So you want a Ducati story huh?
Well, back in the late 60s I had a Ducati Mountaineer, 90cc.
It was a dual purpose bike of sorts. It had two rear sprockets and a chunk of chain to add for using the larger sprocket for off roading.
I used to ride that thing in the local enduros. Never really did very good, but had a lot of fun.
On one particular day, I was getting close to the finish, but the last bit was on a short stretch of road. I saw a guy along side of the road that I had seen off and on during the day, so I was going to stop and see if I could give him a hand. Well, the old guy following me in a CAR, didn't stop when I did.
The next thing I know I'm flying down the road. (literally) So the way this played out was, the bike landed on it's left side, sliding, with me lying on the right side, and when WE came to a stop, I rolled off.
It must have been quite a sight to see, cause cars and trucks stopped. Well, they hauled me off to the hospital, I really wasn't hurt too bad. The bike was quite a mess though.
Can't say I know what ever happened to the old guy that hit me, but did get some compensation for the bike. As I recall, me and my cousin fixed it up somewhat.
That's my story and I'm stickin to it.