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Everything posted by showmebob

  1. There is a place in Calif. that has all this, Alsa paints
  2. I just did the progressive spring swap today, man what an inprovement, getting ready to do the caliper swap next to the r/1 and delink the brakes. i have two sets of mk11 forks if anyone is interested, 50 bucks a set plus shiping. They will need to be rebuilt.
  3. Yea little bit but i tought it was just the front end that i am getting ready to change out, bad fork seal on one side and need to tighten up and check the neck bearings, have not had much time to work on the Venture becaues i have been working on this XS1100 that i have been trying to get it going so i can ride it while i work on the Venture plus every thing elece i need to around here, whoever tought when you retire you retire is nuts, think i got more to do now that i had when i was working, only deference is now you can set whenever you want to, maybe i am setting to much ya think
  4. you can bet that i will check it more offten now after this, its gona cost me another tire now becaus i am afraid of this one, when you run them low it can damage the side wall and besides that it is a metzler and they have had trouble with those tires comeing apart after they have been run low on air presure what i have read any way live and learn i gess.
  5. I just went out and check the air presure, 18 lbs, and to tell you the truth i dont know how long it has been that low, have not checked it sence last summer, i regret to say.
  6. Dont know if this has been talked about allready but i have a rear tire that is cuping it only has about 2000 miles on it, just seen it today, any one have any ideas what can cause this ?
  7. showmebob

    LEDs and Strobe

    I like what thay have done here in mo. are far as laws, you can run a red light if you are setting there and it dont change, if you are on a motorcycle.
  8. I have an XS11 allso, so much easyer than the venture when i got to run to town and make several stops.
  9. I have three bikes that run, 1986 venture, 1979 yamaha Xs1100, 1981 goldwing and about 6 outher bikes i have not got to yet, mostly ol gold wings and old xs1100, if i find some left alone abused ol bike that i think i can fix or use some parts off of i will buy it if it is cheep.
  10. lots of jobs
  11. i knew we were in truble when wall mart starting selling gas, its all wall marts falt
  12. You hit it right on the head, they create a shortage and the price goes up, the oil co. create a shortage and the price goes up, the gov. takes kick backs and the monster stays in control, we have enought oil in this country to be free from all outher countrys imports, the baken oil field in South dakota has enought oil for this country for 40 years, oil under the rocky moutains, the oil field that is east of prudo bay in alaska, the EPA is in control along with the oil co. The EPA is full of S**T and backed buy the big oil producers to keep the market under control. its like a snow ball rolling down hill its to big to stop it just keeps getting biger and biger, untill it hits bottem, invest, buy guns, bullits, water and food.
  13. Posted onece, see if this works, got about100 miles in today, 70's AH ha, it worked
  14. Bench grinder, horse shoe rasp, course sanding wheel on a drill might take a little while but like i said i got more time than money, any solvent that will disolve the ABS plastic will work, asetone 100% can be bought at paint stores, home depo, auto parts stores, the asetone turns the ABS grindings to mush, just have to play with it and see how it works, if you dont want to mess with it buy some of that oats abs glue, when you glue it , it melts the plastic together welding, bonding it together, some epoxy does not bond it together jb weld will stick for a while but it will not melt the plastic together, i had to redo a fix on the fearing done by a PO, the jb weld was comeing louse.
  15. Just do it like they show on the plastix vid. put drop of solvent on(asetone) alittle ground up abs, and so on and so on untill it gets bulit up to where you want it, i am not no way going to pay that high price that plastix wants for there kit when i can go to hardware store for a small price of what they want for the same thing, but i have more time than money so this is the way i do things.
  16. Do a google search on ABS palstic repair and there is all kinds of stuff to learn out there, that is what i did, this Plastix all it is is plastic and solvent. I just took some ground up abs plastic and mixed asetone to it, it will turn the plastic to a blob then when it dryes all you have is hard plastic, you can use a sodering iron to weld abs back together, i did it on a sadel bag that had a big long crack in it, welded id back together with the sodering iron took some fiberglass mat for backing and used some oats abs glue to glue ( home depo) the fiberglass to the inside of the sadel bag. this plastix is a big rip off i think, when all you have to do is get some ground up abs and some asetone and it will do the same thing, look it up on google, dont take my word for it.
  17. Take some abs plastic and grind it up in a powder get some mek or asetone and you have the same thing as plastix, little bit less exspensive
  18. Yea, Missioua !
  19. Ya happy now (typo) 1983 venture
  20. Heak of a deal, you did good, i am looking at an 83 right now for 400 that has not run for awhile, fearing broke up by the left blinker and who knows what elece is wrong, yea 700 is a realy good deal on that, i have an 86 and i love it.
  21. They called out the national guard out down here in missouri, i am 64 and dont remember them ever doing that before and this is by far not the worse snow i have ever seen, i think the FEMA aleart got every one in a frinzy, whats FEMA got to do with the weither
  22. Yes he seams to be a great guy, we hit it off i gess because he has a venture allso, he is going trough a hard time right now lost his wife after 17 years back in july, the outher half of his buss. but he seams to be a suvivor, said he is haveing a hard time keeping up with everything doing it all himself now, hes a worker, talked to him yestarday and because of the snow he put chains on his truck so he can still get things mailed out, now how many people gona do that, any way hes got my vote.
  23. Ya know if i could get the measurments on the dimond shape holes on the one that skydoc shows i might be abel to to cut the round holes on this bracket to make dimond shaped holes and make it work.
  24. Yes, said he would refund the money, he lives close so that works out, or will do some trading, he parts out bikes and he rides a venture, good guy glade i met him, check him out on ebay, mrfixit suplus cycles. i think we will be rideing to the meet and eat at Ureaka springs arkansas this june. this realy wasen't and ebay thing, he did not have it listed for sale, i just seen it laying on the floor at his shop and ask him how much and it was cheep enought it was worth the gambel. i will make it work one way or the outher.
  25. 7 to 12 inches and 25 to 40 mph winds today, sucks
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