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Personal Information

  • Name
    al val


  • Location
    San Jose, United States


  • City
    San Jose


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1983 Yamaha Venture XVZ12

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  1. Thanks for the pic. It looks like my '83 has had the 2nd gear repaired. Being at about 50k miles, I had been dreading the 2nd gear problem.
  2. My bike before buffing and re-installing emblems.
  3. Ive been trying to reinstall this trim...its killing me! I tapped the molding as far as I could and it seemed to be seated nicely, so I installed the scews. While riveting the hinges in place the molding eventually worked its way loose. The screws just slid up away from the plastic. Inside the channel there is a small rubber gasket just like the one on the outside to seal water. I may be trying some type of sealer/adhesive to try to keep it in place.
  4. Its the aluminum trim pieces that I am worried about. Firstly, the new paint makes it hard to reinstall. it looks like ill have to sand the edges to be able to re-install them. Since I didn't remove them, I didn't see how they were attached. My painter friend gave me the parts back so that I could reinstall them per our agreement. There is some riveting that has to be done as well. I havnt begun so ill have to figure that one out as well.
  5. A friend of mine just repainted my bike and now have the task of putting it back together. My issue is with reinstalling the aluminum trim pieces on the trunk and bags, and the plastic trim on the false tank cover. What adhesive would you use? Thanks Al
  6. I have an 83 and just upgraded my fusebox to the new type fuses and everything seemed to check out fine the other. Today I attempted to fix the battery warning light with the suggested resister mod. Before any changes, I want to see the blinking light for the last time, but had nothing lit up on the CMS. Is there an inline fuse somewhere that I can check. Any ideas what could have happen? Im pretty sure that it was working after my fusebox upgrade. I did replace my battery after the upgrade as well. Update: I checked to see if I had power to the CMS and yes there was power. I plugged back in and rechecked it ... It worked! I had put Dielectric grease at that connection after doing my Speedo lube job. I guess I didn't seat it properly.
  7. I am getting ready to paint my 83 bike and have an extra set of side panels. The donor set is held on by a rubber strap and ring. I did pick up the bars that the panels attach to. My question Is: Will these panels and bars mount to my 83? Since my bars are in my shed somewhere, I am not able to check them. I am ready to turn my body parts over to the painter and want to be sure. Im not sure of the year of the donor bike.
  8. update: It seems as though my 2 signals are lit like my neutral light should be and my neutral light flashes when I put my flashers on. Strange!
  9. I just picked up an 83 dash off ebay (mine is an 83), just because I don't like how sun worn my dash is (I couldn't pass up a good deal). After installing it, I see that both signal arrows are staying on. Because my battery is dead, I cant see if they go out after it starts. Is this normal? Since I am charging my battery I cant check my original cluster.
  10. I mounted a Utopia backrest on my 83. Looks and feels great. www.utpr.com
  11. I want to replace my spark plug wires on my 83. Should I use 7mm or 8mm? Any recommendations? What brand are people using?
  12. well , they just found an exhaust leak that has to be fixed before the carb synch..another $200!
  13. I thought id bring this up. When I start my bike in the morning (if I havent ridden in a few days), seems to have to take a few seconds for fuel to reach all carbs. Im wondering if adjusting the carb floats will be needed? Al
  14. I haven't spent much time riding or working on my bike this year. I've had a few short rides and now I am planning a 700 mile weekend ride. I just took my bike to a shop for a tuneup. I am doing oil, sparkplugs and changing final drive fluid as well as synching the carbs. Am I missing anything? I adjusted the valves last year. Thanks Al
  15. Im going to fool around with it tomorrow using some of your suggestions.
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