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Everything posted by curtis

  1. Here are a couple of pictures. Are the chrome brackets something I can get local or does somebody have a set I don't have them?
  2. I am need of some help. I have finally got my parts but I am having problems putting my windshield back on. The book don't show how to put it back on. I don't even know if I have all the parts. I have two brackets with rubber on one end and then 2 bolt holes on the other that has what I would call guide pins that the bolts go through. It looks to me like they go down at the bottom in front but I don't know if the rubber goes up or down. Then I cant figure out how to bolt the rest of it up. I can see 2 bolt holes up at the top by the mirrors but I don't know if there is supposed to be a bracket that goes between the windshield and the frame. Next I have a bracket left over that I don't know where goes. Mine is green and looks kind of like a butterfly. There is four bolt holes one on each corner and then 2 bolts that look to be pressed in coming up through the middle. The old one has plastic broken off still attached like it would go to a fender or something like that.
  3. First of all I would like to say thank you to everyone who helped last time. I now have brakes all the way around and i found a broken wire on the kickstand switch. I have now came across more problems. First of all does anyone have a CHEAP set of front rotors? Mine are both bent. I have a 1988 venture. Second problem as i put this bike back together after getting it in pieces. I have found 3 wiring plugs that I cant find a home for. The first is right behind the headlight it is a flat 3 wire plug that has a white end on it. The 3 wires are red and blue, red and either yellow or light brown and then black. The second plug is green in color two plugs one sits sideways on top of the other. The wires are light brown and black. The third plug is sticking out where the harness turns down from top to go to kickstand. About front of seat. It is a 2 plug black on end and has protective cover over the two wires. One wire is red the other is black. I know they have wiring diagrams on this sire however they show everything. The radio, CB, and everything else. My bike only has cruse nothing else. Since i didn't take it radio apart i don't know if there was even anything there. If anyone could help I would really be grateful. I dont know if it is part of it but on my dash the battery light is showing. I am guessing it is not charging.
  4. I just purchased a bike that had been wrecked and sat for three years. The only problem with it is that the plastic got hurt. I have put everything back together except for the plastic. It will run and sound good however, when I put it into gear it dies. I have bleed the clutch. Is there something that has to be engaged before it can go into gear? The next question I have is how do I bleed the brakes? I am not use to working on motorcycles I normally work on cars. This bike sat for three years with no fluid in front lines. On a car I can open up the bleeders and gravity bleed to get fluid down to calipers. I can't seem to get it to work on my bike. I would love any help Thanks. Wow I am impressed with your site. 15 minutes and three answers. I will be your newest member. Thanks for the brakes I never thought about a vacuum bleeder. As far as the kickstand I have a picture on my dash that shows the kickstand when down it goes out when I put up could it still be bad. Does the center stand make a difference whether it is up or not. This is a 1988 sorry forgot to put year and I am in Oak ridge TN.
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