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Everything posted by CaptainJoe

  1. That's cool! I take it no fishing license is required?
  2. Yup.. Seen a 12 yr old boy with a chicken neck on a string, and, a long handled fish net. He said trick was to net them as soon as you see them or they will let go when they get close to the surface. I may be doing the same thing at $197 a bushel!
  3. Have the need to buy some (1 bushel) hard shell crabs.. Whats the best way to get some?.. Looking to combine a road trip to eastern shore followed by a trip to Caledonia,Pa.. ( within the next thirty days) Start : Sandyville,WV 25275 End : Caledonia,PA Note: When I was growing up, this lady treated me like a son, and, she loved crabs.. Anyone else want to ride along? Road trip anyone ? crabs on me......
  4. Prayers up for Warden & Skid. Need to install new Dunlop E3 on rear... You were right Jeff, by the time I got back from Gassaway there were threads showing...
  5. Prayers up Jonesy... Don't know if you believe, or, not but it's never to late...
  6. Combine the Baggershield with the Baker air wings and you'll have all the air you need with ZERO buffeting! Enjoy!
  7. The Bird is The word... Just added it to my MP3 player... Enjoy! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uj0GtRI4Ulo]The Trashmen - Surfin' Bird - YouTube[/ame]
  8. Rule No#1. Your the one, that needs to figure this out, before, you operate anything. Motorcycling, is dangerous enough without "pushing the limits". From the sounds of it , you never even bothered to find out. The RSV is a touring bike... I would have to agree with Mike(Brake Pad), that if your towing a trailer behind it, think like your driving a truck with trailer . Only difference is, It will, roll over you, and, your passenger if you mess up.. If you want to "wail into a turn", please buy something else... Thanks for posting, it may wake someone else up.. We all make mistakes, hopefully you have learned from yours... Operator error...
  9. I installed a 1st gen stand on my second gen. couldn't for the life of me get it on stand. read thru some posts , tried more air rear shock no difference... then I took a 2x4x11" and cut the end off in a 45 deg angle, pushed my bikes rear tire up on it and wallah! I could easily put bike on centerstand with one hand...the rear tire is one inch above the 2x4 on the stand, so i'd would have to have picked the bike up 2 - 1/2 inches with one arm(I've never been that strong)
  10. My Stihl dealer has been telling me or years NOT TO USE ETHANOL fuel in my chainaws, weedeaters, blowers etc. As he sees the end result of using that crap, I tend to listen to him.
  11. I'm so jealous! Utah (park city area) is on my bucket list... and anywhere in Wyoming .... I need to go west!
  12. Got a few in while roaming around...Prayers up for the Warden and Skid...
  13. Very cool Brian. Like the Uni_Go (if i understand your write up correctly) you used a universal joint in the tongue to give the most up/down right/left travel while maintaining rock solid lean with bike control... (regular ball mount wouldn't work) Good on ya!
  14. Puc, Buddy, Don't take this the wrong way, but... There's probably a reason for that. From what I've seen, that, is: not the best solution to carrying things along on a trip... A uni-go trailer or similar single wheel trailer, combined with a pintle type(gives more up down movement than standard ball) hitch would allow you to carry more things on your excursions, safely. It is not my wish to criticize anyone, but, if I see something that I feel is detrimental to ones health, I feel the need to speak up... The higher you carry a weight on a motorcycle, the more difficult it is to control. Best wishes , Joe
  15. I might be ... Saw where people mentioned it. Is there a place that will cook it if we bag one? do they allow semi automatic 30-06's?
  16. Yup, Second best mod i made to my second gen...
  17. Mike, Be on the lookout for Aspen campers as well here's a used one but you can get them cheaper if you wait till this fall winter... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Aspen-Classic-fold-up-tent-trailer-/231254827429?forcerrptr=true&hash=item35d7dca1a5&item=231254827429&pt=Motors_Trailers heres a timeout camper: http://www.ebay.com/itm/2008-Timeout-Motorcycle-Camper-Trailer-/321430733477?pt=Motors_RV_Trailer_Camper_Parts_Accessories&hash=item4ad6c3c2a5&vxp=mtr
  18. break small end off "extra" allen head wrench that fits saddlebag bolts and grind flat. That way you can chuck in a clutched cordless drill and take those bags off quick fast...
  19. Besides , where is Tippy gonna put all her trinkets and Tee shirts? LOL
  20. Pic 15 seems to defy the laws of gravity... Puc, you really, really, really need a trailer if your gonna haul all that stuff...LOL:backinmyday:
  21. I think it looks pretty Cool! That being said it's not practical. could you imagine trying to ride that beast in Wyoming?... Probably wouldn't last long in a cross wind. Would be a hoot in a parade though...
  22. Although still trying to catch up from my last camping trip, I got a plug in for Jeff. Truly believe there is power in prayer. Note: You don't have to post to this forum, for your true thoughts to be heard. HE knows ...
  23. Baker air wings if you want the wind... pricey but worth it...IMHO http://www.bakerbuilt.com/bbairwings/page48aa.html
  24. Since it's near the mounting screws... The only repair I'd trust in this case is to draw a template of lower portion of windshield then transfer to good portion, cut and drill. You'd loose one to one and a half inches in height? and possibly have small gap at ends of trim?
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