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Everything posted by WilCruise

  1. I recently purchased the Harbor Freight tire change with motorcycle kit. I still have to wait for the hardware which was lost when the box split open in shipping. I have two questions for those of you who do your own tires: 1) My main concern is balancing. I know I used to use a gadget that balanced with a level on a cone mounted on a simple spindle at a shop I worked at decades ago. Was thinking I could find something like that cheap but haven't found one yet. Any thoughts on a simple mechanism like that to do balancing? 2) Also wondering where I can get decent valves cheap. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
  2. 1st gen was the original sport tourer IMHO! Worth considering since it's pretty comfy too!
  3. Yep, Seafoam is an additive that basically cleans the fuel system. It's the closest thing to carb-clean-in-a-can that you can get. It can also be used in oil to keep valves etc clean. Gets rid of build-up / gum etc. Lost of testimonials if you poke around the site a bit - also instructions on how much - how often to use it.
  4. Yeah, what he said! Did this on my 1st gen and they work like new. Gotta get to the others now!
  5. I think He'd still get dash lights in that case Hipshot. Sounds to me like you popped some electrical component. Probably not a big deal once you find it. Finding it will be the bear! If you can get to some parts like rectifier etc. give 'em a sniff. If they smell like burnt electronics (you know like when you get a new radio or something and it smells for a bit while breaking in), good chance that's your suspect. A lot of these are sealed to the point this won't work though. Look for melted or blackened wires too. Hey - If you give up I'll give you a few hundred more than you have in it! Good luck bud! Let us know how you progress - maybe we can help once you narrow it down. There are a few folks here that are really good with the electrical stuff, give 'em some time they may be able to help too.
  6. Good post Marcarl! I was just thinking about making a similar one while riding to work the other day. I agree with just about everything said so far. The one thing I do a bit differently is sometimes on a multi-lane highway when I've chosen the left lane to keep cager threats to only one side - I occasionally will go a bit faster than the traffic flow. This allows me to keep a lot of the threats behind me. It allows me to move past blind spots too. I also claim my lane on the right portion of the lane in that situation to stay in as many mirror as possible too.
  7. Lots of examples of drivers not seeing or giving right of way at intersections. One of the most common causes of scoot crashes. I've already had a few do that to me this season. Had a real close call last season. I have to keep reminding myself that they're likely to do it. Please Watch Those Intersections!
  8. Really sorry to hear it Clay. I second Lonna's sentiment - please send our best and our thanks to his family.
  9. So sorry to hear this. Thoughts & prayers are with you.
  10. Love the 06 RSTD. Don't have any ideas off the top of my head, but it's well under warranty - my thoughts are take it to the dealer and make 'em fix it!
  11. Yeah and the result of that rich mix can be poor or lagging throttle response as far as a performance oriented symptom.
  12. It's a standard bleed process. The valve is under a little rubber cover on the left side cover of the engine. It can be tricky though. I have found using speed bleeders (which you can get 2 for $15) makes it a lot simpler.
  13. PM me with an address and I'll send you a response with a cost.
  14. I just picked up an 84 that has a similar problem. Turns out to be a bad connection in my case. Under the fairing one of the connections has a cracked connector. It sometimes works and other times doesn't. I too need an inspection sticker so I'll have to get to this in the next week or two. Yes the 1200 s have a self canceling signal. Pretty sure there is a relay - not sure where it is relative to the Flasher though. Flasher switch is inside right side fairing facing toward the handlebars Flasher unit is under fairing I have a service manual who's binding has come apart but all pages are in tact. Let me know if it's something you'd want.
  15. My first thought when I read this was a healthy cleaning & bleeding of the hydraulic system too. If it's not fresh you may be getting a bit of friction without being aware of it. I just got an 84 and the guy I bought it from was sure the whole clutch & possibly the tranny was shot. A thorough clean & bleed and everything was fine - didn't even need to change plates! The crud that came out of it was really bad though! If you haven't done that as a part of your clutch changes, it'd probably be a good idea.
  16. Been looking for some overboots too. Looks like a good selection here: http://www.whitehorsepress.com/index.php?cPath=8_122 Haven't decided which ones to go with yet though. Would also appreciate more opinions on the subject.
  17. The manual states what's right for the bike's weight vs. the sidewall thats a general max for the tire. Go with the manual +/- a lb or 2 based on your riding preferences and load.
  18. Dan, Dan, Dan, They're talking about something completely foreign when they say driving easy. Don't worry about it, just accept that it's going to cost an extra few cents a mile to keep you & the beast happy... and coincidently a few extra bucks on more frequent tire changes... oh yeah, and a few cents to change the oil & filter a bit more frequently... and you'll hardly notice the more frequent fuel filter changes. It's worth it!
  19. Don't sweat it man, we've all made that kind of mistake. Feel good knowing you made a good choice in bikes. These things are AWESOME! Careful though, once you get the bug you might start buying 1st gens too... Not that I'd know!
  20. I can always count on you guys to be at the cutting edge of technological know-how! :rotf::rotf::rotf:
  21. My personal experience seems to indicate differently. I've had the heads of stainless fasteners twist off in the same application that steel doesn't. Perhaps it's a question of grades? If so what should I be looking for as an indication of strength?
  22. Saw these on e-bay. The guy has sets for many bikes and has misc assortments and individuals as well. I'm tempted, but wonder if the stainless is strong enough that they won't have a problem being torqued. Stainless is typically a bit softer than regular steel isn't it? Anyone tried them? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150111682796&sspagename=ADME:B:AAQ:US:1
  23. I always assumed there was a difference like this because it's so often I can't get any size Phillips driver to seat properly. If it's too late, here's the best $3 you can spend. These things have saved me hundreds in replacement parts and thousands in aggravation in less than a year. Just a couple of weeks ago I got out the seized and stripped screws on both front master covers. Would've had to try drilling, easy-outs, if that failed, tap new threads (assuming enough metal left) else replacing the part. Wish I had these for the last 25 years! http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=38037
  24. Thanks. I can hit you with a PayPal (or whatever works for you) whenever you need it - just give me the word.
  25. I'd be in for 5 or 6 of them if you place an order. Have a need for 1 right now if you happen to have a leftover. Either way let me know. Thanks
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