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Everything posted by trebor

  1. Happy BIRTHDAY !
  2. Unfortunate spill, I know you will "reboot" but your wife ???. Thankful your damage is repairable.
  3. ....to ride another day. Good News
  4. SB, Boy, what a difference the carb. sync. made. It has more get-and-go, thanks again for the adjustments. Looking forward to seeing you next year....from Houton, TX ::::.Happy Trails north......Trebor
  5. Would like to make a donation $ via PayPal for whatever.
  6. Hope my prayers will have the FORCE behind them....to make things right.
  7. happy birthday
  8. Don't know you, but I wont too........HAPPY BIRTHDAY,,
  9. I bought a '03 RSV with 90K with no hesitation.
  11. Awsome, do you make club calls?
  12. I'm coming for the show and I'm bringing a life preserver....we don't want to lose him, he knows too much about these machines.
  13. Hoping it's only case of road rash....word is its bad. Looking forward to seeing him being is "old self" I've sent word to the big GUY, it needs to happen.
  14. Sorry, I missed the rational on this exchange. What's the purpose of doing it?
  15. Happy to know it wasn't more serious. (PS: How do you treat RR?)
  16. Got my bike back together after the adjustment. Rode it around the block, check out OK. Under Ponch's tutelage I could keep this bike going for another 90K. Now, many thanks for a great day in the heat. Your wife did a serious layout for us hungry riders. My first taste of pulled pork tacos, not bad. Thanks for the MD. PS: The pictures are great....
  17. Awesome, coming with carb's in hand. Thanks Kerg/"Ponch":cool10:
  18. Anybody in TX up for the Alaska Bike Run. Let me hear from you.
  19. Welcome Chris, I’m a new member too. This is my first bike,’03. The power is unreal, purchased from another with 90K miles. I’m too stupid to know if there’s a problem. So, I’m heading down to Fulton, TX 78382 on the 22 of Jan. for MD. (check the event calendar) One of the “things” I’m having trouble with is the turning radius, it’s as big as Texas. My turns are now down to two lanes…Merry Xmas
  20. Rick adjusted my seat.....loving it:big-grin-emoticon:
  21. I’m new to the MC world. The ’03 RSV is my first bike. Acquired this past summer I soon determine my legs height needed to be increased to touch the pavement. Rick Buttler modified my seat, a big help. The bike was a REPO. You would think I bought a problem, a lemon. Maybe not, runs OK. Wait-a-minute, I don’t have a history to reflect on to make this judgment I’ve read the “TechTalk”, and I probably need the rear shock. But this carb sync, lean adjustment, AIS, etc. although not Greek to me, I am looking for help. Anybody around Houston, 77021, who would like to help a retired guy …lets get together. My first long trip was to Galveston, it was an education. Those who have made the trip may recall the long left-sweeping curve entering the Causeway. ( After reading “How to Ride Like a Pro” on YouTube, I wanted to apply some of what I learned). I was at 65 mph, counter steering, leaning left and I could not hold the turn. CF was pulling me to the outside of the curve. I shifted a good 5 ft. I’m an avid read of the TecTalk, I enjoy the comments and helpful hints. No regrets on my ’03 purchase, I wish I had made the purchase 10 yrs earlier. It's a fun ride.
  22. I checked my battery several times during the week to confirm it’s good . Reading is 12.5+, the battery is two years old. Somewhere in the “links” , I’m not sure I got this right, there should be no AC across the battery terminals. To have AC is an indicator of a failed reg/rect unit. Your comments would be appreciated.
  23. Is there any way of knowing what RSV engines could be used for replacement, say, on an ’03 RSV. When it gets time I would like to give my “ride” a new lease on life. I like this machine. Yamaha and parts suppliers aren’t much help. Their position: responsibility rest with you for knowing your needs.
  24. Yep, you all were right, not enough RPM on the shift......I'm going through a learning curve. Thanks for your help.
  25. I recently purchased an ’03 RSV. I noticed in shifting from 2nd to 3rd there is loss of power, as if, firing only of 3 cylinders. Is this a possible clutch problem, or what? It “takes off great in 1st and 2nd, but on 3rd is lack power. Suggestions appreciated.
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