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Everything posted by curtis

  1. how do i tell difference?
  2. This may have been posted here but I am trying to bid on one and I need to know if the ignition switch out of an 84 will fit and 88 venture. I also need to know if I can get the tumblers out of the new switch without the key. There is no key for the switch I am trying to buy and I want to put my old key back in so they are still keyed right.
  3. I guess I am just plain mean. I don't let teh wife ride with me if she wants to ride she can taker her own bike.
  4. Sounds good in TN. Took about 10 sec MAC.
  5. Well if I am wrong somebody will let us know, but I have been working on the same thing. The 5 glass fuses are strait though fuses. What I mean by that is they come in on one side go through the fuse and strait out the other side. Just hook them up on the new fuse box the same as they are. One wire goes in the other wire comes out with a fuse in between them. It will make no difference which wire is on which side. The screw on the top left is the ground. All wire hooked to it need to be grounded. The screw on the top right has a red/black wire coming to it. That wire is a constant hot strait from the key switch. There is no fuse in line with it, so I don't know what all is hooked up to it but when you change it make sure that you put a fuse in between them. I would say somebody added some things to your bike and just hooked them up to the hot screw. All you need to do is make sure to hook each of the wires up to a fuse.
  6. What I don't understand is on my original covers on the back side there is a flap about 3/4 of an inch that has 3 hole in it that you put screws through to make it open like a door. On this one there are 4 post sicking out of the bottom side of the left one and 2 on the right one plus the lock. I don't have 4 holes in my bike to mount them.
  7. This is the second picture that should have been on there. I know they fit the bike but I don't know where they go.
  8. I was checking to see if someone can help me. The first set of pictures is of my highway pegs bracket. I am wanting to know if anyone can tell me what they are made out of and if there is a way for me to cold weld them back together. I don't know if something like J-B weld will hold them. I really hate to buy a new set when all I need is this one piece. The second picture can somebody please tell me where on the bike these go. The last set can somebody tell me what they fit. I bought them off Ebay because I thought they would fit my bike. They have don't have the flap to make them open like a door. They have a lever in place of a lock and then 2 pegs sticking out on the other side. I don't know if they fit something with the radio or not. They don't fit my bike and i would be willing to trade them or sell them. I am looking for a set for the left side I don't have a radio just the pocket.
  9. I took the front end a part and I checked the stem. I have 2 of them and did not know which one was which. I checked the one I took off compared to the other one. It was easy to see that the old one was bent. The one I have on the bike is strait. If you have 0 air in front-end is it possible for your front fender to hit.
  10. I was checking to see if anyone else had any ideas on this or if there is a way I can measure it to find out if I am off or not. I don't really see how I could have put the front end back together wrong there is only one way it can go but if you know of something I might have missed please let me know.
  11. I did look at them an i think it would be a really neat thing to have. I don't even mind the price of 350 for the unit it is when you add the other 400 for the headsets and everything else that puts them way out of my price range.
  12. I had the bike together for once so I took a couple of pictures to show everyone. Ok I am proud it is back together there might be more than a couple.:photographing::photographing::photographing::photographing::photographing:
  13. You don't sound stupid it is just on my HD I can adjust the clutch manually and I always run mine so when you let out on the lever just a little bit you start to move. I don't really like letting all the way out to start to move. Just personal preference. I was just checking to make sure that is normal for these bikes.
  14. Checked Ohms from black wire to ground 0.1 Checked Ohms g/w to black wire unhooked at plug with full tank of fuel started out at about 34 slooowly worked its way up to 40 and then went blank.
  15. I have an 88 venture with no radio/CB/intercom and would really like to have them. Does anyone know how hard it would be to install them or does anyone know of an aftermarket system I could get. I would like to have all three of them. I see a lot of people junking out bikes does anyone have a complete system they would like to sell?
  16. I agree with the cramped up feeling at least on the years around 2003. I bought a 03 ultra rode it 750 miles shipped the seat back to my house and put a Corbin on it then went 20 hours strait with my 4 year old son. I am 6ft 4inch and the Corbin moved me back and gave me the extra room.
  17. The forks were replaced I know for sure because I have the old forks.
  18. I was wanting to know if they make this piece the same for all the years between 83-93? The reason I am asking is because when I put my bike back together again and started riding it my front fender is hitting on the radiator cover and scratching my paint off. I have two different sets of these top and bottom and I don't know which set they used. I know where this is a front end crash that it could have very well bent the frame but I don't see where it is bent and I am hoping that I can just change these and change the rake on the front of the bike. I also notice when I ride it that it is hard to control at very low speeds. 1988 venture with no air in front forks
  19. All right I checked the g/w wire at the sending unit and it slowly went all the way up so I am guessing that my gauge works. Does this mean that I need a new sending unit or is there something inside the sending unit that could be the problem? If so does anyone have one for sale.
  20. Even though I live in TN which requires a helmet I came from KS which don't. When I lived in KS I never wore one until I got an ultra classic HD which had helmet stereo and intercom, then moved to TN and now required. Which is probably a good thing since in 2006 I got ran over by a car and would not be alive if I didn't have one on. However even though it saved my life if I didn't have to ware one now and since I don't have an intercom I probably not ware one now. I just like the freedom of not having one.
  21. First of all I want ot say thank you to everyone for all your help so far. :clap2: I took the speedometer cable out of the front wheel and rode it home. I still have the wine. :crying: That is why I was asking if there was a bearing in the wheel part that I needed to grease. Thanks to the help on here I was able to pull the dash apart and I changed my gauge and now according to my GPS my speedometer is now reading within a couple of miles per hour which is close enough for me. If anything now it is reading fast instead of slow. While I was in there I greased the bearing in the head and the cable. :thumbsup: With that much done I moved on to the gas gauge. I took it out of the gas tank and hooked it back up turned on the key and no matter where i moved it the gauge on the dash did not work. Any help on this thanks again for all you have given me so far. :think:
  22. Can someone tell me if the gear in the wheel can be making the wining noise. Is there a bearing in the gear that can be bad? I changed the wheel bearing when I put back together. Don't sound like wheel bearing. The wine is heard when rolling and RPM has no affect on it. Is it possible that the wine is coming from the clutch and not the wheel.
  23. i have another question how do you get the map that shows where all you have rode?
  24. Is there anyway to fix it? 5 off would not bother me but 15 to 20 slow is a real pain it makes it hard to ride. Is the gas gauge suppose to show bars or something to let you know how much gas you have? Mine does not show anything.
  25. I have a couple more questions. 1988 venture First my speedometer is off about 15 to 20 miles an hour anyone have any idea about why or how to fix. I also have a wine which I think is the speedometer. I heard a really loud squeal when i get up to a certain speed, goes away when i slow down. I have seen in this site how to grease the speedometer but I don't know if it is in the head or down at the wheel. Second is there anyway to adjust the clutch on these bikes? When i let out on the clutch it goes almost all the way out before it starts to engage. Third any ideals on why i have a hesitation when I first give it gas. It will do it at almost any speed. Is this what happens when the carbs are out of sync or is this maybe from the diaphragms leaking.
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