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Everything posted by WilCruise

  1. A larger percentage of riders are "old" now - because our generation was one of the first to be comfortable with bikes from our youth. Now as we get older and can afford to invest in a hobby this one comes up more frequently than it has in the past. More riders in the age range... more accidents involving riders in this age range. Then comes the training. The person in the article is representative of many of those our age getting into, or back into riding. They're riding without any significant training. IMHO this is the single most important contributor to riding safely. Those getting into or back into riding, get "formal" training and apply it while you're riding please!
  2. WilCruise


    I think it also depends on which BMW they ride. BMW makes a lot of different bikes. The sportier bikes tend to attract more aggressive riders in my experience - where some of the tour and cruising oriented BMWs often have riders that are a lot like us!
  3. Jerry, Sorry you had the problem. I think you might've been able to get rid of it had you gotten the advise to start in safe mode a bit earlier. It's usually good to do a fresh install once in a while anyway in my experience. You'll probably notice a bit faster response time after doing that. Since it's mainly a web browser, sounds like you don't have a lot to re-install. As far as avoiding it in the future, just watch those pop-up dialogs. If you get them on the net and they say OK or Cancel, try to exit without doing either. Some of them make both buttons = OK! Good luck bud!
  4. Yep. It's a pretty good take. Best when the weather cooperates. At that time of year it's a crap shoot on that front. Tons of bikes, heavily bent toward touring, lots of vendors if you need some toys or bling, and the manufacturers are usually all represented if you want to see new models etc. They set up a bunch of entertainment and events & rides. Nice area for rides with some great country roads in the area. I'd recommend it. I'll be there again next year.
  5. No politics, Don... Remember :rotf:
  6. For standard use it wouldn't impact my decision. If, however, I was considering a sidecar, triking it or constantly trailering it might be something I looked for.
  7. The 2008 update for my Nuvi 350 went off without a hitch and I got all of North America. I wonder if theyre different for different models? The memory question is a good one too. Mine has an exansion slot to add memory. I use it for music, but can also add more maps POIs etc. I'd be interested to know what the problem ended up being so we can avoid it in the future. Good luck.
  8. Right year, wrong color. I won't hold it against you though.
  9. Pretty good with the screen. Sometimes in direct bright sunlight + sunglasses it takes a bit of concentration to zero in on smaller or less contrasting stuff and get everything. Think you'll find that with anything. Other than that pretty good.
  10. Hanging on to mine as well. I watch it in the spring to refresh and remind of exercises to practice. I also lend it to every local new rider I run into in an attempt to help them avoid some hard knocks. Guessing it'll be hard to find one that someone wants to let go of, but it's worth a try!
  11. Well I use a Garmin Nuvi 350. I absolutely love it. I travel quite a bit for work and all of my peers at work agree that Garmin products are the best overall choice. It's also easy to use on the bikes and it's all flash RAM (vs. hard drive) so it doesn't die from vibration. Garmin maps and configuration options are very good comparatively It's also the largest manufacturer of GPSs. Benefits of my 350 include: * It's Small and easy to take with me anywhere or in any vehicle. * It easily connects to a car stereo (or motorcycle) with a plug to accy input or with a cassette adapter. * It has a memory card slot to add maps and custom locations. * It has an MP3 player built in and the directions interrupt the music when necessary. If I had it to do over again I would choose the 360 which is the same except it has bluetooth. This allows connection of a phone, ear-piece etc. that can be used as if they were built in like the MP3 player. Another level of flexibility. There are also bluetooth compatible car stereos that would make hook-up easier if you have one or get one in the future. If the 350/360 is too small there is a larger version of the same thing - just a bigger screen (either 650 and 660 or 750 and 760 - can't remember). These would be my personal recommendations although I know there are other choices available. The Garmins are usually a bit more expensive, but IMHO worth it for a linger term investment. There are a couple of other threads here with other people's experiences. If you poke around with a few searches I'm sure you can turn up more info. Good luck.
  12. I agree. I know some folks have had a problem with a weak point on the Markland for the early first gens (although I don't remember exactly where it was). I found an alternative (I think it was custom) but it's still a solid ball mount. I'd consider replacing it with one that has a receiver if he can go that route.
  13. Wow Charlie, You sure have a knack of making a post that stirs the pot enough to get lots of responses. My on the trailer thing: In general I agree. I'd always prefer to ride the bike if I'm the only one or thing that needs to be considered. My wife likes to ride with me (something that only started when I got the 2nd gen - she hated it on anything prior to that). In some cases it's easier or more convenient to trailer the bike. The three that hit us are: When there are more than two people going to the destination (e.g. wife and one or more kids and or pets). When weather is not safe for riding in the starting point but is at the destination. When we're staying for multiple days at the destination - because our favorite hotel is on wheels (motorhome).The last (and possibly first) will be true for us at the 2008 international ride-in. Although it's more likely that I'll get to the maintenance day with the reverse configuration - towing my accommodations behind the bike (guess I'm just a glutton for towing). I don't see either making me less of a motorcyclist because I also go for true tours with just the bike whenever time permits (still working for a living you know) although I'm usually one-up for those. I have a neighbor that hired someone to trailer his bike to Sturgis and back. He flew and was there for two days. Now THAT qualifies for your argument IMHO.
  14. We just had loads of great pictures in the Calendar Contest!
  15. Yeah, probably need to bleed the clutch out too. My '84 was the same even after fresh oil, but a clutch bleed got a bunch of air and old fluid out and solved the problem.
  16. I'm in for a cash donation too.
  17. I think I have a rad if you haven't had any luck yet. Let me know and it's yours for shipping. BTW - Make sure to clean up the leak - especially if you have pets. The stuff tastes sweet so pets will go for it. It's lethal if ingested.
  18. I start with an average tip (which varies depending on what activity it is) like 12-15% for wait staff. I add or subtract based on my perception of service. I've given everything from 0-30% in this case. I also tip in some cases where it's not expected in cases of very good service. It's a simple way to show people you appreciate good service. Often times the folks on the receiving side rely on tips to make a reasonable living. Yes it should be expected, but it's not something that can be assumed unfortunately. I believe in positive reinforcement whenever it's possible. Tipping is just one example of how I can encourage it.
  19. Hey, Fit or not.... Thanks guys!
  20. Unfortunate reality of supply and demand. Especially for the 83-85's. Keep watching, they'll turn up eventually. If you can grab them before anyone notices you can sometimes get a reasonable deal. Also keep an eye on the classifieds here. sometimes members modify or part out bikes and give first shots to other members before listing on eBay. Good luck.
  21. All I have to say is.... I love this place! This thread is the perfect example of why.
  22. I'm with Dan - It's all about the V4 man!
  23. I'm in for three. PayPal sent. In case anyone missed it, Mark (gibvel) started a bell swap thread here: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?threadid=16380
  24. I've got three ordered, two to swap. It looks like Larry (Carbon_One) is the last offer up in this thread. I'll take that swap if it's still open. Then I have another available to swap for anyone interested.
  25. Congrats! Which pic was it that won??
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