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Everything posted by WilCruise

  1. Demands of the new job have been such that I've only been able to log a few hundred miles over the last two years. Alas I hate to be paying insurance and watching the beautiful machine sitting. I've listed it on eBay - but also put it in the classifieds here. I'll drop $200 for any member that may be interested. If you bid & win on eBay for less I'll knock off the $200 from that if you're a member too. It's a 2003 RSV (the great red color!) with 29,250 miles and in great shape. Hope the job will leave a bit more free time in the near future. Perhaps just in time to get a third gen;-) Until then I'll be stuck in a cage or an airplane most of the time. Thanks for taking a look. -Greg
  2. Venture will feel more top heavy at stop or very slow. Get out of first gear and a 1st gen Venture will blow away 98% of HDs in mountain curves.
  3. Got 'em - they look great - thanks!
  4. Yes, Virginia, there is....:sleigh: Thanks Ruffy
  5. I'm still in Ruffy - Thanks!
  6. For what it's worth, I've loved the opportunity to link the trip with Americade the last few years. One week off and two of the three most meaningful cycling events of the year for me (VentureRider International= the other). That's scheduled for June 7-12 this year. Either side of that would make me a happy guy!
  7. Once I got to the reality of it, yeah... Hope you're up & going ASAP Carl!
  8. I'm in S.E. MA. Feel free to call if you need a hand with anything. I can probably cover the whole eastern side of MA and RI within an hour or so. 339-788-0901
  9. Glad you're back in business Bob! Where'd you end up mounting the pegs? I know you had some interesting thoughts about that when we discussed it last. Need some pics too!
  10. Is it powered by gas, diesel, electric, propane... hamsters? Welcome back Charlie!
  11. Thanks Jeff!
  12. One of my turn signal seals was letting some water in. Popped a bulb. The water that got in seems to have rusted the bulb in place. Tried some gentler persuasion - then a bit less gentle with some needle nose pliers after the bulb glass broke. Anyone got suggestions on how to loosen this up to get it out without damaging the socket??
  13. Lost one on the way home from MD this year. Please put me in for a set if I'm not too late!
  14. Wow! Tough crowd Bob - hope you're not fishing for sympathy Glad to hear things went well. You'll be up & running in no time
  15. Good luck Bob - hope you have a quick recovery
  16. I was at Americade the week before MD. Spoke with the local Yamaha reps about it. They said there have been rumors of FI and some other minor changes but the mother ship hasn't told them anything yet. It doesn't seem logical to invest in the current platform now. It makes more sense that they'd work a new model around the updated VMax engine in the next year or two. If it were planned for 2010, I'd expect more rumor leaks or test bike sightings by now. Bottom line is nothing is firmer than rumors and guesses at this point though.
  17. Congrats Scotty, Looks great! The bike's pretty nice too
  18. Oh CRAP! I Honestly thought it was the extra bell I had! I didn't even look in the bag! I must have the actual bell somewhere around the house here. I'm Soooo sorry Bob! Now I really feel bad! I gotta find the real thing and send it off to you.
  19. Yeah, Mine saved me from the attack of the cell-phone wielding, mirror-ignoring, turn signal challenged moron I met on the freeway while on the way to MD. Snapped her RIGHT out of whatever funk she was in! That bracket definitely is the way to go.
  20. Awww CRAP! Wow - glad you're OK! I wonder if it was the same one I saw when we were on the way down. I think it was about that far after we left your place. I'm just glad you & Becky are OK! Did you hang that guardian bell I gave you????
  21. Another thanks here Don. We appreciate all of the effort that goes into the event and it was fantastic as usual. Mary enjoyed her first MD too! Just sorry we had to run so early. Hope we can plan better time-off planning next year.
  22. I have a few pieces that will be at Dons tomorrow - there for the taking for a contribution to the donation jar. Have a few others at home if you still want them. If so send me a PM next week and I'll dig them out.
  23. That looks SCHWEEET Scotty!
  24. OK, you got my interest...
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