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Everything posted by WilCruise

  1. Yup! Many have had luck just synching carbs to get rid of it. Many more of us have still had some popping after that. This is caused by the AIS system used to meet emission requirementss. It's possible to modify it so you don't get the backfires. Check out how here: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=485
  2. Hey Fred. I have forks with Triple Tree from an 83 Venture. Let me know if you need it. Might take me a few days to get it out of storage, but it's yours for the cost of shipping if it'll do the trick!
  3. The suspense is Killin' me!
  4. I'm with Kit, Boo and others. Quitting is easy, it's the whole not starting again that's tough. I quit a few times but it didn't really stick until I had it in my mind that this was it. Then it was cold turkey. For me it was after we moved to a new house. My daughter (then about 8) was being bombarded with all the anti-smoking propaganda at school. We agreed that the new house would be a non smoking house. My wife & I would sit on the front porch and have a couple after putting the kids to bed. Well after about a week or two, my daughter came down looking for a glass of water and caught us. She was devastated and the guilt was enough to push both my wife and I over the edge. We haven't smoked since - over a decade ago. So my experience is when you sincerely make up your mind that you're done it works a lot better - and it's easier.
  5. Very good point Gunny - The big box stores make much of their profit on the cables rather than the actual sets. High priced cables aren't necessary for HDTV - In fact they're less necessary than for standard than for HD. Since the signal is digital it isn't prone to degrading signals as much - as long as the 1's and 0's get there, the signal is perfect. A couple other places to check, renowned for good prices: http://www.bluejeanscable.com/ http://www.monoprice.com/products/department.asp?c_id=102
  6. I solved the problem. Got one of each for less than the price of a Harley. Now I just play the contrarian to whichever one was criticised last!
  7. Right - You can get standard def with standard TV cable. To get the HD on your TV you need an HD source. You can use a standard antenna and get local stuff for free (assuming there is some local) else you need HD cable or satellite. Usually an extra $10 or so a month. You can also get a HD DVD (or Blue-ray) player to watch / rent HD movies.
  8. I'm in for a few too! Hey Scotty, I'll swap one with ya Bud!
  9. 500 mile days are nice. I max out at about 800 in a day - stops being fun around there for me. Have yet to do the 1000 mi iron butt thing but would be willing to try it for a fun event or good cause.
  10. Just speechless about the whole thing. Please continue updates. Thoughts and prayers continue here.
  11. I saw that too. Looks neat but I thought starting at 9K was a bit rich for it.
  12. a hairdryer is good for softening the adhesive. You should be able to just pull it off. If it won't go that way you can use some fishing line between the emblem and tank to "saw" through it. Then use something to remove the remaining sticker. Some have recommended "goo gone" but I used WD40 and it did the job.
  13. Pretty sure it can be done externally on a computer and loaded to the Nuvi as well as others. Haven't tried it on mine yet.
  14. Hey Scotty, Tough thing to consider. I think most of the points I'd make have been mentioned already. I'd hate to think that you'd kick the habit before we had a chance to ride together! If you do get to the point that your heart's not in it I wouldn't fault you for taking time off. Like Redneck, when I gave it up quite a while back it was at a time when I saw some tough things happen to other riders and had a few close calls myself. That plus the family thing were enough for me to take almost 2 decades off. When I got back the first thing I did was to arm myself with lots of training to minimize risk. That has made me feel much more confident that I can address the majority of situations I'm likely to face. My advice would be to keep one bike around for a bit while you ponder this. You'd likely do better selling in the spring anyway. Regardless of the choice you make I hope you know that we would all like you to stick around here! Good luck Buddy!
  15. Learning to ride safely is the most important thing to do. In addition to the help you may receive from other riders, I'd recommend this video. It will give you lots of tips and training exercises to get comfortable with your bike and learn to manage it safely. http://ridelikeapro.com/RLAP4.asp Good Luck!
  16. I agree with most of what's been stated but THIS is the BEST advice. The Venture is naturally a bit top heavy and a passenger adds to that. You're on the right track by getting miles under your belt first. Another point: Your rider needs to know how to be a good passenger, understanding looking & leaning, mounting & dismounting (No smart comments out there! ) Low speed maneuvering is where you'll notice the passenger most. MSF class will help, and the ride like a pro videos give a lot of great info and practice exercises to help you get comfortable with those. I did the same as you after about 20 years off. Even after a good few thousand miles we took it easy for the first couple of rides together. At this point it's really comfortable riding two up. My wife who didn't like to ride at all before the Venture is now the one looking forward to and planning a lot of our trips! Good luck and ride safe!
  17. My wife would disagree on the giving up passenger comfort point
  18. The V4 is the first thing on my list. Once you've settled on that: For local runs and biker night downtown, the RSTD is more versatile. If you go on longer trips or do a lot of two up riding I think the Venture wins hands down. More comfortable, more storage, communication options etc. are what did it for me. My wife didn't like riding before I got the Venture. Now she calls it HER bike!
  19. Bought an old 750 Water-buffalo from a dealer a couple of decades ago. Got the plate on and fired it up to take it home. The parking lot exit was uphill and banked with a bump at the top. I pulled up and turned a bit to the right to prepare to pull out. The angle of the exit where I stopped was such that the ground was about 2" farther down than on a flat surface. The surprise of that plus the weight of that old Water-buffalo was enough for me to drop it. It's bad enough dropping a bike with an audience. But when that audience is a bunch of bikers at a dealership, don't expect sympathy. Uncontrollable laughter was more the order of the day!
  20. I've got an old Velorex that I found on Craig's list last year. Haven't gotten around to mounting it yet - needs a couple of minor mods. I planned to set it up to go on & off both the 1st & 2nd gen. Maybe over the winter, but more likely next year before I get around to it.
  21. I do that a lot. After getting pretty lost a few times I now tend to do it one way until I reach about half of my available time. I then flip on my GPS and find a route back that avoids the original route and also keeps me off slabs etc. I know it's kinda cheating, but it's worked well and allowed me to find some pretty good roads. Don't have too many opportunities to do it for days at a time, but I plan to make time for that sometime in the not so distant future!
  22. Couldn't agree more!
  23. The left piece I have is a mess with cracks and broken mounting holes. Not worth trying with it, sorry.
  24. I agree with the Seafoam and everything else that's mentioned. I've found that a good cleaning and wax/polish keeps fading/pitting at bay as well.
  25. Don, I think you're on track with the integration idea. It's just likely to take longer than we may think. A few thoughts: Steve Jobs has made statements implying that he sees the the small flash players becoming disposable in the future and they will be used to distribute music (in place of CDs etc.) The actual cost of these continues to drop and if you can order theamed compilations of music on a player for no extra cost, it'd be an incentive to buy. If this proves true, I think it will be the future of the stand alone player. I actually use my GPS with it's MP3 Player more often than not when riding. I think it's more than phone and music player that'll be integrated. More web access is showing up in portable devices and all phones now have GPS capability (why the heck they don't just have a GPS mapping feature I'll never know). Packing it into a small piece of hardware is half the battle. Having a simple interface to run it all is really the harder chore. This is where Apple does a better job than most of the competition. The more features on a device, the more difficult it is to do this well. It drives me crazy that no one other than Apple seems to be able to do this consistently. Competition would move things along more quickly. I'm looking for something about the size of the Iphone, with 30-60GB of all flash storage, audio and video capable in all formats with GPS and wireless web access (without needing hot-spots) and a full suite of office productivity applications. When that comes I'll be able to travel MUCH lighter. I'd guess another 5 years or so before something like that is in an affordable and reliable package though.
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