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Everything posted by CaptainJoe

  1. This is the LAST shuttle launch. Looks like an "estimated" July 8 launch date? Causeway tickets should go on sale (lottery) shortly after Endeavour lands Wednesday. Anyone interested in going? Would like To pool resources as far as acquiring causeway tickets. Steve and I are both entering the lottery to double our chances to get tickets. We could increase our chances if we increased our base? PM me if you are interested. Joe That is unless of course, we know someone with some with pull, that could get us in another way:whistling:
  2. One of your low speed jets "may" be partially/clogged dirty if you are experiencing differences at 1000 RPMs and 3000 RPM5 when doing carb syncs. If you tear the tank and upper air box off you can reach just about everything you need to. Start up and look at the carb slides to see they are moving at same rate. Then turn off and depress each one and check rate. Then loosen (4) allen head screws at bottom of carb bowls so they can drain. If you take the carb slides out you can clean all the openings at the top and slide side with carb cleaner and about 30-40 psi air. Warning:(theres a tiny o-ring under diaphram cover) DO NOT WORK ON THIS BIKE WITHOUT PLACING A TOWEL BELOW YOUR WORK AREA OR SPARE PARTS WILL FIND THEIR WAY INTO THE MIRAD OF TINY NOOKS AND CRANNIES ON THIS BIKE...(don't ask me how i know) "If" your gonna check the clutches, while you have her apart you ought to pay the extra coin and get the Heavy duty springs that have been mentioned on here several times. Thats is definately on my list of things to do when I get more miles on the bike. As far as messing with fuel mixture screws... Believe I would defer to someone with the proper equiptment, as, if you get it to lean bad things will occur...
  3. Thats great, a lot of riders are synching at a higher RPMs. Did you use 30 or 40 weight yamalube? When I used the 10w30 weight (they were out of the 10w40) in my 650 vstar it made all kinds fo noises. Went back to the 10w 40 and all is quiet.
  4. AAHA! You brought up a very good point there my friend. Squeezing the clutch in... I do this every time I hit the brakes. Comes from many years of riding 2 cycle dirt bikes. Works very effectively for a engine seize? or a stuck throttle cable...
  5. The point Barend and I was trying to make is, sometimes a second or two counts... while you are twisting your throttle down (overpowering your friction lock) I'm already on both my brakes and the throttle lock is automatically deactivated. This is the closest you'll get to how a deactivation works on an elctronic cruise control although on a breakaway it is a manual not electrical deactivation. Same thing occurs on my ventures electronic cruise control with the exceprtion it doesn't matter which brake you hit on it. Thats yet another reason I perfer electrionic cruise over friction
  6. Breakaway makes an excellent product but nothing beats an electronic cruise control. The reason I choose Breakaway over the competition is that when you touch the front brake it deactivates the cruise control. The problem with friction based products is they can't automatically compensate for going up hills (deaccellerate?) and down hills (accellerate?). If your riding on flats they are pretty good.
  7. With all other other things remaining constant, the only variables are fuel, amount of water in the air due to heat and the viscosity of the engine oil (would thin out in warmer temps). As Seaking didn't say anything about increased engine noise I'd have to 'ass u me' it is bad fuel (low octane) or a borderline carb mixture... Just wondering though, what was the SAE of the oil and brand name. Some people have reported clutch slippage when changing or mixing brands. And it would definately be affected by temperature change.
  8. So your saying the carbs went back into sync when you returned? doubtful... Different fuels/ mixtures dirty carbs and or bad plug wires can reak havoc. Try spraying water on them and see if it starts running crappy. I also use BP exclusively... as it seems to be a pretty consistant blend. Carb syncs should last longer than that... electrical i believe, would be more apt to be intermittant... Guess I'm assuming you regularly checked your engine oil ?
  9. With a plug I'd be checking tha air pressure every time I rode it. With a vulcanized patch or tube I would not feel the need to...That's about as safe as you can get. I would not throw the tire away unless the cords were damaged or you had a sidewall puncture/cut or sidewall damage due to the weight of the bike coming down on it. The side wall flexes the most and if somethings going to work loose (patch or plug) it will be there. Don't know if you've ever had a flat on a bike but, it is definately not a good feeling on a straight away let alone a turn. Rear flats feel like someone put an uneven jelly fish around your rear tire.
  10. Difference in fuel perhaps?
  11. The dirt is the best place to learn... I take for granted how much I've learned from sliding on grass to riding on uneven surfaces and adjusting my speed and balance. There's a reason most MSF use 250cc bikes... 1100 Honda? what was he thinking? Glad he's alright, thats the only thing that really matters.
  12. Hopefully since your tearing it down that far, you are going to install (2) grease zerks ? I have read on other sites that it is very important to install (2) as if you installl one it will run the path of least resistance and the other bearing may not get any lube at all...
  13. Been talkin to a mechanic friend of mine that owns a Stihl/Gravely/Snapper shop. Customer came in and had to buy a new caberator. His had sat over the winter and you could see where the inside of his carb had been etched by corrosion. The float had this greenish black crud all over it and the carb in general was unsalvageable. Although the carb was only $40, Ed said it could have been averted by following these easy rules: Don't let your gas sit in anything for more than two weeks un-treated (stabel for ethanol). When storing 1. Run machine completely out of fuel 3. Fill fuel line with Seafoam. You can buy a three pack of empty 6 oz. thin neck plastic bottles that you can fill, to squirt the seafoam in the fuel line. 4. Try to start (ensures seafoam has completely filled your fuel pump and carbs). I also had to buy a carb for my garden tiller two years ago as the same thing hapened to it. I intend on using this "no gas" method in the futrure. Just wanted to pass it along for your consideration.
  14. found this on the web: http://car-and-safety.com/lincoln-town-car-safety/lincoln-town-car-1998.htm#607822&search=ignition coil failed causing no start conditions. mjs see following exerpt from Ron lambert "I had the same problem with car shutting off while driving...A 96 Town Car with a 4.6 engine. Found a ground wire not grounding to fuse/relay box where the ignition relay was located, (the screw that held the ground wire just needed tighting up. No problems sinse) not grounding caused the relay to get hot. Hope this helps with you.. " Whilst perusing thru web the no# 1 cause for bad modules was due to overheating... Hope this helps ... I'm gonna gp get my two beers now...
  15. Burgandy first gen, two up, travening on rt#2 N. of Huntington,WV. 11:00am 5/12/2011 Anyboty we know?
  16. Prayers sent. I know all about that acting like your 20 again... So far I have mostly been getting away with it, but, "every once in a while" it will bite you in the arse! For some reason it seems to me that the chest area, rib bones and cartilage heals slower? Keep your head up! It'll get better.
  17. CaptainJoe


    I've never had any luck with easy outs either. Usually there is a reason the head stripped off/bolt didn't budge. Drill head off, remove cover and heat the headless shaft. then tap a few ties with a peen hammer and work the screw back and forth using vice grips and some good penetating oil "bk blaster" Aluminum and steel oxidize... do yourself a favor and put the parts back together with anti oxidizing grease, avaliliable at lowes in electrical section for under $5. I religiously do this with my spark plugs and have never had a problem getting one back out...
  18. Happy birthday Walter! May you have many more!
  19. "Which tuning tool would be the best one to buy? " Here we go again!... Morgan carbtune.... hard to beat for the price but due to homeland security expect a 2 month wait...
  20. You'll both be in Penny and my prayers. Hopefully it will work itself out and she'll be able to find a job teaching close by. The blame game needs to stop and the responsible parties need to take ownership for failures. According to "Some" peoples logic, Everyone that has ever gone to college should have received a degree. If they didn't, it was the obviously the teachers fault? I'm callin a BS! My daughters finnishing up her last couple weeks student teaching in Pennsylvania...
  21. I can't comment on the 50' thing one way or the other, but... I personally would cut it down in one inch increments and take it for a test ride 70 80 90 mph.... Make sure you use the profile of your upper windshield and cut with a very sharp utility knife(on both sides). Then whenever you cut with your jigsaw stay away from these cuts on the outer edge about 1/16 of an inch. Don't round over or sand until you are pleased with it. i personally duct tape the bottom edge of my jigsaw and not the windshield as the anti scratch coating can come loose when you pull the tape off.. Look up veneere cutting on internet....
  22. Happy Mothers day! Don't forget... Spend some time with "Mom" I'm going to spend the entire day with Amber my daughter, Penny my wife and June my mom. Will be going out to eat and will take them where ever they wish to go! Man it's going to be a LOooong day!
  23. A lady must have a place to place her hairbrush and lipstick! I've got the Utopia and wouldn't give it up for nothing!
  24. http://www.totalrecorder.com/ log onto any site or play any file and record the music in any formatt. later you can edit the tags and change to whatever your mp3 player accepts... By the way, utube has a huge selection of music... If your computer is slow to dowwnload, let the song play thru once then hit the play button again and record. Save your money for some Bling for the Bike!
  25. Tourmaster... Chest area was a little warm until I discovered all those useless pockets that cover the entire chest area on the inside of my jacket. Took my wifes seam ripper and took them out. Jacket can breathe now like its suppose to... After all I wanted a "Mesh" jacket not a "pocket" jacket!
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