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Everything posted by CaptainJoe

  1. Trying to build in one days buffer in case the launch is delayed a day. I need to make reservations in Key Largo and mid keys in the next couple of days. on I-95 it's 270 miles 4 hrs. by car, so +5 hour ride by bike. Titusville-Key Largo If it goes off on schedule 3/12/15 will need to fill in 24 hrs. couple years back I travelled around the east side of Lake Okeechobee and was mostly looking at a retaining wall 20 feet high.
  2. Going to take a trip to Daytona for bike week, then Titusville for a launch. After which will head to the Keys in March. Question.... are there any back roads worth riding in central Florida or should I just turnpike it? (from Titusville to the Keys?) ***** UPDATE! **** Follow this link for info on the Daytona Bike Week/NASA launch/Florida Keys Ride! : http://www.venturerider.org/forum/venturerider-regional-rallies/95836-daytona-bike-week-nasa-launch-florida-keys-ride.html
  3. Wouldn't it be nice to use this technology on existing trikes rear wheels?
  4. I've have never witnessed you bad mouthing the Venture. It's natural for people to have an opinion, writing up comparisons on something isn't criticism. You've done more to promote the Yamaha Venture than anyone else I know. IMHO... Perhaps this person has other problems(the straw that broke the camels back) and took them out on you? Who knows...at least you tried...
  5. Lenny, I never trade in my vehicles. Plus... IT'S that time of the year when everyone's getting their REFUNDS!
  6. Next time your in that situation buy, the 20mm long bolt(provided the treads are entire length) and a 10mm nut. Thread nut onto bolt to the 15mm length and cut excess off with hacksaw. Wind nut up to bolt head and smooth end off (slightly taper) with fine table grinding wheel. Remove nut (nut will make your treads Perfect)
  7. "I think that most people would appreciate a phone call before somebody just shows up at their door." Absolutely! That would be the courteous thing to do. Some rules/common courtesies would probably be in order. Comments would be sufficient as a field in the basic info. That way one could expand their thoughts on assistance. Like Pucs "just put up a tent comment." My comment would probably be something like this: Check in at office for camping space and bathroom code. If after 10pm please setup on a site and will see you in the morning. My address is 4 Ruby Lake Rd, Sandyville,WV 25275
  8. Yeah, and the state needs to be removed from the city column. At some point a Street address will need to be added to everyone's Basic information in order to accommodate a GPS. A Comment area in Basic information would allow people to expand their thoughts on assistance. Also, some rules/common courtesies would probably be in order. This effort is not as simple as it appears. Thanks Don for making this possible.
  9. If the battery tender was showing green the battery should be ok... But Double check your battery with tester. pull your car up to bike and turn cars ignition OFF(do not let car run) take some jumper cables and jump bike. if the bike starts the bike battery is toast. If it still doesn't start: Make sure ground is good (top rear of clutch cover) must be in neutral kill switch off Hopefully it's not your ignition switch. quick repair: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/computer-lights-horns-other-electrical/512-emergency-ignition-switch-repair.html to test:http://www.venturerider.org/forum/computer-lights-horns-other-electrical/32359-ignition-switch-wiring-failure.html to bypass:http://www.venturerider.org/forum/computer-lights-horns-other-electrical/75398-passing-ignition-switch.html
  10. This is an old post but still applicable: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/bike-accessories/28210-everyones-favorite-chrome-accessories.html Mine are: Baker Air wings Baggershield Kury. footpegs wolo air horn trunk rack drivers seat backrest Kury. drink holders saddlebag chrome rails Need to order front, rear brake and clutch speed bleeders...
  11. I always liked that movie, Jim Carrey is a nut job...
  12. Aaaaaaaah! to be young and indestructable again....
  13. The cellular phone and home phone fields don't appear to be the same length. look at captainjoe data, same numbers but is breaking in a different place.
  14. I got t to break once but now I can't repeat it? Simplest way would be to not allow the email addresses & verbiage in the telephone fields...
  15. Just imagine not having a windshield and driving thru them? LOL
  16. Don, It looks like The spaces in between words make it jump to next line. No imbedded spaces, causes it to fill up entire field/occurance/element. (If the name field is 25 characters it uses all 25 before jumping to next line)
  17. I'm jealous! Was going to buy a new Miata back in 2000? Went for a test drive and my head was literally pushing the convertible top up bout an inch. Ask the salesman if there was an adjustment to compensate for this and he told me to scrunch down. To which I replied: For $27,000 I'm not gonna scrunch anywhere... I so wanted that car to...
  18. From what I've read you need a voltmeter and a tach. The tach will allow you to keep within a certain RPM range. The higher the RPM's the more output from the stator. If your in a town/city and doing a lot of stops you might have to turn your heat controls down.(low RPM's) I'm going to disconnect/unplug my carb heaters and gain an additional 60 watts.(15 watts per carb)as they're not used below 68deg anyway... will plug reconnect in the Spring. I got this and chart from another site: "The RSV is equipped with 4 electric carb heaters, one in each carb. These heaters draw 15 watts of power each, for a total of 60 watts. They are operated by a thermostatic switch located behind the right side cover. The thermostat is calibrated to turn the heaters on at 68�F and off at 78�F. The purpose of the carb heaters is to eliminate the possibility of carb icing and to ensure proper performance under certain weather conditions. Due to the limited charging system output of the bike, some riders have disconnected the heaters to be able to use that 60 watts of power for other accessories such as heated clothing and gloves or additional lighting. After many miles of running with the heaters disconnected, they have reported no drivability or performance problems. Although it is theoretically possible for carb icing to occur, it is believed to be very unlikely due to the number of miles travelled in all weather conditions by those who have done this mod. For those reluctant to totally disable this system, it is possible to connect a switch inline at the thermostat wiring so that the system could be reactivated with the flip of a switch." Need to find minimum volts required and optimum volts to maintain battery... some meter show this... Max output for a stock Second Gen stator is: 14V 30A @ 5000RPM
  19. Cool! You got the Members Map to show VR Assistance members colored Green! Others are Blue.
  20. That's REALLY LOOKING GOOD. See you also got rid of bio. Short sweet and to the point!
  21. AS PER INITIAL POST: Note: Any pic made after a game start doesn't count! lol!
  22. Still think the seagulls are going to win. GB should be like 40 to nothing at this point with all the turnovers.... talk about one sided up to this point(halftime)
  23. Ha... My eighth grade algebra teacher, Mr. Hicks would have killed me if he could have caught me. No love lost there... the only reason I made it thru his class is, he flew his experimental airplane into the ground, and was out for 6 months. Substitute teacher was a lot nicer and she was easy on the eyes...if you know what I mean. You know to this day, I'm 56... and still haven't had the need to use algebra.
  24. Don, That was my nickname at work.... But since I'm in the doghouse anyway... you could take VR Assistance Lists (VR Assistance column) away also...then everything would fit on the screen... Gottago Joe
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