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Personal Information

  • Name
    Curtis Holt


  • Location
    Oak Ridge, United States


  • City
    Oak Ridge


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
  • Bike Year and Model
    1988 venture XVZ13
  1. I just wanted to let anyone who is interested know that the tail of the dragon is now officially open. They finished working on the road today.
  2. You own a first gen! You don't need a tool kit. Or are you talking about for every other bike you see on the side of the road. :rotfl:
  3. I just wanted to bump this up I still really need one.
  4. Well I didn't get the one on Ebay so if anyone has one for sale PLEASE let me know. Thanks Curtis
  5. Thats the one I have been watching hoping nobody else bids on it.
  6. This is where I made my reservations.
  7. My son and I will be there if we can make it up there. Curtis
  8. I don't know if you have cruise on your bike but the clutch switch does 2 things. First when the bike in running and the clutch all the way out it will allow the cruise to work. Second when the clutch is pulled in you can start in gear. There is not a spring on the switch it is a push button switch. Normally out can be pushed in. The spring on there is behind the clutch lever and it pushes the lever out to push the clutch switch in for the cruise to work. I am not sure how you test this; however, if it is not setting all the way into the connector it will not work.
  9. Thanks for the advise; however, there is an 10 mm hex bolt on the bottom of a fork. When you read right past that point in Freebirds instructions no matter how hard you pull it doesn't come apart. After a phone call today :happy65: it comes right apart. I have not been able to take it out for a spin or even set it on the ground but the forks are done and back on the bike. I still have it apart putting on an CLASS system. When it is all done I will let everyone know how it works.
  10. I need some help on the front forks. I am trying to relace the seal and put progressive springs in them with air suspension. I have both forks off the bike, I took the springs out. Pulled the dust cover off and then the clip under. Finally I pulled the gold colord washer out. What I need to know is how do I get the tubes out of the lower forks with out damaging them. :confused24: I read the post on here about doing this and the only post I can find is Freebirds and his are still on the bike. Everything else is just replacing springs on the bike. I took the forks off because I want to make sure that they are strait.
  11. I was checking to see if you can lower these bike very much. I sure don' t need it but the wife is 5'2" sanding on a 3' step ladder. She now rides a HD heritage softail but has trouble touching the ground flat footed. Anyone who has ever rode one knows you cant go any lower on them they drag to much now. I thought about getting her a venture if you can lower them enough for her to get on. I would like to see her with a dresser bike.
  12. If you want traffic reports, you could tie an AM/FM radio in though the 3.5mm port. How do you add a radio?
  13. My Bike is a standard and I don't have the CB or radio. I thought about putting a factory system on their but everyone tells me I would be better off using aftermarket. There all recommend this one but nobody ever tell me why. I also don't know if I should just buy the J&m system and then get a different brand of headset and antenna or what. I read somewhere that J&M antenna is not very good and hard to install. Please help
  14. Can anyone tell me how much oil goes int eh front forks. I know the book says 13.5 oz but is that total or per side?
  15. curtis

    Vip Member

    If you click on the tab that says click here you can choose either the single or dual that price is for the single. Thanks for helping. It is the cheapest price I have found yet I was just wanting to see if the VIP made it any cheaper. If not I really don't want to spend the extra 40$.
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