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Everything posted by CaptainJoe

  1. Get light colored mesh jacket and pants. Cut inner chest pockets out of mesh jacket(it blocks all the air). Don't put things in the pockets of the mesh pants(it blocks all the air) Have her wear a sports bra and evaporative shirt and shorts under the mesh protection. (exercise shirt and shorts) wick the moisture hence accelerates the evaporative process. NO bluejeans as they will retain heat! Thin white tee shirt works ok but being cotton tends to hold heat. Go to walmart and buy two empty 16 oz spray bottles. Fill with water. As your going down the road... especially in 90 or so degree heat spray yourself... You'll be plesantly surprised!
  2. 95% of the riders I passed waved back today on all types of bikes... Non issue for me... But it is really funny when one waves and then realizes I'm riding a YAMAHA and jerks his arm back up...LOL
  3. YEAH i'VE BEEN TOLD....LOL They still know ECK by name.... Just kidding... They seem to have cleaned their act up as I haven't seen any low lifes hanging around... I will definately be back here next year... Welp, gotto go hit the pool... WaaaaaaaaHooo!
  5. Do yourself a favor... If you have 2 bars showing, your in the fuel countdown mode, and, your approaching a steep hill with cagers on your six... switch to reserve immediately... I found this out on my way to MD today... luckily the cagers weren't riding my six... took a half a mile going up hill for the reserve to kick in... food for thought... On the flat you can run without flipping to reserve well below one bar...
  6. What a wonderful way to finnish up a wonderful day, here at Motel 6 in Amherst Ohio. Hey, If it's good enough for Randy Travis it's good enough for me, and like he said, "We'll leave the lights on for you"...LOL This place is NICE... The Traveling man let me in on this little prize. Swimming Pool on site and a Bob Evans 200' away... what more could you want? I just got done takin a dip! WaaaaaaHoooooooooooo!
  7. Great people, Good times and Good food... What more could you ask for?
  8. I'm gonna try to leave here at 11 am... Maybe Yammer could follow me up so he knows what the back of a second gen looks like?
  9. Captain Freeman passed away in August 2008. He was in fact a true American hero, and received the Medal of Honor. However, the story has a lot to be desired.. A lesson everyone can better themselves with was spoken by Ronald Regan: "Trust but Verify" : )
  10. Might just take you up on that ken. Especially if there are delays... The times I have gone down I just drove past the cruise ships about 1 mile and parked along the road at the bleachers. believe its about 7-8 miles from pad. I always take: sunscreen collapseable chair cooler full of drinks lunch (sub) Watch the launch, shoot the bull, eat lunch while everyone else is trying to leave then after about an hour get on the bike, although there is still somewhat of a line. Hummmmmm watching a movie.... that sounds like a great idea.
  11. Thanks Ozlander... I bookmarked that site for future reference! Now at least I'll know, what I don't have. LOL!
  12. If you or I get selected we need to call each other and buy the appropiate amount of tickets. The date to actually prchase the tickets will be later. So, If I get selected I need two tickets but before i buy will check to see if you got yours . If you didn't I'll get three. and mail you one. Or hand it to you in florida. we'll work it out. If you get selected just return the favor I believe they are $61 for the causeway viewing area agreed?
  13. Whatever you do .... DON"T BUY A BOAT... LOL
  14. BUMP! I'm riding my bike to the July 8 Space shuttle Atlantis launch wether or not I get the causeway tickets. Anyone intrested? If so please visit and register at site below before reigistration closes at Sunday June 5 at 5pm. You won't be obligated to buy anything, they will select by email after 6/5 5PM, for the oppertunity to purchase tickets. I need two at this time for the CAUSEWAY. I have been trying to get selected for two years now with no luck... http://www.kennedyspacecenter.com/launches/index.asp register for an oppertunity to view a launch Thanks Joe
  15. I had a simular problem with the screws that held the aluminum skin on my motorcycle trailer. Finally called a guy that builds trailers... He laughed and said it used a square head? and that I was not the first to ask... Go figure...
  16. Jessica Biel:whistling: Marissas hot as well but i think shes still dating the nerd in Wild Hogs....LOL...
  17. Beer30 ? use to sell venture logoed saddlebag and trunk liners ...
  18. http://www.alaskaleatheronline.com/servlet/the-Deluxe/Categories These are what I have "large, 1 inch thick, detachable with nose strap $64 +$6 so $70 Make sure you get the size for your seat...
  19. That looks fantastic! I need to do the same for mine.
  20. I hate it when people forward bogus warnings, And I have even done it myself A couple times unintentionally But this one is real, and it's Important. Please send this warning to everyone On your e- mail list. If a woman comes to your front door Saying they are checking for ticks Due to the warm weather And asks you to take your clothes off And dance around with your arms up, DO NOT DO IT!! THIS IS A SCAM!! They only want to see you naked. I wish I'd gotten this yesterday. I feel so stupid.
  21. "thanks for the link mike g.i plan on buying one of those plus a regular one for my shop just dont know which style to go with,oil or non oil. thanks for the info " I've had a sears upright non-oil 150 psi for about two years now. Its about 4' tall. I use to have to lift my entire horizontal air compressor into the bed of my pickup...ouuch! my back... Now I just wheel over to the tailgate and place the handle towards it and just lift from the bottom and push...Walla! she slides right in! I'll never go back!
  22. PM pickinfred, he just did his a couple of months ago... I need the info as well... Seems he went and did that mod without me... Must have been jealous that I lowered the forks in my triple clamps first...
  23. Political, Religous, should we add Whipped? Just kidding... of course you did the right thing... After all, her birthday comes but once a year, and, you can always get your Bling later. We really need a Whipped smiley http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/6315/zzwhipes7.gif Here's one of beating a dead horse. http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/9...adhorsekk8.gif
  24. Well done!
  25. My wife Penny climbed on the back of the 07 last week for the very first time. She to is a control freak. She really enjoyed the ride. Only negative remark she made was that I was lumbering a little in some of the turns. To which I promptly replied: I'm just not use to the extra weight:duck: That was SARCASM by the way... Pennys all of 120 lbs. sopping wet... You all are trying to get me in trouble by all this sharing...
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