles of it so can't give much info on it yet.
  20. Try pushing down on bag right next to button, then push button and lift. Otherwise contact your dealer as there has been a couple of bikes where the clip for the latch has not been installed correctly and the lid cannot be opened.
  21. Some good tunes there. The good old days.
  22. I think you should contact your dealer and give them the good news on the great deal you found.
  23. I looked up the side covers on Partzilla. Came up with part number 90480-01031-00 which is a rubber grommet. $2.08.. Are we talking about the same thing. [h=2][/h]
  24. He didn't say which bike he had as he posted in the 2018 Venture and newer cat. I see by his profile he has a 2007 which would make Marcarl correct.
  25. Double check the pads where they sit on the lower side of the caliper. The tangs on the pads must be in the groves in the caliber. There are also some metal pieces that sit inside the groves to help the pads slide.
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