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About LucksRSTD

  • Birthday March 8

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  • Location
    Lancaster, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2000 RSTD
  1. I figured the headlight thing out thanks,
  2. I have a 2000 RSTD I just bought the fish tails from JC whitney, I saw someone on youtube had them and they sounded pretty good through the net. In his post he described what seemed to be a very easy install. take off the bolt from the bag harness/pipes slide pipe off,and install slip ons, well it looks Like the pipe is connected all the way past the split off. there is a bolt on the down pipe and another one on the straight pipe. so it would seem that the slip on would have to fork to be able to slip on. unless I'm missing something. The whole bike is stock. someone please help. nothing worse than having a toy and not being able to play with it thanks
  3. So I finally find the right screws, take cover off, unplug the light. And it doesn't just pull off, there nothing to twist it with but the pronges, I don't wanna muscle it and it break, so if anyone can help me wth the right answer it would be awesome, I thought it was going to be a quick process. I'm sure it is mine is just stuck or something simple like that lol well thanks
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