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Everything posted by CaptainJoe

  1. CaptainJoe


    Vanilla Bread pudding with raisins.... I haven't had that since I was a little boy. Dang your hide! Just got off the phone with my Mom.. said she would jot down the directions on how to make it... Little does she know that I will also be requesting that for Dinner Sunday...LOL
  2. Me to! He'll probably pull the tree down on his truck...
  3. Gary, That would be perfect if you got separated from the bike...Especially price wise. Don't know the range of the transmitter on the other, am thinking this might also be a good thing to have if you found yourself separated from the bike. Thinking you could put the 4 ways on and your helmet would flash?
  4. This is cool.... http://www.foxnews.com/leisure/2014/07/15/helmet-mounted-brake-light-makes-motorcycle-riders-more-visible/?intcmp=features
  5. Iron Mike "Brilliant! The design of yours puts gravity to work for you compared to the one he posted from Amazon. It's going to naturally want to stay where you want it to be, yet allow for a tipover. I want one! Quote: Originally Posted by Flyinfool View Post The total length of the Swivel Ball Mount would be just 4.3 inches longer than the current home made stinger that I have, and this Swivel Ball Mount is actually .25 inches shorter than the commercial one sitting on the shelf at Auto Zone. I have changed the design to always have the center of the ball on the same centerline as the bike, regardless of how the ball mount is rotated. This will mean that the center of the ball will never be different from the center of the bike. This will prevent the feeling that you get from the type shown above that lets the ball tilt back and forth allowing the pull to be off center, or allowing the coupler to move back and forth possibly upsetting the bike. This will also lower the center of the ball about 1.7 inches from what I have now. I do not think it will be an issue with my trailer. Other trailers the ball height is more critical. It would not be difficult to raise this up to keep the ball height but still have it rotate on center. I just have to add the step up or down before the swivel part. But adding a step to change height will also add about 2 inches to the length. I still do not think that the extra 2 inches of length will be an issue. I am wide open for questions comments and snide remarks, even constructive or destructive criticism will be accepted. I am not designing this to full Class I standards. No one will ever be pulling a 2,000 lb trailer with their bike and this Swivel Ball Mount. I hope. I would not hesitate to plug this into a cars receiver and pull a 1,000 lb trailer. Still a lot more than any bike should ever be pulling. it is not just the trailer weight that must be considered in a design like this, there is also the dynamic loading. How many Gs of braking or acceleration or turning can the tow vehicle generate. Also there are the impact forces of the trailer and/or bike hitting a bump or pot hole to consider." I agree, Putting the ball at the center of the shaft was a stroke of genius... Not placing it there would increase the side to side force on the bike such as when trailer is improperly loaded or uneven tire pressure, put another way, It would allow the ball to travel from the left to the right a few inches or so... The proverbial tail could wag the Dog... He may want to consider applying for a patent... as this could work on a variety of applications...
  6. Actually, I may be able to have one mid to late October as that's when the leaves start to change in WV?
  7. Either weekend work for me
  8. Either... lol
  9. The clanking around comments are what put me off. That would unnerve me pulling that +400 lb Bunkhouse trailer. Does yours clank? Probably shouldn't be so quick to judge. Reviews are very much like opinions and a$$....., everyone has one.
  10. Dave, Let me know, I'm free most weekends....
  11. I agree, to heavy bulky... Does this application even require the use of bearings? It's not like it is going to be rotating continuously? Perhaps a square straight spindle, threaded and cap nutted on the end, inserted into a square piece 2" long sporting a grease zerk. Could then weld a plate on to accommodate ball shank? Wouldn't be any heavier/bulkier than stock.
  12. Actually... If one if one could find a 1 1/4" square shanked spindel/hub assembly, it could be modified easily for this use. And be rebuildable... https://www.google.com/search?q=1%22+square+spindle+hub&rlz=1C1AVNA_enUS569US569&espv=2&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=aV3EU63EIY2GyATp5oKYBQ&ved=0CG4Q7Ak&biw=929&bih=498 *Edit* Smallest I could find was 1.5 x 5 long.... shank could be milled down to 1 1/4"? inch square x 5" long and drill hole for pin. Only thing left to fabricate would be the 90 deg metal shelf for the ball. Would bolt together with lugs.
  13. Condor you Dang tease... went to look at/buy one an they are out of stock... EDIT gonna pass on that too many bad reviews...
  14. Jeff, Hopefully you took my post as a comment. That's what it was intended to be. I'm just worried about the additional stress exerted on the frame of a second gen. A car receiver's mounting points are a lot stronger... Which brings up another point. Check and blue loctite the bolt's around your receiver. One of mine was loose; another missing altogether....
  15. Lengthening the drawbar isn't a good idea. (think palming a ratchet head compared to palming the end of a ratchet ), quite a bit more force, the longer the lever. Frame damage could occur. If you could keep the drawbar the same length, it would work. IMHO
  16. There's a HUGE difference when a Paying member posts something in the classifieds for a friend, compared to, someone getting a trial membership just to sell something... IMHO ***edit... ooops just re read and it would seem this is not allowed....*** Besides... this was about people posting sale items in the watering hole??? when they should have placed them in classifieds... Nothing to get anyones shorts all bunched up...
  17. As I have no intention of selling my RSV to buy a Harley, Honda, Victory etc.... Go ahead, pull the trigger...
  18. Congrats! Did you get the air bag model?
  19. I'm just glad to see HD step up and fix the problem at their cost. There's more than a few companies out there that wouldn't... Good job HD!
  20. They are attempting to burn thru the cash. Normally hand out large bonuses to upper mgmt., then declare bankruptcy... That way they won't have to pay pensions or healthcare for retirees... Would definitely start looking around... Hope I'm wrong on this one...
  21. Now get the Baker air wings and you'll have all the air you'll ever need...
  22. I'm heading down to Cannon City, CO the last week of August. Going to do the canyons and vistas there.
  23. Steve, As hot as this summers been already, I'm gonna pull the trigger. Will let you know how it goes. Thanks Joe
  24. If you had it to do again would you still buy it? Here's the one I'm thinking on getting(figure a Hydration bladder full of Ice water would help keep me cool) http://www.polarproducts.com/polarshop/pc/Military-Phase-Change-Evaporative-Vest-with-Hydration-Bladder-33p171.htm
  25. CaptainJoe


    Dan, more importantly; do we need to plan for motorcycle chase/recovery vehicles for future events?
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