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Everything posted by WilCruise

  1. Yup, and again, and again if necessary. For me it's all about the V4. I love it. The problem with your question is that it's rarely necessary to replace one of these bad boys. A little caring and general maint will keep 'em hummin' for YEARS (as evidenced by all of us who have 1st gens still going). As with any vehicle, there are the odd issues - and occasionally a lemon pops out of the assembly line. In general this bike has needed less maint than most of the other (19) bikes I've owned in the past. And my wife will tell you that NO other bike is more comfortable for a passenger!
  2. I like it. More of a departure from the current than I'd expected, but it looks pretty slick.
  3. We're in. Will probably bring the RV and camp.
  4. Trying to come up with a clever "whine" comment on this one. I know there's one that could fit nicely, just not finding it right now. Anyone?....
  5. I'd like it as well. I go through bouts of travel with my work and occasionally miss whole ranges of time. It'd be good to know I didn't miss the important stuff!
  6. AAAaaahhhhhhh! now that's relaxation!
  7. I like the couple I got - but I'd like to see ya mix it up a bit if you have ideas.
  8. It always LOOKS like an easy fix, might be expensive though. If it goes around that price it's at now it'd still be a heck of a deal though! If I weren't broke I'd go for it!
  9. 5th at 31?? maybe going down hill. I agree with all the others - this engine likes to rev. Takes some getting used to if you've been riding V-twins, but don't be concerned, the engine will be OK at higher revs. 2nd gen has a limiter that'll keep you from going too high.
  10. DVDs are good - have 'em, love 'em and loan them to every new rider I can else I tell them to buy 'em. Mainly about head turns a little braking technique. I'd rather use up more brake and be comfortable maneuvering personally. Can be done on a Venture 4Sure! You can spot one in one of their videos. You do need to practice and execute properly for a while though. If you ease into it you can do it without dropping the bike. Gradually get tighter and tighter as you build confidence (Worse case they show you how to pick the bike up on your own too;-) First thing I will do every Spring is go out and practice all the drills. Already saved me once!
  11. First - Best of luck. Second - remember what you learned while in the service... be confident but not cockey. Third - I agree with the others - clean, honest and eye contact. Not so much you're staring them down, but when you're talking - look at eyes, not ceilings or floors. Finally - Good Luck again!
  12. I agree - worked in HiFi sales for many years and what Marcarl suggests is usually the case. Also make sure you're using reasonably good quality tapes and don't go for lengths greater than 90 mins. The manufacturers have to use thinner mylar to make the tape fit in the case if it's longer than a 90 min tape. It's much more prone to breaking than the stuff used in 90 min or less tapes.
  13. Pretty much anywhere in the continental US and a few places in Europe. Trust me, travel isn't glamorous when you do it all the time and it's always for business! The only travel I really like is: 1) With my family in the RV 2) On a 1st or 2nd gen... anywhere!
  14. I was going to suggest the truck bed liner too. I know it works well because there are plenty of cases where people take off the rubber roof on their RV when it springs a leak and replace it with a few coats of this and it works well. Not sure of what brands are better than others though. Good luck!
  15. 83-85 are different than 86-93
  16. Yeah, they come up on eBay fairly regularly too. One note - my experience was that at 5'10" (although long legs) the position that the floorboards for the 83-85's put me in was awkward relative to the controls. The pegs allow me to angle my feet and have more room to adjust controls to fit comfortably. Might be worth trying to hook up with someone who has them if you're this height or more. I think the 86-93 boards were better though. Local meet & eats are worth a visit for just such occasions not to mention great folks!
  17. The only thing I can think of that might be a real pain is if it has the Whine. While there's a warranty fix by changing the clutch basket, it doesn't always work. If you have that and it bothers you it might be worth being cautious about. Other than that I agree with Squid. Not much that goes wrong with these. What does and is big is covered by warranty. The little stuff you can fix yourself with help from folks here!
  18. At 5000km you should be all set with any break in at this point - let 'er rip!
  19. Found an old TraveLite with Don's help last month. It's really light and easy to set up but not as big as many of the others. They don't make 'em any more so you'd have to find one used. Perfect for me size and price wise though! They come up on ebay once in a while.
  20. Gotta love those easy fixes!
  21. Had a similar problem with my 84. It was the flasher unit in my case. I also had an intermittent problem with my turn signal as a symptom. It's located under the front fairing. New was kind of expensive. Shop around a bit on-line if you need to buy one. Should also check a few of the regular vendors mentioned in other threads. You may be able to get to it by just removing the headlight if you have the right tools (I've used an offset box-wrench) to do that without taking the entire fairing off. If it does have to come off, it's really not too bad, just keep track of which screws went where for when you put it back together.
  22. I'll confirm most of what's been said. I've had a few of these and the problems you're describing aren't unusual for a bike of this age. Usually can be dealt with by the likes of cleaning and normal maint (seafoam - plugs etc) so I wouldn't panic. If you don't like to tinker a bit, the first gen might not be the bike for you (or any other 20+ year old bike for that matter). If you don't mind that though, I think it's the best value on two wheels. I would say that there should be some reasonable expectation of how it runs if you bought it from a dealer. I'd push back and get them to do some of the work (especially if it's a Yama dealer) - or make them reimburse you for at least any parts, chemicals etc. that you need to get it there yourself.
  23. Here's the pics I got www.hoppeindustries.com
  24. Yes, I saw one at Americade last week. I have some pictures and I'll try to get them posted tonight if possible. Looked good and had pretty good quality components.
  25. BTW - Universally recognized as the BEST LOOKING Venture as well. My wife's ONLY acceptable ride and my fave for a long tour - especially 2 up. If you want to fly for a couple hundred miles or less alone - then I'll pick the 1st gen (Blonde, Red-head or some custom color).
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