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About SoldierBoy55B

  • Birthday 11/20/1969

Personal Information

  • Name
    Rick Williams


  • Location
    Hastings, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1983 Venture Royale
  1. otay - the beer can shim and a 17mm hex socket and a little tap tap tap, ok so it was alot tap tap tap. Got the bugger out, Thank you for all the idears, after I got it started, and it took alot, I figured the PO used a freak'n impact wrench putting them back in, even after I loosened the pinch bolts, I had to use a 3ft pipe on a breaker bar to get loosened. Tubes seem to be good. Thanks again for the idears Guys! Greatly appreciated.
  2. Got my new progressive springs today, so tore into the job. One side is done, the other....A &$@# PO must have done something at one point, the Fork Spring Cap is completely rounded out.....Anybody got a trick of the trade on how to get this B*#@* out? Greatly appreciated.
  3. Finally got out on the scoot after several upgrades. the Carb mod with the needle spacer adjustment netted me 12mpg more, averaged 42mpg at regular cruising speed. I also installed the 420 Progressive shock in the back end...wow what a difference on the ride, still waiting for the front spring set to come in, can't wait till I put those in.....A huge thank you to all of you that have posted tips etc on mods and upgrades.. Soldierboy
  4. Late last summer my speedo cable did the "howl" (I'm pissed at you Dad for something) to me. Before I could get it home it quit. Turns out the cable came off the back of the speedometer. And yes, Man with big hands has trouble getting cable back on and tightened. I feel for those of us with this problem. :sign **** happens: SoldeirBoy
  5. Put me down for a set. The mistress will be happy to get a new set of nerves.
  6. With the RK pipes do you need to do anything additional with the engine then? I've heard that with some mods you need to rejet etc....I'm illiterate on exhausts.
  7. Greetings, I am starting a rebuild on my 83 1st Gen, I've reviewed the exhaust threads on the website, Does anyone have model or part numbers for replacement exhaust's. MY original exhaust pipes are starting to rust out on the bottom. I'm not looking to sound like a Harley, but a little rumble would be nice. Here in MN, Metric guys are left in the dark since HD's are huge here. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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