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Everything posted by Cutty

  1. Having seen McDonalds new ad with the minivan and the biker, I sent them an e-mail reminding them how bikers are very CHARITABLE when it comes to the "RONALD McDONALD HOUSE". They're reply was that they would check with the ad company. Has anyone else viewed this and what are your thoughts??
  2. Has anyone put their bike on a dyno before changing pipes and than after muffler change to see HP and torque values? Just wondering if the 2 cylinder mufflers exhaust waves where any different than the 4 cylinder flow.
  3. Try REPLACING the plug, cheaoer than a coil.
  4. I would definitly check the side where the two plugs that wasn't as clean. Maybe the air filters are OVER OILED, clean them again and test ride with no oil on them. Check inlets for blocked passages. Install two new plugs for the hell of it.
  5. Warm bike up, sitting on centerstand spray some water on each exhaust pipe near head and see which one(s) is the coolest. Check spark plug(s) on suspected cylinder(s).
  6. Which side has the hole in it?? If it's the left side it's there to equal the flow and back pressure as the right side has more exhaust flow. The right side has both cylinders exhaust.
  7. Maybe previous owner only drilled one? Drill and match the two and try.
  8. Install with soap and water. Always install left side first.
  9. Pull the choke on and DO NOT twist throttle when starting cold. Check plugs, make sure they clean, dry and gapped. Using REG gas in the winter also helps, as it will fire easier than HI-TEST.
  10. You are in MI ?? The oil gets thick and that slows things down, might try giving it a little help with a shot of staring fluid. Once started warm bike up until fan comes on.
  11. With the increase in motor size, 88" to 96" are the HD dresser passing more gas?? I heard an 08 Street Glide with stock muffs, very impressive sound. (This post is about the MUFFLERS making more sound). My friend heard an Ultra Classic 09 and said he thought the Street Glide 08 was louder. That being said the U.C. exhaust is routed differently, probably same muffs.
  12. Check this out: WWW.HUSHERSEXHAUST.COM
  13. All ways have air filters in place, as it controls air flow and CARB SLIDES. If you are using air filter than requires oiling, try cleaning and road test. NO filter will float the slides and create a rich fuel action. Drain carbs and look for contaminated fuel. Sync carbs for smooth idle, polite jet idle to 1/3 throttle, needle 1/3 to 2/3 throttle, main jet 1/3 to full throttle.
  14. Turn them ALL in counting each one and write it down before you turn them out. I've found from the factory they are set diff. The more you turn them out the richer the mixture. I use 2.5 turns out as a starting point and a road test before making a final idle adj.
  15. Check brass bushing in clutch handle, should have no play or wear showing. If worn it will limit clutch travel to disengage.
  16. Try SABRECYCLE on EBAY, saw some listed today.
  17. Mostly hear it when engine is not at warmest temp, check carbs for being out of sync. Just one of those things that keeps this bike from being PERFECT. LOL
  18. Also check for a sticking brake caliper and lube brake pad sliding areas.
  19. 1. check clutch fluid 2. check brass bushing in clutch handle for wear (replace if worn and lub it) 3. bleed if to much free play to activate clutch 4. Check shift drum for loose pins.
  20. I like to look at that screw when making a sensitive adjustment such as that is ( just my 2 cents ).
  21. IF THIS IS A FIRST GEN BIKE: The air system is designed to calculate with unloaded suspension given all the varibles of not using the centerstand. The suspension needs some travel, start with you setting it 45 lbs. and a road test and increase by 10 lbs. To stiff is just as bad as not enough.
  22. Tire pressure has nothing to do with it bottoming out, i hope your putting air in the shock when the bike is on the centerstand. What is the pressure reading??
  23. Race Tech makes 3 kits depending on your weight, will lower 1-2 inches. Check with a Parts Unlimited dealer.
  24. Cutty

    running hot?

    Do check the water pump and valve, add a switch to turn fan on when you want. There's also a fan blade being sold to move more air made by MUZZY.
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