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Everything posted by CaptainJoe

  1. Larry, Retired and looking for more things to do? Couple suggestions: Bracket (like Freebird use to make) for 1st gen center stands. Hitch cooler rack with or without lights Have seen a number of people looking for these.
  2. Still here and still Praying for you and yours. Was down in your neck of the woods Monday, beautiful country...
  3. Yeah... +1 Ha! You could even have sharp teeth painted under the eyes.. errr, I mean lights... EH
  4. From the front, looks like a hungry, kinda angry, Animal/Bug to me... Really like the color though!
  5. IMHO, Corbins and Mustang seas are to hard and will make your tail bones sore if your going to tour cross country. +500 miles per day Just about any seat will allow you to do 300 mile trips... It's the cumulative miles that get to you. Of course this is coming from one that rode 2500 miles to Oregon on a 650 vstar with mustang seat... for the trip back i had a air hawk... Now... I'm spoiled, with my stock 2007 RSV seat, haven't had the need to use the air hawk or sheepskin cover... ` Sounds to me like your scrunched up , like on a snowmobile? Hope you figure it out...
  6. So...what was the solution you came up with on the Venture?
  7. I swear by my Air Hawk... Wouldn't leave home without it... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5G_yZLgF76c]Airhawk Motorcycle Seat available at J&P Cycles. - YouTube[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xjbYXwump4]AirHawk R Install on a 2009 Suzuki V-Strom DL650 - YouTube[/ame]
  8. Good on you Gawildcat, Pilots rule is 24 hour's from bottle to throttle! I feel the effects of one beer hours after I drink it. Have run across more than one person claiming they never drank and drove when I was in a group ride with them and know better. I actually sat next to a guy in Helen's at Seven Springs Ski resort where he proceeded to get hammered with mixed drinks, drove to the condo in heavy snow and the next day started ranting about drunk drivers... Whatever... In my opinion drinking ONE beer then jumping in a car and bike is drinking and driving... and although legal, is a stupid thing to do... http://detroit.legalexaminer.com/automobile-accidents/how-to-cause-a-car-accident-from-just-one-beer/
  9. My hats off to you then sir. On group rides, most have a drink.. coffee or tea for me. That's why I rarely ride with groups... My friends and I did it many times, (every weekend) in our early 20's. that was +30 years ago... use to joke, the car knew the way home...Young and dumb... So I'll change my comment to: If, you drink, odds are sooner or later you will, drink and drive....
  10. Pretty cool... Guess it's that time of year. I love to watch the ducks when momma teaches them to fly. All kinds of gymnastic like crashes and what not...
  11. If, you drink, at all, sooner or later you will, drink and drive.... After a few drinks, your inhibitions will go down and you will become invincible. Be smart, make plans for a way home, or, stay in a motel... in advance... Like the Puc just got done saying, 95% of the bikers he was riding with, choose to drink and drive... That has been my observation as well... People think, bad things can't happen to them...
  12. So...You got a thing for chickens? I like chickens to
  13. Good for you! Too many people would have just tucked their tail between their legs and looked the other way... He deserves everything he gets!...
  14. :whistling:Cell Phone Tracking... Put your cell phone in the bike and let them take it... Track it to their destination... Now comes the fun part... Round up a couple of bearded Venturerider's and dress em up plain, straw hat with black band ... Show up at the perps door, and inform him your with the Amish mafia and it's going to get ugly if you don't get your money... With interest! With that beard of yours you'd be a shoe in for the part, EH?...LOL
  15. We're there with you feller... Penny and I , are praying for good test results tomorrow... Hoping for a Dairy Queen lunch and ride soon, Jeff, Gotta Go, Joe
  16. Probably wouldn't want to take it into Mexico either...
  17. Excellent!
  18. Fantastic! But I'm not gonna take the bait and comment on this one...:rotf::rotf:
  19. Well... Whats the verdict? I'm expecting to hear another question... How do I get double sided tape, gum, magnet, flypaper and a vac hose out of my tank?
  20. Rick, Here's the site and schedule for the Moving Wall: http://www.tmwmuseum.com/the-moving-wall-schedule-2014.html
  21. Torn ligaments in your right ankle? OuuuuuuCH! That doesn't sound like fun... Hope you heal quick!
  22. Jeff, Sooner or later you're going to have to do this, anyway... Take your gas cap off... take in house on kitchen table... Place upside down... remove two screws... Very carefully lift center piece... there will be two cams and two springs... take note of their position... under that is some very small rubber (believe triangler pieces) Clean, reassemble, blue locktite both screws... I had to fish mine out of the bottom of my tank and reassemble from scratch... Good Luck!
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