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Expired Membership
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Everything posted by CaptainJoe

  1. Hey Don! yur gonna love this... Is there away to have two instances of members map running concurrently? One would be for everyone that wanted to mark the map "Member Map"(like it is currently) The other would be a " VR Assistance Members Map" for those willing and able to assist.(that way you could see at a glance if lodging/help is close by)
  2. Hey Puc, I'm thinking he wanted a list of people that are able to help/host others.. so we knew, not to call, the ones unable to help/host. I've been wrong before though... once or twice
  3. I've got two. One is my home number(land line), The other is my cell. Doesn't work at home as I'm in a dead zone but works perfectly fine when I'm on the road as that's where the cell towers are. Probably just an old timer, but I'll never give up my land line, it's far and above cheaper... lol
  4. Just thinkin out loud... would also be nice to list a members cell number when on the road.
  5. That will work, it's easier, but you'll have to truncate the field to get just the phone number when your processing lists...to print out Would be better to add fields: email address, notes etc... but that would be more time consuming..
  6. What field are you using to enter a email address?
  7. Or you can go to Member Map, click on your ballon, Member Name, About Me:happy34:
  8. Uh OooooH... that must mean Orange is for troublemakers...
  9. I remember back in the late 90's going across allegator alley towards the end of May... After about half an hours travel, we had to get off of our bikes to clean our windshields as there wasn't a clear place bigger than the end of your little finger. Not pretty when your on a bike. Would have been a disaster with no windshield at all...
  10. that looks pretty good Jeff! put a 1/2" thick block of wood beveled on both ends under rear tire when putting on/taking off stand. "the hardest part was the scallops in the frame. I do not have a good way to make that cut, and that cut does need to be there to clear the back tire of the bike." If you welded a triangular piece to the inside corner of each caster, it would be more than strong enough to support the weight of the bike. (probably stronger) That way you could get rid of the scallops entirely .(everything would be a quick 90 degree cut.) plenty of room for the tire. Also: you could drill a hole in center front edge (between casters) to accommodate a hold down strap to ensure the center stand doesn't try release when moving the bike forward.
  11. Yup, Prayers Up! Wonder if Jeff's out today riding in his shorts and flip-flops? It is 54 degrees out....
  12. Hope you both have fun! wrong kind of love bugs though... The love bugs I am referring to, like to fly kamikaze style into the front of your bike & windshield (if your lucky enough to have one). Going second week of March and want to hit bike week in Daytona, journey down to the keys for a day or two then around lakes and finally watch a launch at the cape on the 12. Note: We need a bug in the teeth icon...
  13. Question: when do the love bugs come out in fl.? Found it: *late April/May , late August/September and December. Planning a trip in March and do not want to hit them in peak season.
  14. I prefer the Entegra Cornerstone myself but at $606,000.... I won't be buying one anytime soon... Unless of course a major lottery win or rich uncle remembers me...LOL
  15. You got a guilty conscience Puc?
  16. Looks like you can click on shoutbox then archives and go back up to two days!
  17. Thanks Don, Ran the scan and it was still there. Got on to shout box and Jeff suggested that's what was causing the sounds.... Thought for a while the voices were coming back...lol
  18. Thanks, Recently installed Norton security. no problems till yesterday. will run a scan.
  19. Just started yesterday? no recent activity in shout box.
  20. Glad you liked it!
  21. Is this an early pic of you Gary?
  22. Congrats on your progress Jeff! Something to consider.... I believe your snow machine may be inadvertently affecting your ticker. Unplug it till March and keep us updated on how ya feel...
  23. If you've already got your mind(s) made up just skip this.(you won't hurt my feelings cause I won't know ) Problem: You need to get away from someplace that's cold in the winter and taxes are high. Possible full time RVing. Large RV's: Very expensive to buy and operate. They are vehicles, and depreciate accordingly. Knew a US Marshal that paid $100K for one. He used it four years and would gladly have taken 50k (not a big market). How many of you have insurance on a 100K vehicle? They consume copious amounts of fuel. Some even have hydraulic lift to raise your RSV(frame connection required) Tires are expensive and need to be raised off ground and protected from the sun or they will dry rot(normal for tires to go bad before the tread does) Most drive like a tractor trailer and are intimidating for the wife to drive. Most drag a small, gas efficient car behind. this is out as your going to pull a trailer with motorcycles. I will buy a cabin in WV? and fix up the inside. The tax will be a lot lower than my current home, plus I will always have a home base... Buy a 36'? Fifth wheel trailer. 1/3 the cost. Popouts. Easy to sell. Can get some real deals in Florida if you look around. Rent a lot in Florida (for the winter) then figure out where I want to live (buy a lot) Friend of mine did this very thing. When he died, his wife was very glad they had the foresight to keep a home base and moved back home. Over a 15 year period all of their Florida friends(actually snowbirds) died off. Don't mean to Gloom and Doom you. Just go into this with both eyes open...
  24. Jeff, That is a real possibility!
  25. I'm thinking your right(maybe not by 4), but with my track record... wouldn't be putting any coin down... LOL
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