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Everything posted by CaptainJoe

  1. Good move Dan! I'm going fishing on the Williams River in a couple weeks with Ron Keefer (fishing bud). If you want, your invited... My kerosene heater and a bunkhouse with a 10x10 add on room is downright toasty! It will be on the first Monday and Tuesday they stock this month... just bring a cot and sleeping bag... Maybe you could talk Skid into coming... There's more than enough room for two or three more!
  2. I'm betting 10K would take it now... Screw the property, mowing grass sux...
  3. If you ride long enough, there are two types of riders, those that have gone down and those that will. So dress accordingly. My biggest issue is keeping 100% focus while riding, so i remind myself every time i get on the bike. Distraction has brought many a biker down... Nothing better to cure aggressive riding than a couple of crashes... Eventually it will sink in.
  4. Might want to run it past an archaeologist in your area.
  5. You may have something there. Looks like the top piece of something the indians used to make a fire...
  6. Now, now, I've always been punctual to the Lake Snowden campout's until this past Friday. Your thinking about last year when I had to miss a couple days of the IR in Guntersville, AL. Hey. It worked out and the weather cooperated for the most part. Was Great seeing the gang again: Carl, Dave, IronMike, Jim, John , Skid
  7. I stay away from auctions. In WV the auctioneers are permitted to "bid off the wall", or, "phantom bid"... bids that don't exist...
  8. My HBP is due, almost exclusively, to sodium. You'd be amazed how many foods and drinks are loaded with salt. Pizza with good mozzarella cheese is 450 mg sodium, diet anything, gator aid YadaYadaYada... Read the labels before you buy...
  9. Hope to be there late afternoon 4-5pm. Had a large slip at bottom of hill beside lake. It pushed a 6" sewer pipe about 3 feet. Put in two 14' sections yesterday and need to stake down every 5' with two 6' t-posts wired at top to anchor in place. Then need to put all that dirt back. This section has been in place 16 years with zero problems... thinking the man upstairs didn't want me on a motorcycle yesterday for some reason...
  10. having problems here, will be there but not at one... LOL
  11. I turn my cans of pvc pipe cement upside down and it works. If you can get some in a metal tube that you roll up would even be better. That's how I buy my plastic wood. Air is the enemy.
  12. That's strange that you was talking about a 2012. Just found out that's what year bike this one is and it is Black and only has 5,200 miles on it. Comes with a highway windshield and an adjustable one that came with it. Ed said to much head buffeting with the stock one. He's also throwing in a locking hard rifle case ... So I can carry my fishing rods...
  13. Don't know besides Dave and Robin. Would be nice for YammerDan to drive up in the car and do some socializing...
  14. I'll be there around 1 pm Thursday.
  15. Not unless there was something major wrong with it. for a 2007 RSV, Low retail is $6,500 and avg. retail is $8,500 according to http://www.nadaguides.com
  16. A friend of mine is going to sell his 2014 650 v-storm adventure this winter.... So... My 2007 RSV Midnight with 34,000 miles will be up for sale soon. Never been down. excellent condition... will post in classifieds when I get the vstorm.
  17. Well did you get it? damn tease...LOL
  18. Actually, from the looks of it, there are a lot of people interested in both sites. While only one can be the international, I don't see any reason the other couldn't tale place as well. As long as they weren't in the same time period. That would also accommodate the retired folks that could do both as well as those who just can't make one or the other due to location or timing...
  19. Here's some ideas: http://www.motorcycleforums.net/forum/cruisers/51238-need-ideas-about-smallest-lightest-2up-bike-sizes.html
  20. Make sure the splines on the end of the final drive are good. Was not lubricated enough from factory. Many reported failures including mine. I had to replace. Otherwise the bikes bullet proof...
  21. Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm.... What if you bought a trike and sold silver? If you payed 15-16 for trike and got 4-5 out of silver you'd be better off...
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