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Personal Information

  • Name
    Patrick Mcdunn


  • Location
    Clear Brook, United States


  • City
    Clear Brook


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2006 RSTD
  1. I have a set of pipes I'll give you for the cost of shipping. Send me a pm
  2. Flb 78 How you like that Traeger grill/smoker? A friend of mine got the midsized one and he loves that thing so much I don't think he has cooked in his kitchen in months. I want to get one but I am having trouble getting the boss to approve the funds.
  3. Hey Prairiehammer, there is a Costco in Mt Prospect, IL and they should have brisket. Do you know anyone that has a membership? If so have them buy the untrimmed vacuumed packed one. They will have to ask someone in the meat dept for it.
  4. It's true we live in a messed up world. But I didn't cry for Steve Jobs the way I understand it he was a real S.O.B. But I do feel sorry for any child that has to lives in poor 3rd world country's. The people that rule those countrys are corrupt and heartless.
  5. Amen!
  6. You would know if you had the issue with the clutch basket. If you don't have a problem with the way your bike sounds than don't worry about it. If you are happy with your ride than just ignore all the talk about the clutch whine. Enjoy your bike and ride safe. Pat:fingers-crossed-emo
  7. Funny I just got this email from Victory. http://view.exacttarget.com/?j=fe5116777d63017a741d&m=ff001572766c05&ls=fdcb15717062017f7115757667&l=fe5d15777162057d731d&s=fe261679756c037f7d1673&jb=ffcf14&ju=fe2f17717c61007f741774&WT.mc_id=
  8. Is that in a little strip mall in waves?
  9. A friend of mine just traded his Harley bagger for a 2011 Kawasaki Concours ZG 1400 He said he could write a book about what he loves about the bike. I had a older connie before my RSTD and I kinda miss it. If I had the $$ I go with the Concours.
  10. "I'm going for a ride!"
  11. " If he posts this picture on Venturerider.org I'm gonna kick his butt"
  12. [i also tried motorkote, in my opinion it's a waste of money.] Same here ^! I also tried Rotella Synthetic 5-20 and I think it was worse. I had the I-basket installed and it got about 40% better and I use Rotella 15-40 with the Purolator pro-one oil filter. The roadhouse slip ons takes care of the rest. Pat:080402gudl_prv:
  13. Here it is. http://www.gooddeals18.com/c=r7nmOjR37u1THfDNB4DK9jabJ/product/SHKCYCLERADIOKIT250/sale-250-watts-Motorcycle--yacht-2-speakers--amplifier--radio-pkg.html I been looking at this for some time. Pat:080402gudl_prv:
  14. Go to lowes-depot and by 2 and put them on the rail under your saddle bags. Take your pipes with you so you can get the right size bolts if you didn't get them with the pipes. The only thing I know for sure is to get the 1/2 in ones 3/4 is too long. Hah you laugh but they work.http://shop1.mailordercentral.com/marshfasteners/images/RLTHUMB.JPG Pat
  15. [is the seat a must replace and if so what's the recommended seat?] I highly recommend a Butler seat mod that's the best deal out there! Also or first Ride that bike and listen to the motor I have a 06 I bought in 09 with 900 miles and my only regret is the clutch basket whine. I have a screamer and that's with the I basket replacement that you can read about on this site. All in all the best bike for the $$ out there. The only other mod's that I would recommend are slipons and driving lights. Pat (new guy) P.S. You can find info on the seat mod in the classified section.
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