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Everything posted by Danimal

  1. I suppose he's asking you to detail that truck for him too? Don't do it! He's like a stray cat if you guys start feeding him he'll just keep coming around! Tell him Danimal said hi, Thanks.
  2. So if the O2 sensor is bad it will cause the car to run poorly. And unplugging it will cause it to run normally again. Telling me that in fact it is that sensor thats bad. Right? Sorry I'm so not inclined mechanically. Thanks so much for the replys.
  3. This is completely unrelated to motorcycles but this family is so helpful to others I thought I'd give it a shot. I have a 2001 ford focus zx3 (2 door hatchback). Its been missing at idle to the point where it will quit running once in awhile. Changed plugs, nothing. Changed wires, nothing. Changed ignition coil, nothing. When you start it it runs fine but once it warms up it acts up. For instance I get in car for work and drive 5 minutes. Stop at office to get paperwork and back out to car. Jump in drive another min. and then it starts this problem. Or I can start car and let it idle for ten minutes and it starts doing this. I just unplugged the oxygen sensor on the exhaust manifold and it ran rough for another two min. and then idled fine ever since. It's been doing so for at least 15 minutes now. So question number one. Does the oxygen sensor only tell computer when something wrong? Number two. If unplugged doesn't computer really think somethings wrong and turn a check engine light on or something? Thanks in advance.
  4. Had bike serviced and now a light flashed on for a blip and disappeared and I can't find which it is. Lost my manual and not sure it tells you location of lights anyway. Sitting on bike its the furthest left and bottom. It's red but it doesn't come on when you turn the key on. I was really in the gas when it came on so maybe it's to let you know your about to go airborne? Any help is appreciated. 07 RSV by the way.
  5. My 04 White/white combo was called Baby Beluga by my wife. I always called her Pigmentally Challenged. We would agrue about it going down the road. lol Now my 07 is called Bruiser cause its black and blue! Which come to think of it could have been the 04's name too cause she used to end the agrument by punching me in the shoulder! Have a great weekend!
  6. Set a time RedRider and we will come! I'll bring the beers this time as long as you all like Point! Anyway you guys are a ball to spend time with and I hope I can come watch the fireworks! Thanks again for a very fun saturday. Danimal
  7. Hey KevinsDa1 this is a pretty good oppurtunity to show off your windshield trim. I know you are pretty shy but c'mon. (Insert snicker here.) Kevin had his trim painted to match the top of his 09 and it's sharp! Sharp enuf to make me want it. So come on out of your shell Kevin and tell the nice people about it. P.S. Really enjoyed picking on you bud, and looking forward to seeing you again. Your a blast to hang out with. Dan
  8. What they said is all true but you guys missed some great food and funny conversation. Thanks Jeff what you pulled off was amazing. Somehow you spent time fixing bikes and entertaining us too! For the folks who didn't make it or left early it was a b@// busting time. I mean we had a blast and no one was safe! Jeff even keeps a pony that eats venison brats. Gilbert was his name maybe he can post a pic when he gets time. Thanks again Jeff looking forward to riding and BSing with you again. Danimal
  9. Actually if we had time I would like to split my fairing. The chrome trim doesn't fit tight and I may have to fix the tabs if broken and it would be good to open it up once with help. Do you mind if I bring my brother along? He's currently riding a road star but would have bought a Venture this weekend if the dealer would have taken him seriously. No kidding he test rode a 03? midnight saturday with 39000 miles but said he'd rather have new. So we head down to oshkosh and they have an new 07 on the floor the same as mine. But outside the owner has the new red/black he's riding as his demo for the season. I said "How you gonna sell that bike with that coating of bugs a half inch thick?" He said I don't want to sell it I want to ride it! Then he jokingly said your moneys not green enuf for me. He is a friend of mine so I knew it was just ball busting. But my brother like me is a spur of the moment guy and he wasn't gonna wait for them to find one. We went riding and he decided he should go consider the streetglide so I may have lost him. LOL But we could tackle him and beat some sense into him like when we kids!!
  10. I'll be there saturday sometime. Guy who is supposed to have cut my tree down didn't show until 3:20 this afternoon thus not able to finish the job today/night! So if he can't get here wed. or friday the it will have to be saturday. Supposed to be about two hours left on the job so... I'm trying to save money by helping. But I gaurantee I'll be there on saturday come heck or high water! Just not sure when. Won't be staying the night since I live so close I'll just hammer home after having a few soda's with the group and hopefully we'll fit in a carb synch too. Looking forward to putting names and faces together. Got a memory like a crack addict though so don't be offended if I gotta ask more than once! Directions will be posted? Thanks
  11. Me loves venison!!! mmmmmm...
  12. Count me in please! Need a carb synch. Thanks Dan
  13. I was there! Didn't stay long but can't wait to get together with you again. You guy's should a seen it he had a fella so scared he was up on the roof trying to stay out of the way. HeHe.. Seriously Curt didn't even get a chance to say thanks properly, THANK YOU and I look forward to doing that again. You are a first class Suamicoanarian... or whatever you guys call yourselves. I'm booked til the weekend of the 18 and 19 of July tho. Dan
  14. How much for a colonoscopy? I can't be the only one to think it right? C'mon admit it you wondered too! Allright maybe it was just me, I'm a sick puppy.
  15. And now we have to wait two weeks.....Has it been two weeks yet? How bout now? How bout now? Waiting SUCKS!
  16. Redrider just plan it and we will come. Actually there was a maintenance day over memorial day weekend up in Suamico. It was pretty fun but I had to take off cause my beagle was giving birth. I know excuses excuses... I think I was the only venturerider besides Curt the rest of the folks came thru venturers.org . All exceptionally nice people and helpful really wish I could have taken more advantage of it but just had a full service done. Anyway been really looking for a reason to meet locals and yes New Berlin is local when you own a venture! Best for me if it's not on a holiday weekend because the boss makes me spend family time then. But Fondy is close enuf to show up for part of a day. I say DO IT!!!
  17. Good point Bill thanks. I'm gonna do just what you suggested, I never would have thought of that. Bob sorry I won't be up there this year. Burned up alot of vacation just filling in for days that the company called and said no work today. You just holler if those pesky amish give you any trouble over there and be safe.
  18. Anyone who can should go to this dealer. Support them and tell them why you are supporting them. They deserve it. Now if I could just make the trip for an oil change:thumbdown:I guess that's a bit too far for me but I wish they had gone into business near me! So great to hear about happy endings.
  19. Thanks guys, Bill that won't destroy the integrity of the bar will it? I mean if it tips over it will still be just as strong I would think. Thanks Danimal
  20. So I scored a pretty good deal on some cruiser pegs at the harley shop last weekend. KuryAkyn part #7995, the application is for softail models 1985 and up. Basically it's a small peg with an offset. Really like the look of this one so I figured I can make it work. The pegs don't come with the ring for around the crash bar as I'm sure on the softail it's a straight bolt on into a pre-tapped hole. Bought 2 1" rings and stopped and picked up a couple of half inch nuts on the way home. Assembly went well but having trouble getting the rings on crash bar to quit slipping once I put foot on it. They want to push away when I go to rest my foot on them. Any suggestions? Was thinking rubber from inner tube might work. I think I had this kinda problem with the last pegs when I bought them too and those where for this application but I removed a washer and that did the trick these didn't have the washers so it's as tight as it can get right now. Idea's please... Thanks in advance. Oh total cost was less than 80 bucks. Thanks again.
  21. We are here for you brother. Keep your head up... Maybe get a new paint job any color you want now. So very sorry for you though. Danimal
  22. Is this the new bike? I'm glad to here your all right, take some pics of the damages when you get time. Thanks be to God for your safety though. Take care of yourselves. Dan
  23. Enjoy the new ride, although no pic's maybe your just funning us?
  24. So this morning after my first appointment at the chiropractor I took my bike to be serviced. It was gonna be a few hours so they offered me a goldwing to take for a ride. I did and they are nice bikes, great power and nicely built. After putting 120 miles on the 08 wing I'm now positive it's not the bike for me. However after looking at some of there ventures I noticed one, an 07 exactly like mine except it had about every acc. known to man on it. I was starting to miss my bike so I took a seat. The back pain immediately started to dissipate! So I said I gotta take a look at this backrest. Flip it over and it says utopia on it. OK I've heard of these looks like a quality backrest. Bike is finished so I rush home to beg mama to let me have one please o please baby I'll never ask for anything again the rest of my life! She says if it will help you ride further and longer get one. Placed the order about 60 seconds later. Can't wait for this sucker to come. They said the build and ship date is June 1. Cool!!! Now how long should I wait until I tell her I need cruiser pegs to help my back pain. hehe I seriously love that women.
  25. Curt you didn't waste 5 hours. I'm gonna have to lounge somewhere when we get there. I hate a dirty garage. lol My wife just told me I have to clean my garage over the next vacation or she will. And she's not nearly as attached to my things as I am. I think it's time to add on so I have someplace to store my things. Looking forward to meeting you in a couple of weeks. Dan
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