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I see some of our members have some 6.0L power strokes. Just a word from a Shop Foreman with a bunch of them in our fleet, being used as mechanics trucks and supers trucks. If you have one with over a hundred thousand on it be on top of any coolant loss as they are prone to head gasket issues. We keep a set of gaskets and heads in the shop. The heads haven't cracked yet, it is just easier to replace and check them when we have the time. The trucks with higher mileage tend to lose the high pressure oil pump and then your done until it is replaced. Even with all that I just wrote we have one and one only in the fleet that we don't have any issues with, and it is an early 6.0. The driving issues they have with the 6.4 can best be descrided as a rev limiter bump,type of feeling. The engine drops cylinders when put under lite throttle pressure at highway speeds. On roads with gradual but long inclines it will do it on cruise. Ford has no fix for it. I worked for Ford for 18years as a mechanic and still have some contacts in Fords truck division and to a man they all said it is a "live with it" situation as they have all their marbles in the 6.7L now and hope as time goes by owners will gradually upgrade. Being a Ford man and a mechanic who has always taken pride in fixing things that are broken, it really irks me that Ford has basically given up on the 6.4 and 6.0, but that seems to be what they've done.
I have six 6.4 power strokes in my fleet along with 12 6.0 power strokes. The 6.0's are really bad, the 6.4's are just bad. Fuel mileage is terrible, they all have a driving hesitation that Ford is unable to address. All of the 6.4's have had at least two EGR's installed and one EGR cooler installed with most having injector issues also. All of our 6.4's have around 90 to 150 thousand miles on them. The 6.0's I wouldn't use as a boat anchor as I am sure the anchor would drag, they are that bad. I have five 7.3's with over 300 thousand miles on them and all we've done is one turbo and transmissions. Any issues with the 6.4's are going by the wayside as Ford and International have severed all business assoiciations with each other and are now in litigation over the problems with these engines. The Cummins units I have have had no serious issues, we have two. The GMC's we have, also two, also have run very well, one with over 200 thousand miles without any big issues. Hope this helps
I wear what I want when I ride. Not always what someone else does. I have never ridden without boots and jeans. normally the weather determines wether it is a jacket or short sleeve shirt. I have laughed at the riders I've seen in the summer all suited up, full face helmets and jackets. Went down twice hard in the last four years. Hit by a car on an exit ramp, he shot in between me and a following car and took my rear wheel out. Broken ribs then and some road rash. Didn't change how I rode until this year when my wife and I hit a herd of deer at 60 plus. I came out with bruises and some rash, I was jacketed and gloved, my wife is still in recuperation four months later. I now no longer laugh at how others are dressed. My wife wouldn't have hurt her face at all with a full helmet on but she was suited up otherwise. It does make a difference. I haven't ridden since May of this year, but when I do get back on I will still wear what I always did, just won't laugh any more at those who take their protection a step further then me. Until you carry someone you love out of the road and realize there was something that could have been done different with something as simple as clothing, to help you won't know I mean. Kind of like jumping out of a plane and never having a mae west happen. Can't explain how it feels until your chute doesn't open on the way down. All of a sudden that pain in the butt reserve becomes very valuble to your well being.
I hear that the Marine Martial Arts program at Quantico is always looking for practice dummies. When they catch them I think the sentence should be community service as a pratice dummy. Then after two to three minutes as a dummy, the Docs will be able to practice on real casualties. Cowards and nite slinkers come in all forms Semper Fidelis
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Had Progressive for a number of years and never had a problem except for the price. Every year it kept going up without any good reason. Haven't had, to that point an accident or moving violation in over 25 years. Switched to Dairyland and for some reason I had constant billing issues. Prices kept changing and invoices would get 'lost in the mail'. I had to keep a ledger of when to call them to make sure they took their payment out. Got tired of that and switched to Gieco and they were good to me. Had them for three months when we ran into a herd of deer on 5/30/10 and totaled my bike. They paid my bike off the following Friday withour any hassles. Then the adjuster came by the house and picked up our damaged gear and paid us for that. the only issue I had with them was that they wouldn't pay the medical to the hospital or Dr. We did it thru our insurance, submitted a bill to Gieco and they paid us, we then returned that to the insurance company after covering our deductable.
Like I said in an earlier post. I have never seen more animals on the road then this year, that is 40 plus years of road riding. My wife and I were heading to Washington DC on Memorial Day morning on rt 288. Set the cruise to 72mph and sat back for the ride up...came around a curve and a herd was standing in the lane, I got hit physically by two and my wife got hit in the leg by one. Motorcycle was a total but we came out of it breathing. Deb has a couple more months of recuperation and therapy on her leg and I just had some bumps and bruises. My buddy who was behind us is from Pa. no helmet law there. After watching us and going through what he went through to stop, he now wears his helmet and gloves. Without being suited up, even though it was a warm morning and going to be a hot day, my wife would have been killed by the impact her head took if not for the helmet, and her jacket and pants took almost all of the road rash instead of her. We will ride again...just not unless the sun is shinning, and I will put every whistle they say works on it too. I also renewed my hunting lic.. Going to try to thin them out.
My friend has an SVO ultra that has been tweaked. He and I have managed a few run offs on the open road. From a lite with both of us with passengers he will pull away from me until the high end of second gear for me, then I play catch up and do. Pulling out on the highway with a second or third gear start off it isn't even close. I would just pull away from him as long as I am holding the revs high when we start accelerating. At least I use to be able to until the deer got in the way in May. Now it recuperation and waitting to get another.
When my son came home for the last time we recieved some vile e-mails from Westboro and they stated they were coming to his funeral mass. I wasn't too worried as I resigned my self to jail time if they did and I knew that I would have some good Marines there with me if they showed up. Fortunately they didn't show, but my county police and fire deptments took the threat seriously. The police got, from all the neighbors on all the surrounding roads, the right to arrest anyone blocking any egress from their property or for so much as stepping on their land. We live in a rural area..no sidewalks. The fire dept ran out a huge American flag along with a charged inch and a half fire hose. I will be forever indebted to them for that. What was an occassion no parent wants to go thru, that could have turned out worse if those rejects of society had shown up, turned out to be a day of gratitude to people I had never known before. My grandson still remembers playing on the fire truck with all his new 'friends'. As for those rejects...I wouldn't waste my water to spit on them. A proud Father of a son who gave his all 1/24/2006 Semper Fidelis
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I wonder if any one ever counted how many motorcycles hit animals and go down. Va has had two rider/deer contacts since Memorial Day that have resulted in fatalities. How many have been hit and gone down with injuries I have no idea. I do know that my wife and I are two of what I am sure are many more. I have seen riders and heard of riders who have hit already dead animals laying in the road and gone down. That's not counting the instinctive swerves when something darts out or the dog who wants to bite your tires or leg. I am a pretty safe rider. I stay away from situations that look funky, my head is always looking around and I always assume the other driver is definitely going to do what I know he couldn't possible do. But I had no defense in coming around a long sweeper at 70 and into a herd of deer standing in the highway. Fortunately I was on the best bike I ever owned and it and I did everything we could to make it and almost did. My wife has a couple more months before she can walk and my back might never be the same but we are still here. My RSV was totaled but it did everything I asked of it and took TWO deer with it. I bet more of us go down to animals then other drivers, just my thoughts
I think you are having trouble making the decision because you know what you must do, and you really don't want to. But family is what matters, riding is fun but family makes life worthwhile. Have faith in yourself that when the time comes to make a choice you will make the right one. My wife would get back on a bike as soon as she heals up. But I won't ever put her in that situation again....ever. No 'wind in my face' or beautiful country road will ever take the place of the fear I felt holding her head in my lap on the side of the road. I'll look across at her from the bucket seat of a convertable and be just fine with that. I will pray for your recovery and hope for your family to grow and occupy your time in watching and sharing with them, the exploration of this wonderful world we live in.
Know what you are going thru. My wife was riding on the back heading up to the Iwo Jima Memorial on Memorial Day weekend and I went thru a herd of deer on 288 around 60 plus mph. My wife has some road rash and a compound fracture of her ankle, I ended up in the median and the bike upside down in the left lane. Fortunately my buddy who was following didn't go down and helped get my wife out of the street before the cars got us. The first four passed us, one actually blew his horn at us. Finally some people stopped and helped us while we waited for the ambulance. Draged two dead deer off the road and the bike. I've been riding since I was 17 am now 59 and I am hanging it up. I very rarely go out without my wife on the back and I will NEVER again go thru dragging her off the road, and she will get back on if I get another. So I am now going to get a convertable and make the best of it. Will I miss it, you bet, will I wish I was riding, absolutely, but the memory of my wife laying in the street bloodied up and a broken leg will keep me in a car. Family has to take precedence. Wish you luck with your decision. Hope it comes as easy as mine did.
I have been to too many memorial reflections. It always amazes me that even amoung those who come with the best intentions there have to reminders that phones be turned off, mine stays in the bags, and proper behavior while people reflect on those no longer with physically. I remember going aboard a destroyer when I was in the cub scouts with my Dad. Watching him remove his cover when we entered the mess hall and asking him why. His explanation of what the mess hall was used for in time of war, his being WW2, has stayed with me and been passed down to my children and now to theirs. At the same time I was at the Marine Coprs evening parade at 8th and I and had to remind a veteran in front of me to remove his cover during the National Anthem. I have a picture on my tool box of the Colors going by in a parade. Everyone is sitting on a curb except for one old man who is standing...using the wheel chair he was sitting in for support. I've never met that man, but I know who he is. Semper Fidelis
You have done noble things Boomer. Your Extended Patriot Guard service is noble indeed. Coupled with your Navy service, the extra's would just be gravy on what you have done already. You have my families gratitude for your Navy service and our appreciation for your Patriot Guard duties. The honors that you give to all who have served and are serving are noble indeed. As a family who has recieved them it means more then you will ever know.
Thanks for posting this, I hadn't heard about it. My wife already signed us up, bought a bunch of pins, donated to the gas fund and offered our yard up for his tent. We are going to keep a watch out as he gets close and hopefully ride a ways with him. The videos are outstanding. We should all have had the Pledge taught to us by Red Skeltons teacher. I learned mine from my dad, who showed me what it means to be an American. Please help with a donation, and if you can't remember those who gave there all on Memorial Day. Keep this Marine in your thoughts and prayers for a safe trip. He has touched us with his efforts Sonnyboy Father of one who gave his all, brother to another Semper Fidelis
I know the pride you will feel as you watch the graduation parade, the confusion in trying to pick him out of so many marching in unison. But the feeling in your heart will exceed what you think you will feel, especially if those who have served in the brotherhood and are sitting in the stands, are asked to stand with them. I know not how we brought such strength of duty and purpose in the little packages that we brought into this world and who now stand so tall in front of us, but somehow you did. Your family continues to serve and continues to show it's love for this country and what it represents. I am as proud of you who brought him to this point in his life as I am of him. I hope some day to be able to tell him that one day, even if he never knows who I am. Semper Fi
:detective:Don't forget the toll booth drivers too. We have three roads with tolls and it can really get your heart rate going as you negotiate through everyone trying to get to the shortest line no matter how many lanes they are from it. In richmond we also have a new event this spring...the pothole dodgers. Staying away from them as they change lanes without checking the lanes they have now dodged into first can be fun. they are not to be out done by the pothole stoppers...those that come to a complete stop and inch into a pothole like a child dipping there toes in the water to see how cold it is.
I read a thread a couple of days ago that has stayed with me. A few bikers sitting at a traffic light were killed by a dump truck that ran thru them. My first thought was another 'dumb axx' truck driver. Then I realized that I was thinking this while driving my truck down the road. Then I started thinking about how many times I've said the same thing about cagers while they are cutting you off and slamming on the brakes to get off the exit you are passing instead of falling behind the 'big truck'. Or how I've had guys on bikes pass me at better then a hundred, and we have all seen the wheel stands in traffic on the road. We have all sat next to motorcycles so loud that you can't tell if your radio is on. But I have always considered myself a biker. Well that got me to thinking. When I drive my truck I am a trucker, my car, a cager, but most of my free time I am a biker. But I like to think I am one of the 98 out of a 100 that you pass with out a problem, lets you in when you have to get over and yes....does use his signals when turning. That's when I realized that most people you are on the road with, not during rush hours though, mind where they are and actually know what they are doing. It is the idiots no matter what they are driving or riding that make the impression and keep us on our toes. It is those 2 out o a 100 that keep my head on a swivel. My two cents anyway
My dad was a Seabee in the 36th Special unit. Was on the beach heads at Peleliu and Okinawa, survived both of Halsey's Typhoons on a Liberty ship..... That might explain why he never went out on a boat again when he got back home. And yes I do know that a boat is carried by a ship, except in the case of a submarine. But to a landlubber like me they are all boats...some just bigger then others. He never made it to Austrailia but my oldest son did on his return from a tour in the gulf and he loved it and all the people he met.
He will be in the thoughts and prayers of many who have never met him, but think of him in his service to our country. But we will also be thinking of the family who is home waiting. They also serve who wait at home. I am as grateful to the family who raised this warrior as I am of the warrior. One would never exist without the other. Godspeed to him on his mission and may he watch over him and those that serve with him and keep his family in sunshine and warm breezes. From a father and brother of two on the eternal roll call of the Marine Corps
Checked the head bearing and tire pressures. Tires still have plenty of life left but reading what you all said about the Bridgestones, which came on the bike, I went home at lunch, rolled them and rechecked depth in a few places and found that one side of the tire is worn more in spots. Almost like it has sections with softer rubber. Thanks to all. I thought it was me as I never felt anything before this year. Looks like the Elite 3's will be going on shortly. Again thanks to all for the input.
I purchased an 09 Venture new last April and have a little over 9000 miles on it now. I was in a long sweeper at highway speed and took my left hand off to set the cruise and a wobble started to come in as soon as I removed my hand. I checked the front and rear suspension, pressures and alignment and everything seemed fine. Took it out and tried it again and it did the same thing again. Have since noticed that it occurs at a lower highway speed when I am riding double. I was wondering if the scoops in the fairing could be causing this at speed when turning and also if the leveling links might help out. It stops as soon as both hands are on the bars and there aren't any impulses felt in the bars when riding under any conditions. Wondering if it is just a quirk of the bike at speed.
I am a third generation mechanic. Worked for Ford Heavy Truck as a Journeyman mechanic for 18years, Volvo Truck for six years. Was a guild member of DDA and warrenty certified for Cummins and Cat. Did marine diesel engine work for close to ten years on DDA's and MTU's. Now I work on construction equipment as shop foreman. Do most of the metal fabrication and welding. No formal schools on welding but I was fortunate enough to work with a welder who was nuclear certified. I watched, learned and was was taught how by this very gifted man. I feel for the people coming into this business now. They think going to school for a few months, getting a line of Snap-On credit and a roll around tool box makes them a mechanic. If the computor scanner they just bought can't tell them whats wrong they are lost. I use to work with men who had been around equipment and trucks on family farms. When I hot rodded it was what was under the hood that was importent not the paint. Heck some of the better running cars had primer as my money was spent on engine parts. Now after 42 years in this business I realize what my dad said was true. Mechanics will become scarce and parts changers will fill the void.
My dad who rode for over 50 years always told me "when you see a car near you, he WILL do exactly what you are positive he couldn't possibly do". Except for an ocassion when a Hummer decided to use the same exit as me with out leaving enough room for the both of us, I have been lucky enough to stay out of the way. But what I have seen on two ocassions has stayed with me always. Coming back from Rolling Thunder a few years ago about 30 of us were in the middle lane of 95 heading south when a BMW came up on the right of us....the driver looked us up and down over his left shoulder...beeped his horn and when Joe looked over at him he came over and pushed about 5 of us out of the lane and took off for parts unknown. Last nite as we were driving behind a GW, pulling into a shopping center I saw a women come out of a fast food place in front of him, looking at him the whole way over in front of him. I now wish my RSV had antilocks available, that's the only thing that kept him on two wheels. I am very glad that you are okay and have given us another lesson on staying focused
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My Dad was in the original SeaBees of WW2, took him 40 years to talk to me about it. Didn't think being on the invasion beachs with the marines was anything special, they were doing the fighting he would say. He was special to me. But no parades when he got home, nothing special to recognize them, they were just doing what they had to. Fast forward to Korea and Vietnam, the sons and grandsons of these warriors served because they had to. They went and did there duty inspite of the turmoil and anger at them at home. How different are we from then till now? Those who serve then and today did and do so at there life's risk and most do it because of who they are, they are Americans. We are kind of use to butting heads with others who allow trouble to brew and then critique those who stop it. I have unfortunately attending the funerals of those who have recently fallen in our present conflicts. The towns I have gone to know the price paid by this country for the service of their citizens. More then once I have seen them lining the streets with flags in there hands and tears in there eyes, I am humbled and honored by the memory of those sights. I have thought about it often, that maybe it is because of our spread out and moved away families that the physical expression of grief and patriotism isn't as personal, we are disassociated from it. Then one unfortunate day it becomes personal. You learn two things, 'It can't always be someone else's son', and people care deeply for those who fall and the families of the fallen, it is a hard lesson to learn, harder even to live with everyday. Father of fallen Marine and forever a proud American Semper Fidelis
Had ME880's on my Roadstar. got very good mileage on them, but they due tend to get noisey as they wear down. Also found that it is IMPORTENT to check the manufacturing date on the tire. Had one dealer try to sell me new tires that were already two years old and had started to crack in the treads already. Just reading here has helped me in looking for tires for my RSV. Have Bridgestones on now and can't wait to get them off. Any input is welcome, already learned to stay away from Me's on the RSV from a couple of previous posts.