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Everything posted by Cutty

  1. I go with the bike manuel, because tires are designed to fit many bikes. The bike maker has set in their suspension values that the bike will perform when those specs are followed. The tire manufacture values are there to let you know their range of applications. The test ride with both cold tire pressures set over the same route will probaly be your best test.
  2. [quote name= WilCruise]I always assumed there was a difference like this because it's so often I can't get any size Phillips driver to seat properly. If it's too late, here's the best $3 you can spend. These things have saved me hundreds in replacement parts and thousands in aggravation in less than a year. Just a couple of weeks ago I got out the seized and stripped screws on both front master covers. Would've had to try drilling, easy-outs, if that failed, tap new threads (assuming enough metal left) else replacing the part. Wish I had these for the last 25 years! http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=38037 The tool you want from Harbor is #93481-1VGA $5.99, This tool is a MUST when working on aluminum screws. It comes with the correct #2 phillips bit used the most.
  3. Look for an independant shop, most are decent and know about alot of bikes.
  4. I use Westley bleach whyte white wall cleaner, Comet powder cleanser and Ajax powder. A white wall brush or Brillo pads with cleanser in them. Find this stuff most auto parts stores and general stores.
  5. Check your filter for excessive oil. To much will tend to make some run rich, if you think this is the case start with cleaning it out. Than test ride, if you see improvement than add a little oil.
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