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Everything posted by fordpol

  1. Thanks for hosting this great site. Merry Christmas to one and all! May 2013 be a great year!! Ken!
  2. A Very Merry Chrstmas and All the best safe riding in 2012 to everyone! From Ken and Gwen!
  3. Just wanted to say Thank You to all of you on here who recommended the E3 tires. Just replaced the original 404 tires with a set of E3's and WOW what a difference no squirrelly feeling on rough pavement or tar snakes or even road cracks. Top heavy feeling is gone! Anyway thanks everyone. Anyone still running the 404's try E3's when you wear your 404's out. You will not be sorry. By the way they were only $40 more than a new set of 404's! Ken!
  4. Keep track of miles travelled gallons of fuel pumped into the tank and divide result is miles per gallon. Or km/100 litres if Canadian :-) Tank capacity has no bearing. More data equals more accurate result. Ken!
  5. If not too late I would like 1 - 5 3/4 patch! Ken!
  6. fordpol


    Definitely the hardest thing I have ever done is quit smoking been 10 years now after smoking for 20 plus years. Like everyone had quit many times only to start again. Only way you can quit for good (in my opinion) ist to tell yourself I will NEVER light another smoke! If you are anything like me if you light one it tastes and smells so bad but the buzz is SOO GOOD you light the second one and back full time smoking! Good luck and if you ever have the urge to light up take a second and contact ANY of us who are finally FREE from the habit / addiction!! Gets WAY easier each day! Ken!
  7. A Happy New Year to everyone all the best in 2010!!!! From Kelowna BC where is is -16C this morning BRRR! Off to Mexico Jan 16th
  8. Wife and I fly to Mexico Jan 16th for 2 weeks!!! Merry Christmas to one and all! All the bext to everyone in 2011! Ken!
  9. fordpol

    Man Wax

    Almost peed myself laughing so hard!!
  10. Merry Christmas to al EH!!!
  11. The mugs have landed! They look great Thanks a lot Don!! Later Ken!
  12. Sounds like mine did on an 08 also warranty. Mine was the connectors in the fairing. Still in warranty so why not let them fix it! Ken!
  13. Volunteer fire fighter since 1980! Added first medical response 3 years ago! About 200 calls for service a year do it to be of help not for the $
  14. That is the bike I learned to ride way back when! It was high tech even had oil injection! Ken
  15. Absolutely always!
  16. Hi Freebird can't find the thread but REALY want two of these mugs! PM me or send link and where to sent $$ Ken!
  17. Would really like two of these so another shameless bump! Ken!
  18. Would like 2 please! 16oz. Ken!:sleigh:
  19. I change oil and filter every 5000km easy to remember. :-) On drive oil change will do at recomended interval. Waiting to get bike back - bearing in rear dif crapped out replacing whole dif under warranty at 10,000km. Sounded like dragging brake pad but on the other side :-( Ken
  20. Well I am one of the relative new comers and I have several pictures of what might have happened in the past! Revenge can be hard to get as I am sure you know (without bad consiquences for you) May have to wait for the big guy to get it for you and he WILL! Ken!
  21. Allow your self the time to heal! Take care! Ken!
  22. I have one which I use everytime I am out snowmobiling! No cell out there LOL! It is similar to GM's On Star! You set up who you want the non emergency message sent to (email addresses or Cell phone text message) 911 goes to a call center for dispatch to local authorities. Never had occasion to use 911 but the help I use regularly to let people know we are out and back at the truck. Also to look at the google earth view of special places we go! Ken!
  23. Prayers sent! All will go well! Ken!
  24. Had the Whirlpool Duet for about 3 years now absolutely no problems at all! Touching wood! LOL! Super sale price then in Canada was $1999 for the pair! The wash is almost dry after the superfast spin! Ken!
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