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About kj1961

  • Birthday May 27

Personal Information

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  • Location
    Chetwynd, Canada


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  • Home Country


  • Bike Year and Model
    2006 midnight venture
  1. I am from BC Canada,my brother and I want to ship our bikes to Orlando Florida and ride home,can anyone help me with where I could ship to that would be close to the Orlando airport,and be left for about a week?Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. I bought a used 06 instead of a new one,biggest reason,no EFI,yamaha needs to get with the times,these are great bikes and I think would sell better if they were EFI.If they were EFI I would have bought a new one.
  3. RoyalG,what is store name to get that morgan carb tune tool pls??Any Canadians out there know where to get a carb snc tool???
  4. Thats a great view G & V for sure
  5. Can't find it on a search,but does anyone know if its possible to take off either the front or back tire just using the centre stand??I have been at shops that do not have jacks.Freebird posted great pics on doing it on a first gen,just wondering if possible on the second gen?
  6. Has anybody tried the Rivco air horn?Just wondering if its easy to install and does the compressor stay out of site?
  7. Just installed my speedo healer,easy install thanx to Chris's instructions,works perfect.Speedo was reading 10 % to fast,I bought this bike with 60000 kilometers on it,if the speedo was out 10% does anybody agree the bike would actually have 10% actual kilometers less on it being it read 10% to fast??Which would be 54000....
  8. Heard about the dunes,a deffinate,right on Mike,We're leaving here may 21st rolling thru Seattle bout 24 or 25,hoping for good weather along the coastline not sure if thats a bad time of year or not,only time I can get away.
  9. Planning a trip from Vancouver along coastline to California border and back thru middle of Oregan,can anybody give some must see points of interest??Thanx:fingers-crossed-emo
  10. could be him,a little far away now,thanx
  11. thanx goose:)
  12. Thanx Bob,just one more thing,how much of a temperature variance is "too" much?So should they be even from cold start to warm up?I just bought an 06 VSR and have been reading about this engine vibration,thank goodness for this forum,I thought I had bought a lemon,but once I got the rev's up it smoothed right out,but,I had an 87 VSR,that thing ran smooth start to finish and had way more snap than my 06,so don't know if there was any motor change from 87-06,but am deffinately riding this 06 a lot different,I do miss a tach thou.
  13. How often should the carbs be synced?How do you check all cylinders are fireing properly???
  14. A few years ago I met a bike mechanic who only worked on ventures,lost his name,but if I recall he lives outside Edmonton and just worked out of his garage,does anybody know his name or how to contact him,thanx
  15. Right on thanks guys..
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