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About Solodadof2

  • Birthday 04/29/1966

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Pekin, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Family, camping, Motorcycling, Friends
  • Bike Year and Model
    2008 RSTD
  1. I have one that has a rock chip in but $100 wont buy it.. Not made anymore and cannot even get!
  2. Well as many the forum has worked for me on several occasions with accessories and problems. There is always someone out there willing to lend a hand! Well I was down in Eureka Springs and I had what appeared to be a wheel bearing issue/noise on a Sunday. Who is gonna help on a Sunday? a venture rider guy that's who!.. After my local friends had exhausted all their resources for the day I made a phone call up north. I was then schooled on what was probably the real problem and help was contacted. Two guys, complete strangers to me answered the call of an old familiar voice and came riding. By that Afternoon I was road ready and had learned something new... Now the interesting part during the conversation (not being sure at the time what the issue really was going to end up being). I asked if there was a resource for a rear rim. This member had one but it was in the hands of another he had shared it with, and said I was welcome to it if I could get it... Which meant I would have to make those arrangements due to "stuff". I contacted this other individual who was more than happy to drop it off at a neutral location and even dropped off some additional items he had that belonged to my Savior of the day.. So I sent a message with Pictures to my " savior" who then reveals to me that this was not his stuff, I found that strange so now who do I return these items to. Come to find out what he meant was that the person he had loaned these items to swapped their bad stuff for his stuff and gave it to me to return to him. REALLY That is so wrong on so many levels! That is why We USED to call you friend! You were such a crab bag that you did not have the Balls to return this stuff to the man for over 2 years and then when the opportunity arises you do it through someone else and give back your used crappy Parts! REALLY. RANT OVER!
  3. Not to step on toes but the only way you come out on Raffles is through, getting a deal on the item. Gift cards and credit cards may be a challenge. Also if we are going to raise good money we need to start selling outside of the organization. Maybe have a prize for the top seller! Right now it is just the same people donating every year. That brings up another point if you keep going to your ace in the hole eventually they are not going to be so giving, so you have to find new resources. I have done this several times and when you go in people always want to know what you are going to do with the money. My experience is that if it is not going to a local or well no charity then people hesitate. I like the rally package idea, so if someone is unable to make it do they get a package for the next years Rally? We had a dealer donate a 950 tourer for cost, we stated all along that if we did not sell the minimum needed tickets that the prize would be a 50/50. Also the dealer gave an option to buy back bike from winner if we sold enough tickets, or allow winner to upgrade to a more expensive or larger bike giving an allowance.
  4. Rick we run an ultimate seat and it has performed very well for us..
  5. This a nice sentiment Star Touring Started this a couple years ago!
  6. I need someone to store a cycle trailer for me a couple days! if you can help and live in Valparaiso, Indiana message me thanks! Mike
  7. Harley has some nice bike and if I had freebird's money I might own one too! heck ya you feel good if I went and sat on $32,000 today, I would feel good too. It's really about what a guy can afford and wants! My next horse is going to be an Indian Chieftain. haven't even seen one to put my hand on it yet, but for as long as I can remember I have loved those big sweeping fenders..
  8. Carry tools, first aid, rain gear, zip ties and el tape, some Velcro, motorcycle jumper cables, sun screen, tire plug kit.
  9. I have said they should legalize it for years! I am not a user but would become one if a medical condition required it. This is just like alcohol everything in moderation. As there are many things I feel legalizing would eliminate I am sure it will also bring it's challenges.
  10. Just curious do you have handicapped plates on the motorcycle? I know you can get them here in Illinois for no extra charge. This may be one way to hold officers at bay that may pull you over or may even prevent them from pulling you over. Just a thought!! You may have already done this...
  11. Jeremiah will be in my thoughts may he and the surgeons be blessed with gods hands.
  12. since I have not tried others I can only say that I have had good luck with Diamond gusset
  13. Meineke is doing free oil changes and Great clips along with Sports Clips free Hair cuts or COupons...
  14. Memphis shade did not make one for rstd. wide open customs, hoppe, reckless, and premier(?). see if you can bolt it to your windshield quick release....
  15. Has anyone done either of the rides? where can I get maps and information. I know the trail of tears ride starts in Chattanooga, tn on the 21st of September..
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