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Everything posted by showmebob

  1. I think i got it figured out now, from the pic that Skydoc put up, the mounting bracket i have is the wrong one, the one i have has more of round holes than the dimond shape, maybe for an earlyer year, the guy i got it from is going to look and see if he has the right bracket, if not any one out there got a set of brackets like in the pic that skydoc put up.
  2. I just bought a 1987 venture line driver backrest but i dont think all the parts are there, does any one have a parts break down of all the parts so i can see what is missing, i have looked all around and cant find a breakdown on all the parts
  3. Truck stop, find a local truck stop with a CB shop and they can fix you up, and like said befor you can get the SWR set
  4. From what all of you have told me and looking at the two diferent forks that i have, one with progressive springs and one with stock springs is that stock spacer with the o-ring on it must be in there to hold air presure if and when you ever want or need to add air, i know that the word is you wont need air with the progressive springs, even the progressive website states min. air is required, from what i can tell to get the same preload as the stock shocks i will need a spacer of about 1/2 inch, on top of the stock spacer so it will go down in the fork far enought to seal the air, thanks for the good info you guys, hellped me understand this thing.
  5. That stock metal spacer has an o-ring on it, does that need to be in there, i asume for the air presure, to seal it.
  6. 1" dia. pvc, right ? i think i got it now, thanks a bunch, what would i do without this place, gona try one inch long and see how that works with the stock washer and one stainless washer, might be awhile before i get to test it out still got snow on the drive way and i aint gona shovel it, its about 1/8 mile long drive way, lol
  7. Ok, been reading up on the install on the springs and there is some good stuff about installing progressive springs, the problem i have and cant find the answer to is how long and what size is the pvc spacer is, the springs i got came out of of a set of forks and they had no spacers in them, do you realy need the spacers ? it said to cut the spacer in half that came with springs, sence i did not buy these new and there was no spacer in there to begin with i am lost, does the space go on the top or the bottem, help if you will.
  8. Ended up buying another used set of fork tubes off of ebay, was abel to go look at these as he was here close, he had them all polished out and they were in realy good shape, no leaky seals no bushing noise, this outher set of forks i bought off of ebay you could feal the bushings grinding as you pushed the fork tube down, not a complete loss they have the progressive springs in them, i will swap them out, i have got to quit collecting all these old bike parts or go into the ebay buss. myself, i have 9 motorcycles setting around here, 2 of them rideabel another 2 runing.
  9. Where is a good place to buy fork seal kits for a 1986 venture ?
  10. I will take the V/4 over the v twin any day, no mater what make, if i was going to buy a V twin it would be a harley, resale is better if nothing elece, I dont see any better bike out there outher than the Venture V/4 motor, I just wish that yamaha would put the new V max motor on one.
  11. Thats why i have a wallet with a chain hooked to my belt when rideing, been there, done it.
  12. I gess i am just old school, I rode this bike home for my brother, 75 miles, i hate that heal toe shifter, cant shift it fast enought and i dont mean slameing the gears, just going up or down on the gears just takes to much time, dangerous if ya ask me, that split second deference in time could kill you. heck i can ride an ol harley jocky shift faster than this thing, lol
  13. Did you have enought ajustment to get down on the toe ok ?
  14. Has any one converted the heal toe shifter to a toe shifter on a 1986 royal star ?
  15. I have a 1986 venture, my brother just bought a 1996 royal star, my venture is so much smother than the royal star i cant beleave it, could the carbs being out of sink cause it to vibrate more, the motor vibrates trough the floor boards, only has 29,000 miles on it, it just dont feal right, i would not think there would be that much deference between the two, wont be abel to sink his carbs for couple of weeks untill i get up to his house, he is about 120 miles away from me, just wondered if any one has any toughts on this.
  16. The xs 11 is a great bike, have a little colection of parts bikes going on here, I love the one i have up and runing, like it better than the venture for runing around town, but out on the road, hands down on the venture, i have put 10,000 miles on the venture sence march, i think that is when I got it, i love both the bikes for deferent reasons.
  17. Any one replace there speedo, where to start, cant seem to be abel to reach it up trough the fearing, what has to come off first ?
  18. Thanks dragon rider, Did the pipe at the muffler shop allready, 15*, close enought i think, got them on the bike without the bracket, dont know if there is enought room for that bracket, mine is an 86, not much room under the bags, gives me some ideas, these pipes are a little deferent than the RK pipes, the baffels are deferent and they have a turn down extenision on the end, fine print says they are for mod FL 1340, same mounting brackets as the RK pipes and the same size as the RK, bought them off of craigs list, he told me what they came off of but I dont remember what model he said, there are so many deferent harley models I cant keep up with them, they sound great and did not even have to mess with the baffels. thanks again Bob
  19. Any one put rk mufflers on the fist gen ? need some brackets or know how to make them. Looked on the site and could not find any, all that i found was on 2nd gen.
  20. I dont know if the Exhaust collector is my problem or not, what i am haveing trouble with is that the left side exhaust seems to be more resticted than the right, you can hold your hand in front of the exhaust on the mufflers and you can tell that the exhaust is not the same, you can even hear the defference. On the left front exhaust pipe you can see where it has bottem out and flaten the exhaust slitly, not that bad i dont think but not sure. would the exhaust collector baffel being louse and lodged in there cause this, has any one had this problem ?
  21. Navy, USS Hornet CVS 12, 65 to 68, lost mine have not seen it in years, wonder if it is still on one of my old key rings, lol
  22. Yea lucky, the PO said he had a tire fixed at the shop one time, and sence the washer on the far side is missing allso i would asume the person who fixed it did not know what the %#^% they were doing. Gona go ahead and take it all the way down and check every thing and re lube, had planed on doing it any way. this in one reason i never take a bike to a shop. Today is wed. think I will buy power ball ticket
  23. Have you ever rode in the flint hills of kansas, kind of reminds me of parts of wyoming, Wyoming has it all, moutains and flat land.
  24. Heres one for ya, was working on the exhaust and just hapen to look at the rear axel, NO NUT ! and the axel had slide part way out, made the hair on the back of my neck stand up, had just got trought rideing it, goes to show you never trust what the previous owner has done to a bike, check every thing out for your self
  25. Does a horse in the barnyard count, i got one here but this is to easy, I dont get to ride no where, think i will pass on this one and wait for something I got to ride 50 miles for
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