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Everything posted by CaptainJoe

  1. If you have a full face and you get caught in the rain, put the baggershield down. Wax your visor and the water will bead up and run off... This way our not looking through three surfaces with water...(outer,inner shield pus helmet visor)
  2. Prayers on the way. Hope things workout.
  3. Hopefully mother nature will knock it off and I'll get the chance to met you and Tippy at B2's...
  4. CaptainJoe


    Who ever it is ... Sure looks like he's in front! Right Yammer!
  5. Great news! Woke up this morning to a torrential down pour... was hoping you guys didn't get caught up in it... Here's to hoping your luck holds out... I'm so jealous! Enjoy fellers... You earned it!
  6. I'll second that, and add, may they have good weather this week...
  7. Don't think it works that way... lol Would make for an interesting youtube video though...
  8. UEV-440... Nice camper....Just not for a bike... Tare/empty weight= 1100 kg or 2526.085 lbs. Thinking that tail... would definitely be waging the dog... on the back of a RSV...
  9. Jeff and Leslie, Everyone can see you have a very special, unique friend. He goes by the name of Yammer Dan! Every time I see his posts, it reminds me to say a prayer... Keep up the good work! Yammer Dan! God knows it's for a good purpose.
  10. The narrower the tire the more squirlely? E3's... The Best... period... Even though the dang things are noisy in the the twisties...
  11. That's great news Jeff... Penny and I have been praying for you and Leslie for some time now. Hopefully we will meet again soon..!
  12. I like the way you think...LOL
  13. Well, dang! Was informed this morning that's the week our daughters coming down. Will have to play it by ear as things change
  14. 12 th thru the 15th sounds good Jeff. Afterwards will be heading towards B2's... I'll be there... In the "No snoring" room. If I bring my BIL, Yammer Dan will have some competition! We can make a bet who snores the loudest! LOL... Send me a PM on what I owe...
  15. The one thing you can count on with a second gen is that if you get it much more than 2-3 inches off center when stopped, or, below 3 mph... acceleration is the only thing that is going to get it back up. As far as the drop off, even a 2" deep pothole can get you into trouble when you've got a 30" inseam... First reaction is to put your foot down... I learned the hard way to keep mine up. Those saddlebags love feet... Takes a big man to come forward so that others may learn. You the man! Hope you heal quickly!
  16. Two positives about legalizing smoking dope: 1. "It will make a third of our population more complacent about being subjugated....." got this one from another forum... 2. It will increase tax revenues. The negatives are far to many to list.
  17. Although it really doesn't matter to me what day it is held... Why not use our founded date as a day of remembrance? This site was first founded on July 21st, 2004.
  18. Easter is always on a Sunday....
  19. Second attempt: Is there a reason for not using our calendar to post this event?
  20. A pressure treated deck could be done in one weekend and depending on your skill, look just as good if not better... IMHO
  21. All marriages go through good and bad times... The Good times are easy... The Bad times will strengthen your relationships with God and Eileen. Glad you three worked it out...
  22. They also like to fill the vacant rooms with .... Let's just say, "non travelers". I'll never set foot in one again.
  23. Just sent some more up... Just have one favor to ask of the folks here... Quit talking about the white stuff! At the rate we're going it'll still be here in June. So, just Ignore it ... P L E A S E... Maybe it'll just go away?
  24. Thanks for all the replies. Yes there is a myriad of shoes that are waterproof, light, comfortable, with ankle support and toe protection. That being said, This one, IMHO makes the perfect work/motorcycle boot. When I lifted these, they were lighter than my sneakers...LOL
  25. I just got back from Nelsonville, OH. Believe I've finally found the perfect riding/work shoes for about $154. They were 25% off at the outlet! Waterproof, Aluminum toe, superior ankle support, ease of ingress/egress, Very light weight and comfortable, double stitched sole http://www.rockyboots.com/rocky-long-range-aluminum-toe-waterproof-work-shoe/FQ0006878.html?dwvar_FQ0006878_color=20#q=6878&start=1 I'm not affiliated with Rocky or any other shoe/boot company....
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